nIlOtpalAmbAm bhajarE rE citta

Abstracted from: Compositions of Muddusvami Dikshitar by Sangeetha Kalanidhi T. K. Govinda Rao, published in Chennai 1997 (No. 102). English edited by me. This is Nilotpalamba Vibhakti kriti No. 2.

Raga: nArIrItigauLa / Tala: mishra cApu

P: nIlOtpalAmbAm bhajarE rE citta vIthi viTaHNka tyAgarAjAntaraHNgAm shrI

A: mUla kUTatraya kaLEbara shObhAruNAm mucukundAdi nuta paHNkajacaraNAm mUla vidyAdAna nipuNAm vidhipUjita vinOdakiraNAm

C: kamalAnagara nivAsinIm guruguha mArga rIti kauLinIm kamanIya kAmakalA pradarshinIm kAdihAdyAdi manu vishvAsinIm sAmagAna shirahkampinIm akhilamahAduritabhaHnjanIm kOmaLa kuca kaca bharAHNgiNIm mukunda sOdarIm purANIm


Oh mind, sing of the glory of Shri Nilotpalamba, the divine mother resembling the blue lily, she who is the beloved of Lord Vithi Vitanka Tyagaraja.

Her form has three segments, starting with Mulakutatraya, and shines with reddish hue. She whose lotus feet are worshiped by Mukunda and others, she is lovely like the dawn. She is expert in imparting the knowledge of Mulavidya. The wonderful radiance of her form is worshiped by Brahma.

She resides in Kamalangara. She is goddess Kaulini, who guides Guruguha in the righteous path. She reveals Kamakala. She is invoked with the Manus, Kadi, Hadi, etc. She gently nods Her head in appreciation of Samagana chant. She destroys all the great afflictions, has lovely locks of hair, is the sister of Vishnu, and is the ancient one.

To Ganamandir Trust

To Dikshitar composition list

Todd M. McComb