Performers: Mlayawidada (bonang), Saptana (kêndhang gêdhe), Soewita (kêtipung), Tarnapangrawit (gong gêdhe), Soewardi (saron), Mulyana (slênthêm), et al.
Instruments: Gamêlan Kyai Kadukmanis (pelog), Gamêlan Kyai Manisrêngga (slendro)
Playing time: 56'
Recording date: June 1992 (Kraton Surakarta)
This is the last recording of the legendary court musician Mlayawidada (1911-1997), who plays the bonang (kettle gong set) here. Mlayawidada was one of the last musicians to be trained in the old kraton environment, giving way today to more conservatory-style performers.
The ensemble totals 13 musicians, but the others are not named.
This might be my personal favorite gamelan recording.
To purchasing information for this disc.
T. M. McComb