This is an open-ended bibliography, intended originally to accompany a developing series....
It follows the Morality & Listening appendix Bibliography, a list accounting for a stretch of reading from 2015 to 2020. (Some comments on that page and/or from that project might serve to clarify the intended purpose of these bibliographies in general.... I also won't be duplicating entries, so in that sense, it's a cumulative bibliography for all of these writing projects.)
As that bibliography eventually was, the present listing will be chronological by when I read something. Whether it might come to include further remarks or even reviews is unknown at the present time....
So without further ado, let's get started:
Bonnet, François J.: After Death (Urbanomic, 2020)
Strathern, Marilyn: Relations: An Anthropological Account (Duke, 2020)
Ngai, Sianne: Theory of the Gimmick: Aesthetic Judgment and Capitalist Form (Harvard/Belknap Press, 2020) [ Another major effort from Ngai. ]
King, Tiffany Lethabo & Navarro, Jenell & Smith, Andrea (editors): Otherwise Worlds: Against Settler Colonialism and Anti-Blackness (Duke, 2020)
Fretwell, Erica: Sensory Experiments: Psychophysics, Race, and the Aesthetics of Feeling (Duke, 2020)
Robinson, Dylan: Hungry Listening: Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies (University of Minnesota, 2020) [ Barely broaches the relevant issues... ]
Bennett, Jane: Influx & Efflux: Writing Up with Walt Whitman (Duke, 2020)
Malaspina, Cecile: An Epistemology of Noise (Bloomsbury, 2020) [ Wide-ranging... ]
Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia: Ch'ixinakax utxiwa: On Practices and Discourses of Decolonization (Polity, 2020)
Taylor, Diana: ¡Presente!: The Politics of Presence (Duke, 2020)
Das, Veena: Textures of the Ordinary: Doing Anthropology after Wittgenstein (Fordham University, 2020) [ Worthwhile. ]
Han, Byung-Chul: The disappearance of rituals: A Topology of the Present (Polity, 2020)
Saldaña-Portillo, María Josefina: Indian Given: Racial Geographies across Mexico and the United States (Duke, 2016)
Bey, Marquis: Anarcho-Blackness: Notes Toward a Black Anarchism (AK Press, 2020)
Federici, Silvia: Patriarchy of the Wage: Notes on Marx, Gender, and Feminism (PM Press, 2021)
Harney, Stefano & Moten, Fred: All Incomplete (with photo essay by Zun Lee; Minor Compositions, 2021) [ Not as impactful as their first book, but also worthwhile. ]
Mbembe, Achille: Out of the Dark Night: Essays on Decolonization (Columbia University, 2021)
Agamben, Giorgio: The Kingdom and the Garden (Seagull Books, 2020)
Graeber, David & Wengrow, David: The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2021) [ Anyone contemplating "freedom" should read this book. ]
Ross, Daniel: Psychopolitical Anaphylaxis: Steps Toward a Metacosmics (afterword by Bernard Stiegler; Open Humanities Press, 2021)
Malm, Andreas & Zetkin Collective, the: White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism (Verso, 2021)
Mol, Annemarie: Eating in Theory (Duke, 2021)
Chakrabarty, Dipesh: The Climate of History in a Planetary Age (University of Chicago, 2021) [ Boring. ]
Ahmed, Sara: Complaint! (Duke, 2021)
Mattin: Social Dissonance (foreword by Ray Brassier; Urbanomic, 2022) [ Includes score for performance piece of same name. ]
Stiegler, Bernard (editor) & Internation Collective, the: Bifurcate: There is no alternative (Open Humanities Press, 2021)
Srinivasan, Amia: The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2021) [ Very preliminary. ]
Berardi, Franco "Bifo": The Third Unconscious: The Psycho-sphere in the Viral Age (Verso, 2021)
Nail, Thomas: Theory of the Object (Edinburgh University, 2021)
Webster, Jamieson: Disorganisation & Sex (Divided, 2022)
Davis, Oliver & Dean, Tim: Hatred of Sex (University of Nebraska, 2022) [ A significant topic.... ]
Berlant, Lauren: On the inconvenience of other people (Duke, 2022) [ A critical, affective staging of the political ambivalence of the contemporary moment, a synthetic tour-de-force, albeit involving more "film study" than resonates with me. ]
Hämäläinen, Pekka: Indigenous Continent: The Epic Contest for North America (Liveright/Norton, 2022)
Táíwò, Olúfémi O.: Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politcs (And Everything Else) (Haymarket Books, 2022) [ A relatively conservative piece itself. ]
Geoghegan, Bernard Dionysius: Code: From Information Theory to French Theory (Duke, 2023) [ A fascinating intellectual history, critically interrogating many methods deployed here.... ]
Azuma, Hiroki: Philosophy of the Tourist (Urbanomic, 2022) [ Some intriguing ideas, intersecting variously with notions here, but barely a hint of specifically post-colonial critique... ]
Graeber, David: Pirate Enlightenment, or the real Libertalia (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2023) [ Published in French in 2019. ]
Blackhawk, Ned: The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History (Yale University Press, 2023)
Troutman, John W.: Indian Blues: American Indians and the Politics of Music, 1879-1934 (University of Oklahoma, 2009)
Graeber, David & Sahlins, Marshall: On Kings (Hau Books, 2017) [ I should've investigated this motley-but-important study years ago.... ]
Ehret, Christopher: Ancient Africa: A Global History, to 300 CE (Princeton University, 2023)
Loick, Daniel: The Abuse of Property (MIT Press, 2023) [ Historically based critique of "property" as inherently abusive. Excellent summation, mostly appearing already in German in 2016. ]
Steeves, Paulette F. C.: The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere (University of Nebraska, 2021)
Taylor, Astra: The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart (Anansi Press, 2023) [ Excellent thematics; involves surprisingly many of my recent topics here.... ]
At this point, I finished paragraph #20 in the original tech series. Continuing....
Butler, Judith: Who's afraid of gender? (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2024) [ Getting back to business here in 2024.... ]
Wright, Jacob L.: Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins (Cambridge, 2023) [ Would benefit from a wider perspective on prehistory, pace e.g. Graeber et al., but highly relevant nonetheless.... ]
Clayton, Aubrey: Bernoulli's Fallacy: Statistical Illogic and the Crisis of Modern Science (Columbia University, 2021)
Kaldellis, Anthony: The New Roman Empire: A History of Byzantium (Oxford, 2024) [ An important (revised) analysis of European pre-modern history, more relevant here than I'd anticipated. ]
Catren, Gabriel: Pleromatica: Or Elsinore's Trance (Urbanomic, 2023) [ I don't feel a personal need to rehabilitate imperial philosophers (to understate...), but there're good insights here nonetheless, plus an enjoyable read... even as e.g. analytic use of a transcendentalizing gesture would benefit from critique of hierarchy per se. ]
Graeber, David: Bullshit Jobs: A Theory (Simon & Schuster, 2018) [ Also read belatedly, in large part because I'd already developed parallel ideas.... ]
Scott, James C.: Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States (Yale University Press, 2017) [ Another belated read; often engaging, but lacking some critical perspectives. ]
Cormier, Loretta A. & Jones, Sharyn R.: The Domesticated Penis: How Womanhood Has Shaped Manhood (University of Alabama, 2015) [ Yet another relevant but belated read, much of it contextualized by patriarchy (contra the subtitle...), some parts more interesting than others. ]
Hui, Yuk: Machine and sovereignty: For a planetary thinking (University of Minnesota, 2024)
Agamben, Giorgio: First Philosophy Last Philosophy: Western Knowledge Between Metaphysics and the Sciences (Polity, 2024)
Brown, Wendy: In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: The Rise of Antidemocratic Politics in the West (Columbia University Press, 2019) [ More belated reading.... ]
Brown, Wendy: Nihilistic Times: Thinking with Max Weber (Belknap Press, 2023)
I intend to go on adding to this bibliography....
Hopefully these listings will be useful. (Yes, the latest additions are at the end.)
To decolonizing tech page.
To jazz thoughts main page.
Todd M. McComb Begun: 18 September 2020 Most recent addition: 23 January 2025