These kRtis were composed by muttusvAmI dIkSitar in praise of Goddess abhayAmbA of tirumayilAduturai (mAyavaram).
This page was originally written by Santosh Rao, and has been updated (format & corrections) by Todd M. McComb. English has been provided originally by Sangeetha Kalanidhi T. K. Govinda Rao.
To Compositions of Muttusvami Dikshitar
Todd M. McCombsadAshrayE abhayAmbikE sannidhEhi
sadAshrayE tvAm ambikE bhadraM dEhi
cidAshrayE cidambara candrikE Ehi
cidAshrayE shivamaHncakE navavArAhi
mudAshrayE bhukti mukti prada mArgam brUhi
mudAshrayE mAyAdhInaM dInaM mAM pAhi
gauri mAyUranAtha mOhanakara shaktE
shaurIsha vidhIndrAdi sannuta parAshaktE
nArImaNyAdyarccita nAda bindu yuktE
shArIrakAdi vidyA siddhAnta yuktE
bhErI maddaLa vINA vAdanAnuraktE
sUrIjanOpAsita caraNa naLina yuktE
vANImA karadhRta cAmara sEvAsaktE
dUrIkRta durita vEda shAstrAdi prasaktE
vArIshAdi lOkapAla nuta guruguha bhaktE
dAridrya duhkha bhaHnjanakara shaHNkarAvibhaktE
shukasanakAdi dEvatA sEvitE paradEvatE
vAri jamukhi varadAbhaya hastE namO namastE
Oh Abhayambika, I resort to You, the supreme one, the single abode of good people. Show me Your benign presence and bestow on me auspicious things.
Oh goddess, the abode of pure consciousness, the moon to the sky of Cit, please come, You who are seated on the couch of the form of Shiva and adored by Varahi. Oh goddess, the abode of bliss, impart the knowledge and the understanding so as to attain enjoyment for me here and salvation hereafter. I joyously seek refuge in You. Please protect me, the dejected one, who is under the spell of illusion.
Oh goddess Gauri, who has the power to make Mayuranatha fascinated, You are the Parashakti, the supreme power adored by Vishnu, Brahma, Indra and others. You reside in the Nada and Bindu, worshiped by the noble women. You are established in the Vendata principles enunciated in Shariraka, etc. You delight in the music of Bheri, Maddala, and Vina, and possess lotus-like feet meditated upon by the celestials. You are attended upon by Sarasvati and Lakshmi, holding the Camaras in their hands. You are fond of the Vedas, which drive away the afflictions of the devotees. You are dear to Guruguha, who is revered by Indra and the regents of the cardinal directions. You are the one inseparable from Shiva, who destroys poverty and afflictions. You are the supreme one worshiped by Shuka, Sanaka and other celestials. Your face resembles a lotus and Your hands are held in the posture of bestowing boons as well as protection. I prostrate before You again and again.
abhayAmbA jagadambA rakSatu
Atma rUpa pratibimbA madambA
ibhavadana shrI guruguha jananI
Isha mAyUranAtha raHnjanI
abhaya varada pANI aLivENI
Ashrita mAvANI kalyANI
bhakta nAgaliHNga paripAlinI
bhAsamAna navaratna mAlinI
vyakta samasta jagad vishAlinI
vyadhikaraNa haraNa nipuNa shUlinI
rakta shukLa mishra prakAshinI
ravi kOTi kOTi saHNkAshinI
bhakti mukti mAnasa nivAsinI
bhAva rAga tALa vishvAsinI
bhukti phalaprada dakSa mRDAnI
bhaktiprada nipuNatara bhavAnI
shakti sampradAyaka sharvANI
bhukti muktivitaraNa rudrANI
Oh goddess Abhayamba, my mother and the mother of the universe, the reflection of the supreme self, may She protect me.
She is the mother of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-faced one, and Guruguha. She delights Lord Mayuranatha-Shiva. She whose hands offer succour and boons to devotees, She has dark tresses resembling the bees and is attended upon by goddess Lakshmi and Sarasvati. She is the auspicious one.
She protected the devotee Nagalinga. She is adorned with sparkling gemset necklace and illuminates the perceptible universe. She is Shulini, the one adroit at destroying the dualities. Her form shines with a blend of red and white hue. She is effulgent like crores and crores of suns, and resides in the minds of devotees who seek emancipation. She revels in music full of Bhava expression, Raga melody, and Tala rhythm. She is Mridani, adept bestower of various types of enjoyment. She is Bhavani, adroit at bequeathing the power of devotion. She is Sharvarni, the giver of strength, who imparts the knowledge of the traditional path of Shakti cult. She is Rudrani, who gives worldly pleasures and liberation.
AryAM abhayAmbAM bhajarE rE citta santatam
avidyA kArya kalanAM tyajarE Adi madhyAnta rahitAM shiva sahitAM
sUryAgni candra maNDala madhya vAsinIM
sukhatara pravarttinIM svEtara nivAsinIM
AcArya shiSyAnugrahakaraNa shaktipradA apArakaruNAM
caryAdi catuSTaya vitaraNa samarthatara caraNAM aruNAM
nandana vanOtpAdanAM puSpa mAlikAM
vandanAlayAdi prasthApana divya
candana karSaNa sthala shuddhikaraNa
vandana sthOtrAdi paThana bhakta sEvAnAM
manda dhI haraNa caryAyuta mAnavAnAM dharma maya
svacchanda shiva sAlOkya dAyaka caturatara hara naTa bhairavIM
mandasmita vilasita mukhAravindAM guruguhAmbikAM
mukunda sOdarIM mahAtripura sundarIM Ananda laharIM
Oh mind, always worship Abhayamba. Set aside the acts of ignorance. Who has no beginning, middle or end, She is infinite and always with Sadashiva.
She who resides in the midst of the orbits of the sun, fire and moon, and shows the easy path to salvation. She who pervades the whole world. She who has immense mercy in giving strength to bring about the grace of the preceptor to disciples. She whose holy feet are adept in bestowing the four-fold perserverance in religious austerities such as Chakra, etc.
She who wears a garland of flowers gotten from the heavenly Nandana garden is served by devotees who are engaged in grinding the sandal paste, purifying the place of worship, prostrate, singing devotional songs, hymns. She protects the people engaged in virtuous acts for removal of ignorance, She who is the dancing Bhairavi, the consort of Shiva, skillful in bestowing a place in Shivaloka which is full of virtues, where one can move about freely. Her lotus-like face beams with a gentle smile. Oh mother of Guruguha, sister of Lord Vishnu, great Tripurasundari, You are the wave of bliss.
girijayA ajayA abhayAmbikayA
girIsha jAyayA rakSitOham
harihayAdi devatArAdhitayA
Atma svarUpa prabhOdhitayA
harihara guruguha sammOditayA
AdikSAnta varNa vEditayA
samaya vishESa niryANamukha bIja nirbIja dIkSA viSaya karaNa
samayAcaraNOpayOga pUjA sAmagrI saHNgrahAntahkaraNa
samaya mata pratipAdyAnusaraNa sAmAnya vishESa prajAcaraNa
mamatva nirAkaraNa kriyAyuta sadbhaktAnAM dharmArttha rUpa
samatva vRtti vitaraNa nipuNatara sAmrAjyapradA ruNa caraNayA
I am protected by Abhayambika, who is the daughter of Himavan, who has no birth and who is the spouse of Girisha, the Lord of Kailasa.
She is worshiped by Vishnu, Indra and others. She is understood through self-realization. Vishnu, Shiva and Guruguha make Her happy, one who is realized through the letters A to Ksha.
The goddess endows in Her devotees the power of casting off their lives when desired, and initiates them in Mukhabija and Nirbija. She confers also the ability to practice the precepts of religion and culture, the mental attitude for collecting the necessary materials for worship on proper occasion, and for following the general and special codes of conduct. Her ruddy feet bestow on Her virtuous noble devotees, who are engaged in the act of removing egoism, the power of envisioning the virtues and material pleasures alike - equanimity of thought - thereby confering on them the Samrajya.
abhayAmbikAyai ashvArUDhAyai
abhaya varapradAyai namastE namastE
subhagAkArAyai surucira naTana bhEdAyai
shObhita radanAyai shuddha mAnasAyai
hiraNya maNi kuNDalAyai himAcalasadanAyai
sakala mantratantrarUpAyai sakalAyai
candra shEkhara priyAyai paHncamakArAyai
gUDha gulphAyai guruguhasvarUpAyai
garva bhaNDa khaNDAyai
gamapadAdinuta padAyai
kAvErI tIrAyai kamalEsha sEvitAyai
My salutations go again and again to goddess Abhayambika. Seated on a horse, She confers protections and boons.
She possesses an auspicious form and is adroit at various dance forms. She possesses sparkling teeth, resides in pure minds, and is adorned with gem-studded ear pedants, Kundalas. Himalaya is Her precinct.
She is of the form of all Mantras and Tantras, is Sakala, the dear one to Chandrashekhara. She is the creator of the Makara of Tantrikas. She whose knees are beautiful, She is the form of Guruguha. She vanquished Bhanda, the haughty demon. Her feet are extolled by Gamapada, etc. She who resides on the banks of Kaveri, She is worshiped by Vishnu, the Lord of Lakshmi.
abhayAmbikAyAh anyaM na jAnE
ajHnAnadhmAnE aparOkSa jHnAnE
ibharAjagatyAh IshvaryAh jagatyAh
nabhOmaNi gatyAh nAdalayagatyAh
bAlAdi nAmadhEya prakAshinyAh kAlAdI tatvAnta prakAshinyAh
mUlAdi dvAdashAnta prakAshinyAh sthUlAdi maunAnta prakAshinyAh
trailOkya mUlA prakRtyAh svashaktyAh sAlOka sAmIpya sArUpya muktyAh
mAlinImantra mAlAdi tantrOktyAh shUlinI guruguha svAnubhava gatyAh
I do not know of any goddess other than Abhayambika, the remover of ignorance, who is of the form of supreme knowledge.
She has the majestic gait of the elephant. She is the supreme one of the universe. She is the principle behind the gem of the sky-sun and the sound, Nada, and rhythm, Laya.
She shines with the name Bala, etc. She shines in the Tatvas of Ka, etc. She is effulgent in the twelve Chakras, such as Mula, etc. She reveals Herself as the gross to subtle one. She is the primary source of the three worlds, and is one of the forms of Shakti. She bestows the four stages of liberation, namely Salokya, Sarupya, Sayujya. She is the import of Malini Mantramala, etc. She controls the illusion and rituals. Oh Shulini, Your form is self-experienced by Guruguha.
ambikAyAh abhayAmbikAyAh tavadAsOham
Adi jagadambikAyAh
shambarAri hari shashi kubErapramukhOpAsita navayOginyAh
sAHNkhyatArakamanaskarAjayOginyAh shivabhOginyAh
bimbapratibimbarUpiNyAh bindumaNDalavAsinyAh svarUpiNyAh
yamaniyamAdyaSTAHNgayOga viSayAdinigrahakaraNa
mUlAdhAra maNipUrakAdyabjabhEdana sphUratkuNDalinI
sahasradaLabrahma randhRastha kamalAntargata
shivasammELanagaLita paramAmRta bindusEcana
samujRmbhita nADImukha vikAsakaraNa nijAnubhUti yOginyAh
amOghavara shivasArUpyAnandAnubhava pradAyinyAh
apramEya guruguhAdi jananyAh brahmAdi paHncaka kAriNyAh
Oh goddess Abhayambika, the ancient one, originator of creation, mother of the universe, I surrender to You.
She is the Navayogini, adored by great ones like Cupid, Vishnu, the moon, and Kubera. She transcends the Sankhya Yoga and is established in Rajayoga. She delights Lord Shiva and is of the form of image and its reflection. She dwells in Bindumandala, and manifests with the form of Abhayamba.
She who contemplates on Ashtangayoga such as Yama and Niyama invokes the blossoming of Kundalini Shakti, transcending the flowering of Muladhara and Manipuraka. The goddess joins in harmonious union with Shiva, who is in ecstatic state on the throbbing seat of thousand-petalled Sahasra Dala lotus. Her face shines with great ecstasy at being established in the supreme spirit, due to experiencing the supreme nectar which makes Her pulses throb. She bestows on Her devotees the inestimable experience of the bliss of total identity of the soul with Lord Shiva. She is the mother of the exceptionally great Guruguha. She is the cause of the creation of the five elements.
abhayAmbAyAM bhaktiM karOmi
saccidAnanda rUpAyAM svasvarUpAyAM shrI
vibhavAdivitaraNanipuNa mantriNyAM
vijayakAraNa nipuNatara daNDinyAM
viyadAdi bhUtakiraNa mAlinyAM
vikalpa haraNa nipuNa shUlinyAM
abhEda pratipAditAyAM Adi guruguha vEditAyAM
sabhEsha mOdita naTanAyAM sAyujyaprada caraNAyAM
I offer my devotion to Abhayamba, of the form of Saccidananda and who is also of the non-dualistic form.
She is Mantrini, adept at giving plenty of riches. She is Dandini, who gives skill for obtaining victory. She is Malini, of the form of the five elements, i.e. sky, etc. She is Shulini, the adroit one at removing difficulties. She is understood through Advaita monism, and is realized by Guruguha. Her dance is appreciated by Sabhesa, Lord Shiva. Her feet bestow Sayujya, salvation, on Her devotees.
dAkSAyaNi abhayAmbikE
varadAbhayahastE namastE
dIkSA santuSTa mAnasE dINAvanahastasArasE
kAHNkSitArtha pradAyini kAma tantra vidhAyini
sAkSirUpa prakAshini samasta jagadvilAsini
sakala niSkaLa svarUpa tEjasE
sakalalOkasRSTikaraNa bhrAjasE
sakala bhakta saMrakSaNa yashasE
sakala yOgi manOrUpa tatva tapasE
prabala guruguhOdayE
paHncAnana hRdAlayE
bharata mataHNgAdinutE
Oh Dakshayani, Abhayambika, whose hands bestow boons and protect from fear.
She who is pleased by those who observe austerities, Diksha. She whose lotus-like hands offer protection to the afflicted, She is the bestower of all wishes, is the propounder of knowledge of love, shines as a witness and illuminates the universe.
She shines in the forms of Sakala and Nishkala. Her radiance is cause for the creation of the entire universe. She is renowned for protecting devotees. She is of the form of essence of Tatvas in the minds of all sages. Mother of the mighty Guruguha, ever residing in the heart of Lord Paramashiva-Panchanana, She is praised by great sages such as Bharata and Matanga, and worshiped by Brahma.
shrI abhayAmbA ninnu cintiHncinavAriki
inda kavalai ellAm tIrumammA
hE abhayakarE varE Ishvari kRpatOnu
endanai rakSikka idu nalla samayamammA
nI atyadbhuta shubhaguNamulu vini
nIvE dikkani nera nammiti
nIrajAkSi nijarUpasAkSi
nityAnanda guruguha kaTAkSi rakSi
Oh Abhayamba, for those who meditate on You, their difficulties are solved.
Distinguished one, whose hands offer refuge to Her devotees, Ishvari protect me with Your kindness.
I surrender to You with unflinching faith, after hearing about Your splenderous virtues. Oh You lotus-eyed one, You who are the witness for everything, You who are always blissful and bestow Your grace on Guruguha, please protect me.
To Compositions of Muttusvami Dikshitar
Updated 10/2/00 by