Vinum - Rito y Fiesta

Vinum - Rito y Fiesta
Calenda Maia, Música y Teatro Medieval - Jorge Matamala Lopetegui, dir.
Calenda Maia (no number) [DVD]


    Alfonso X El Sabio
  1. Virgen Santa Maria, guarda-nos, se te praz (CSM 47)

  2. Anonymous
  3. All vol

  4. Ainardus, Abad de Saint Pierre sur Dives (11th Century)
  5. Homo quidam

  6. Carmina Burana
  7. Graduali Bachi, vinum bonum
  8. In taberna cuando sumus
  9. Alte clamat Epicurus

  10. Ibn al-Jatib (1313-1375) (attrib.)
  11. Ushshaq

  12. Abraham Ibn Ezra (1089-1167)
  13. Ky eshmerb shabbt

  14. Hildegard von Bingen
  15. De sancto euchario

  16. Alfonso X El Sabio
  17. Ben pod' as cousas feas fremosas tornar (CSM 73) [instr.]

  18. Carmina Burana
  19. Bacche bene venies

  20. Anon (14th Century)
  21. Bon vin, je ne te puis laisser

Performers: Italo Saturnino Fuentes Bardelli, Leonardo Renzo Mellado González, Pedro Antonio Barahona Venegas, Ricardo Bernardo Quiroga Cortys, Rafael Luis Egasa Vial, Laura Francisca Márquez Nielsen, Rosario Bernardita Abarzúa de la Cerda, Miriam Gusela Ebert, Jorge Enrique Matamala Lopetegui

Playing time: 36'

Recording date: 2013 or prior (Santiago, Chile); released: 2013

Information from Jorge Salazar.

Comments from Jorge Salazar:
After the program, the pieces are played individually.
The DVD includes over 35' of additional material: introduction to and interviews with the performers; interviews with: Sebastibn Celestino Pyrez, investigator; Juan Blanques, arqueologist; Angylica Jofry, translator; Eugenio Chahubn, Centro de Estudios Brabes; interviews and clips of popular traditional singing, with Francisco Astorga A. & Manuel Gallardo.
This live performance is based on material selected from a recording released by this ensemble on CD in 2007.

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Todd M. McComb