Performers: K. Widadanagara (kêthuk, kêmpyang), Saptana (rêbab), Soewita (gênder), Wakija (kêndhang), Dalimin (kênong), Soeyadi (slentêm), Tarnapangrawit (suling, gong gêde)
Instruments: Gamelans Kyai Slamêt (slendro), Kyai Pringgitan (pelog)
Playing time: 64'
Recording date: June 1992 (Solo)
The strongly featured string & wind sounds of the rebab & suling give this recording a distinctive profile. These instruments generally go along with vocal performances, but here provide a similar sort of texture in the foreground of a smaller brass ensemble.
Although some newer recordings have even better sound, this recording continues to be quite appealing.
The first track is now one of the most-recorded gendings.
To purchasing information for this disc.
T. M. McComb