Cantigas de Santa Maria Vol. 1

Les Cantigas de Santa Maria Vol. 1
Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic, dir.
Harmonia Mundi HM 977 [LP]
Harmonia mundi "Black Label" HMB 40 977 [Cassette]
Harmonia Mundi HM 40 977 [Cassette]
Harmonia mundi "Black Label" HMB 977 [LP]
Harmonia mundi HMC 977 [LP]


    Alfonso le Sabio (attr.), Escorial Ms. J.b.2, Escorial T.j.l, Toledo, Catedral caj. 103, num. 23: Cantigas de Santa Maria
  1. Prologue: Porque Trobar
  2. CSM 2: Muito devemos varoes
  3. CSM 30: Muito valuera máis

  4. ----
  5. CSM 264: Pois äos seus que ama
  6. CSM 5: Quenas coitasdeste mundo ben quiser soffrer (instr.)
    CSM 59: Quena Virgen ben servir (instr.)
  7. CSM 47: Virgen Santa Maria, guárda-nos
  8. CSM 322: A Virgen, que de Deus Madre éste, Filla e criada
  9. CSM 37: Miragres fremosos

Playing time: 19' 58" + 17' 50" = 37' 48" app.

Clemencic Consort [ Pilar Figueras (soprano, gaita gallega (bagpipes), Zeger Vandersteene (countertenor, tenor), Pedro Liendo (baritone), René Zosso (voice, hurdy-gurdy), René Clemencic (recorder, double recorder, whistle, sheppard's flute, crotales, hochet), Michael Dittrich (vielle, rabé morisco, mandore), Alfred Hertel (bombard, double bombard, giant shawm, double shawm), András Kecskès (chitarra saracenicalute, rubebe, guimbarde), Johann Krasser (hammered dulcimer, carillon, drum, tambour à grelots, tabor, castagnettes, darabucca), Frantisek Pok (cornet, hochet), Anne Osnowycz (bûche)] & Djamchid Chemirani (zarb) - René Clemencic, dir.

Recording site and date:
Unknown [11/1976], rel. 1977 (HM, HMB 40), 1981 (HM 40), 1984 (HMB)

Other releases (compilation):
Harmonia mundi HM 977 / 979 [LPx3] Cantigas de Santa Maria
Harmonia mundi HMX 290 1524/7 [CDx4] Troubadours - Cantigas de Santa Maria

Other releases (excerpts):
[1], [8] Harmonia mundi HMX 290 649/54 [CDx6] Les Très Riches Heures du Moyen-Âge - A Medieval Journey

Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 219-49 (jul./aug. 1977)
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.): 55/658-1605 (mar. 1978)
Fanfare (Vol./#-p.):

Information from owned LPs and CDs

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Pierre-F. Roberge