Vinum - Rito y Fiesta

Vinum - Rito y Fiesta
Calenda Maia, Música y Teatro Medieval, Jorge Matamala Lopetegui, dir.
Calenda Maia (no number) [CD]


    Carmina Burana
  1. Bacche bene venies

  2. Oswald von Wolkenstein
  3. Wol auff wir wellen slauffen

  4. Anonymous
  5. All vol

  6. Pierre Attaingnant
  7. Quand je bois du vin clairet

  8. Anon (14th Century)
  9. Bon vin doit

  10. Carmina Burana
  11. Graduali Bachi, vinum bonum
  12. Alte clamat Epicurus
  13. In taberna cuando sumus

  14. Alfonso X El Sabio
  15. A que avondou do vinho (CSM 386)
  16. Ben pod' as cousas feas fremosas tornar (CSM 73) [instr.]
  17. Virgen Santa Maria, guarda-nos, se te praz (CSM 47)

  18. Ainardus, Abad de Saint Pierre sur Dives (11th Century)
  19. Homo quidam

  20. Hildegard von Bingen
  21. De sancto euchario

  22. Abraham Ibn Ezra (1089-1167)
  23. Ky eshmerá shabát

  24. Traditional Al-Andalus
  25. Qa'im wa-nisf nahawand [instr.]

  26. Ibn al-Jatib (1313-1375) (attrib.)
  27. Ushshaq

  28. Ítalo Fuentes
  29. Vinum - Nombres del vino
    Manuel Gallardo Reyes
    Versos por el bebedor del vino

  30. Euripides - St. John
  31. Evoe cry of the Bacchantes

  32. Anon (14th Century)
  33. Bon vin, je ne te puis laisser

  34. Ambient
  35. Nine sounds of the broken bell
  36. Nine minutes of silence

Performers: Italo Saturnino Fuentes Bardelli [a.k.a. Vitulus] (darbuka, tromba marina, voice), Leonardo Renzo Mellado Gonzblez [a.k.a. Golmundo (tiple, voice), Pedro Antonio Barahona Venegas [a.k.a. Guiraut] (recorder, voice), Ricardo Bernardo Quiroga Cortés [a.k.a. Iacopus] (percussion, voice), Rafael Luis Egaña Vial [a.k.a. Walafried] (percussion, voice), Laura Francisca Márquez Nielsen [a.k.a. Geneve] (percussion, voice), Rosario Bernardita Abarzúa de la Cerda [a.k.a. Sibylla] (voice), Miriam Gusela Ebert [a.k.a. Saira] (portativ organ, voice), Jorge Enrique Matamala Lopetegui [a.k.a. Lopus] (voice), Manuel Gallardo (voice), Francisco Astorga (guitarrón chileno)

Playing time: 68' (includes 9' of silence)

Recording sites & dates: Convento de San Antonio, Bahía de Corral, Valdivia, Chile [02/21/2007]
Monasterio Benedictino de la Santísima Trinidad de las Condes, Chile [11/12/2006]
Estudio Madre Selva, Santiago, Chile [2006 or 2007];
released: 2007

Information from Jorge Salazar.

Comments from Jorge Salazar:
CD included in 120 pp. fully illustrated book containing texts, translations, extracts from miscellaneous historical & cultural texts, wine recipes, Latin words & expressions, & hints for combating dipsomania.
A live recording of a dramatization of this performance, featuring excerpts from these selections was released on DVD in 2013.

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Todd M. McComb