Bassano motets

Bassano: Motetti & Concerti Ecclesiastici (1598-99)
Ensemble Jacques Moderne - Joël Suhubiette
Calliope 9294


  1. Dic nobis Maria (a 6)
  2. Sancta & immaculata (a 8)
  3. Quem viditis pastores (a 8)
  4. G. Gabrieli: Intonazione d'Organo del 1º tono
  5. Canite tuba in Sion (a 8)
  6. Fuit homo (a 8)
  7. Angelus ad pastores (a 8)
  8. Gabrieli: Intonazione d'Organo del 5º tono
  9. O Rex gloriæ (a 5)
  10. Gabrieli: Intonazione d'Organo del 9º tono
  11. Hæc est beatissima (a 12)
  12. Gabriel Angelus (a 7)
  13. Viri Sancti (a 7)
  14. Nativitas tua (a 7)
  15. O Doctor optime (a 6)
  16. Confitemini Domino (a 5)
  17. Salvator Mundi (a 5)
  18. Sancta & immaculata (a 5)
  19. Deus qui beatum Marcum (a 8)
  20. Cantate Domino (a 8)
  21. Ave Regina coelorum (a 8)
  22. Gabrieli: Intonazione d'Organo del 3º tono
  23. Hodie Christus natus est (a 7)
  24. Ave Regina coelorum (a 12)

Performers: Noémi Rime, Isabelle Cormerais, Marie-Louise Duthoit, Nathalie Marec (sopranos); Pascal Bertin, Sophie Toussaint, Thierry Gregoire (altos); Bruno Boterf, Serge Goubioud, Hugues Primard, Raphaël Boulay, Frédéric Bourdin, David Murphy (tenors); Jean-Claude Sarragosse, Marc Busnel, Cyrille Gautreau (basses); Jérémie Papasergio (bass dulcian), Pascale Boquet (theorbo), Jean-Marc Aymes (organ), Marie-Anne Pottier (organ)

Playing time: 53'

Recording date: November 1996

Giovanni Bassano (c.1558-1617) is presently best-known for his short 3-voice fantasias for brass instruments, but also wrote a substantial volume of choral music. In fact, all of his other works, aside from the 1585 instrumental publication (possibly written with the cooperation of the famous theorist, Gioseffo Zarlino), are vocal.

A similar program:

Bassano: Motetti Madrigali et Canzoni francese
Musica Figurata - Stefano Lorenzetti
Tactus 550201

A recording featuring his instrumental output with that of related composers:

Ricercari, Capricci e Fantasie a tre
Italienische Musik im Cinquecento
La Gamba Freiburg - Ekkehard Weber
Ars Musici 1168

And a recording featuring members of the Bassano family:

Bassano - Viva L'Amore
Flanders Recorder Quartet / Capilla Flamenca
Opus 111 30-239

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Todd M. McComb