Marcello Magliocchi: Runcible Quintet - Four

The Runcible Quintet
FMR Records 489-0618


  1. One (Magliocchi/Metcalfe/Northover/Thompson)
  2. Two (Magliocchi/Metcalfe/Northover/Thompson)
  3. Three (Edwards/Magliocchi/Metcalfe/Northover/Thompson)
  4. Four (Edwards/Magliocchi/Metcalfe/Northover/Thompson)

Performers: John Edwards (double bass - tracks 3 & 4), Marcello Magliocchi (drums), Neil Metcalfe (flute), Adrian Northover (soprano saxophone), Daniel Thompson (acoustic guitar)

Playing time: 61'

Recording date: October 2017 & March 2018 (London); released: 2018

Each half of the program is just over half an hour, with a quartet performing on the first two tracks (recorded in 2017) & a quintet on the last two (recorded in 2018).

Originally reviewed here: 10 October 2018.

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Todd McComb