Dai Xiao-Lian

L'art de la cithare Qin
Dai Xiao-Lian
Naïve Ethnic B 6765


  1. Chu Ge - "Song of the Chu Country" (1425)
  2. Da Ya - "Ode in Honour of Zhou" (1425)
  3. Ao'ai - "Fisherman's Song" (1549)
  4. Shen Ren Chang - "Spiritual Elation" (1549)
  5. Hua Xu Yin - "Threnody of Huaxu" (1425)
  6. Wu Ye Ti - "Cawing of the Crows at Night" (1425)
  7. Yi Gu Ren - "An Old Friend" (1937)
  8. Kai Gu Yin - "Lamenting the Past"
  9. Yang Guan San Die - "Three Variations on the Yang Pass" (1864)
  10. Qiu Feng Ci - "Poem of the Autumn Wind" (1931)
  11. Liu Shui - "Flowing Waters" (1876 version)

Voice on track #8 - Huang Bai

Playing time: 54'

Recording date: 1992 (Paris)

Here Dai Xiao-Lian plays a more speculative program than on her Hugo disc. Some of these pieces are relatively unknown and based on recent reconstructions, although they all have thorough historical pedigrees (dates are for publication sources). The playing style is also more provocative at times.

Of course, the later Hugo recital is a more polished (and longer) program, and to be preferred. However, I've made a listing for this disc as one of the few qin recitals on a major international label.

I enjoy the voice combination. Apparently this is something of a lost art, but hopefully it will be recovered.

To purchasing information for this disc.

To Chinese music intro.

T. M. McComb