Volume One: Kraton Kasunanan

Gamelan of Java
Volume One: Kraton Kasunanan
Lyrichord 7456


  1. Gendhing bonang "Babar Layar" pelog lima Kyai Kaduk Manis
  2. Ketawang Bedhayan "Duradasih" slendro manyura Kyai Lokananta
  3. Gendhing bonang "Laya" slendro nem Kyai Manis Rengga

Performers: GRAy Koes Murtiyah, Nyi Lr. Cendaniraras, Nyi Lr. Maduraras, Nyi Lr. Puspitoraras (pesindhen); M. Suraji, S. Kar. M. Sn (rebab); R. Ng. Pandoyopangrawit (kendhang), M. Ng. Karnopangrawit (gender barung), M. Ng. Mulyopangrawit (gender penerus), R. Ng. Drs. Harsodiprojo (bonang barung), M. Ng. Hadipangrawit, M. Ng. Reksopangrawit (bonang penerus); R. Ng. Gunodiprojo (slenthem), R. Ng. Projopangrawit, R. Ng. Warsodiprojo (demung), RT. Hastodipuro, S. Kar, M. Ng. Hadipangrawit, R. Ng. Warsodiprojo, M. Ng. Brotopangrawit (saron), M. Ng. Daryopangrawit (saron penerus), M. Sugiyanto, S. Sn. (gambang), M. Ng. Madyopangrawit (kempul), M. Ng. Subektyopangrawit (kenong), M. Ng. Brotopangrawit, M. Lr. Lasmopangrawit (kethuk)

Playing time: 50'

Recording date: June 2007 (Surakarta)

This is a good introduction to gamelan for Western ears, with some thinned down textures and a shorter program. The names of the gamelans themselves (the instruments) are given in italics above, after the modes of the pieces.

The other volumes in this series:

Gamelan of Java
Volume Two: Contemporary Composers
Lyrichord 7457
Gamelan of Java
Volume Three: Yogyakarta
Lyrichord 7458
Gamelan of Java
Volume Four: Puspa Warna
Lyrichord 7460
Gamelan of Java
Volume Five: Cirebon Tradition in America
Lyrichord 7461

This is another quality series produced by John Noise Manis, although certainly not as ambitious as the Felmay series.

To purchasing information for this disc.

To Javanese music page.

T. M. McComb