Medieval Music & Arts Foundation - Support Us

The Medieval Music & Arts Foundation needs your support in order to continue its activities. There are four basic ways to support us.

Volunteer your time

We have a body of valuable volunteers on almost every continent, and they are the ones who directly facilitate increasing the body of knowledge we have available. We cannot continue without them. Please consider volunteering your time & expertise to help us prepare more material for publication or correct existing material. We want scholars in various areas relating to medieval music, as well as lay people with a special enthusiasm for a particular subject or a willingness to spend time checking basic facts.

Finding errors in our pages, typographical or otherwise, is a valuable contribution. Providing carefully checked listings of CD contents is a popular way to support us. We also welcome more substantial donations of time & expertise, as well as a greater diversity of viewpoints, so please inquire if you would like to prepare a more substantial article or listing. There is certainly no shortage of things which can be done.

Send us materials

If you are in the business of medieval or related music, we welcome your materials. These can be recordings, scores, other literature, etc. We cannot promise that your material will be promoted in any particular way, but we can promise at a minimum that any recording which fits our database criteria (which includes any European music composed before 1600) will be detailed online together with relevant purchasing information.

Please send materials to:

Medieval Music & Arts
146 Brahms Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

We also welcome partnerships with other institutions or individuals involved in medieval music. We do not accept paid advertising, nor is the content of our pages determined by anything but our own editorial standards, but we are willing to host a separate page for you detailing your products or services. We are willing to host any such page which is of interest to our readers. We are open to other partnership proposals, as long as it is understood that our content pages will be unaltered.

Send us money

We will not be asking for money other than in this space (and more recently in the space that used to forward to our affiliate links, unfortunately), and will not mix solicitations with content. We do need a variety of cash donations in order to sustain the organization, because our technical status is based on money from enough different sources rather than on a small number of large donations.

Please send checks in US funds to:

Medieval Music & Arts
146 Brahms Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

In the United States, donations are tax deductible. Our tax identification number (EIN) is 77-0506069. For readers in other countries, tax status of your donation will vary. Please inquire if you would like to send donations in other currencies.

Your generous donation will be very much appreciated, especially as it furthers our status by diversifying our funding. More substantial donations must be handled differently. Donations over $200 require a specific receipt for tax purposes. We will be happy to send you the receipt. Please include your address, or email address (you can print the receipt from email). Smaller donations do not require an individual receipt, but we will provide one on request. Donations over $5000 require special arrangements in advance of the donation.

Use our information

Finally, you can support us simply by reading our material and making practical use of it. We do not collect any money from such use, since we do not allow advertising, but we do collect satisfaction. Ordinary readers, or readers who go on to use our information in educating others, are the primary reason for our existence. We certainly cannot thrive without you.

If we can meet your needs in some other way, please contact us. Although we cannot be everything to everyone, we want to be responsive to all segments of musical society.

To vision statement.

To technical update of corporate status.

To About Us index page.

To front page.

Todd M. McComb