AnandEshvarENa samrakSitOham

Abstracted from: Compositions of Muddusvami Dikshitar by Sangeetha Kalanidhi T. K. Govinda Rao, published in Chennai 1997 (No. 108). English edited by me. This is a Panchalinga of Tirivarur kriti.

Raga: Ananda bhairavi / Tala: mishra cApu

P: AnandEshvarENa samrakSitOham nityAnanda rUpOsmi brahmAnanda rUpOsmi

A: jHnAnapradAna guruguharUpa cidAnanda nAtha svarUpa prakAshEna

C: avayavatrayAtItEna nityEna avasthAtrayasAkSiNAdi shuddhEna bhava paHncakOsha vyatiriktEna buddhEna shiva saccidAnandarUpENa muktEna shravaNa manana nididhyAsana samAdhi niSTha parOkSAnubhava svamAtrAvashESita prakAshamAna mahEshvarENa


I am protected by Anandeshvarena, and hence am of the nature of eternal joy, and of the form of supreme bliss, Brahman.

The Lord of the form of Guruguha, who bestows knowledge, He is knowledge which is eternal bliss and is self-luminous.

He is beyond the three stages of bodies and eternal existence: gross, subtle, and causal. He is the witness to the three states: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. He is pure. He transcends the five Kosas constituting the world, as well as the three types of miseries. He is knowledge. He is Shiva, who is of the form of Sat Cit Ananda, existence knowledge bliss, and is free. Hearing, thinking, meditating on Him with concentration, one will have the experience of directly visualizing Him within oneself. He is Maheshvara, the effulgent one.

To Ganamandir Trust

To Dikshitar composition list

Todd M. McComb