Abstracted from: Compositions of Muddusvami Dikshitar by Sangeetha Kalanidhi T. K. Govinda Rao, published in Chennai 1997 (No. 469). English edited by me.
mAdhavO mAm pAtu matsyAvatArO vEdastEya duStaharO vEdAdi rakSaNah shrI
gOvidam namAmyaham guruguhanutakUrmAvatAram dEvarAjAdi pUjitam divyAmRtapradam
shrIdharENa rakSitOham bhUmipAla sUkarENa hita dEvOpakArENa hayAsurahati nipuNEna
narasihmAya namastE prahlAda prArthitAya hiraNya prANaharAya harihayAdi vanditAya
vAmanAdanyam na jAnEham naravara rUpiNah shukra balirAjAdi shrutijHnAna prabOdhinO
parashurAmasya dAsOham sItApatim sharaNAgatasya kSatriya kula bhIkarasya jamadagni RSi putrasya
rAmacandra svAmini bhaktim karOmi dasharatha sukumArAtmani dashavadana bhaHnjanAtmani
balarAma mAm kalaya bhOgIshAdi sOdara muraLIgAnAnanda mukundAdi sadA lOla
shrI kRSNam bhajarE citta shrI rukmiNIpatim shishupAla kamsAdiharam pANDavAdi rakSitavaram
kaliyuga varavEHNkaTEsham khala shamUha hata surEsham alamElu maHNgEsham acyutAdim bhajEhamanisham
Let Lord Madhava protect me. He who took the incarnation of the giant fish and destroyed the wicked demon, he who stole the Vedas, he restored the Vedas to their original glory.
I salute Govinda, adored by Guruguha. He took the incarnation of a tortoise, worshiped by Indra and others, and gave the divine nectar to the celestials.
I am protected by Shridhara, who manifested as a wild boar, and protected the mother earth, rendered help to the celestials, and skillfully destroyed Hayasura.
I worship Lord Narasimha, who took the incarnation of the Man Lion, at the request of Prahlada. He destroyed the life of Hiranya, and is adored by Indra and others.
I do not know any God other than Vamana. He, as the best among men, expounded the knowledge of the Vedas to Shukra and King Bali.
I am the servant of Parashurama, he who took refuge in Rama, the spouse of Sita. He, the son of sage Jamadagni, struck terror into the Kshatriya kings.
I offer my devotion to Lord Rama, the dear son of Dasharatha. He put down the ten-headed Ravana.
Remember me, oh Balarama, brother of Krishna, reclining on the serpent couch. You are delighted by the music of the flute and the company of sportive Mukunda.
Oh mind, worship Shri Krishna, the Lord of Rukmini. He destroyed Shishupala, Kamsa, and protected the Pandavas and others.
I constantly meditate on Lord Venkatesha, the great one who bestows boons in Kaliyuga, the Lord of Amelumanga. He is the Lord of the celestials, and destroyed a host of wicked people.