Aïcha Redouane - Art vocal et instrumental du XIXe
- Egypte: Art vocal et instrumental du XIXe siècle
- Aïcha Redouane / Ensemble Al-Adwar
Ocora (Radio France) C 560020
Ocora 561020
Wasla en Maqâm sigah / 'irâq
- Samâ'i'irâq
- Dûlâb huzâm
- Mûwashshah "Anâ min wajdî anâ
'abkî wa 'aghannî"
- Taqsîm qânûn-layâlî-mawwâl
- Dawr "Matta' hayâtak"
Wasla en Maqâm râst
- Tahmîla râst
- Dûlâb râst
- Mûwashshah "Hayyara-l-'afkâra badrî"
- Qasîda mursala "Waqfatan ayyûha-l-qamar
- Dûlâb râst - introduisant la qasîda
- Qasîda mûwaqq'a "Kam ba'athnâ
m'a'-n-nasîmi salâmâ"
Wasla en Maqâm nahawand
- Dûlâb
- Taqâsîm-layâlî bamb
- Dawr "Kâdnî-l-hawâ
Performers: Aïcha Redouane (voice), Salâh El Dine
Mohamed (qânûn), Brahim Meziane El-Otmani ('ud), Osama
Hantira (kamân), Habib Yammine (riqq)
Playing time: 67'15"
Recording date: September 1993
This is the first of Aïcha Redouane's recordings to appear
on a major French label, undoubtedly precipitating the later live
recordings cited elsewhere.
Although there are some excellent portions to this program, and
the liner notes are more informative than in subsequent issues,
the overall production is more subdued & tentative.
To purchasing information for this disc.
To Arabic music intro.
T. M. McComb