Music of the Middle Ages
- Music of the Middle Ages
- Collegium Musicum, Krefeld - Robert Haas, dir.
Vox PL 8110 [LP, mono]
Lyrichord LL 85 [LP, mono]
Lyrichord LLST 785 [LP, stereo]
Boîte à Musique BAM LD-08 [LP, mono]
Neidhart von Reuenthal
- Mei hat wunniklich entsprossen
Der Mei hat mennik herze
So schönen wir den anger nie gesahen
Anon., 13th c.
- Spielmannstanz
Wizlaw von Rügen
- We ich han gedacht
Loybere risen
Walther von der Vogelweide
- Nu alerst lebe ich mir werde (Palästinalied)
Oswald von Wolkenstein
Der may mit lieber zal
Troubadours and Trouvères
Anon., 13th c.
- La quarte Estampie Royale
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras
Kalenda Maya
Bernart de Ventadorn
Lancan vei la folha
Anon., 14th c.
- Saltarello
Adam de la Halle
- Dieu soit en cheste maison
Anon., 14th c.
Lamento de Tristano
Anon., 1147
Chevalier, mult estes guariz
Playing time: 21' 15" + 16' 15" = 37' 30"
Collegium Musicum, Krefeld - Robert Haas, dir. with Erika Metzger-Ulrich
(soprano), Otto Pingel (tenor)
Recording site and date:
Unknown [1955 or prior]
Other recording by the Collegium Musicum, Krefeld:
- Music of the Renaissance
- Vox PL 8120 [LP, mono]
- Music of the Pre-Baroque
- Lyrichord LLST 7109 [LP,
- Musique du Moyen Age et début Renaissance
- Anthologie Sonore LD 3012 [LP,
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.):
Gramophone (Vol./#-p.):
This LP, Vox PL 8120 and Lyrichord LLST 109 are included in a boxed
set (Lyrichord LL 147) A History of Music
from the Middle Ages to the Pre-Baroque. Curiously both Lyrichord
issues made no reference to the last track (Chevalier ...), except
on disc label; but the information appears on BAM sleeve notes.
Information from owned LP (Lyrichord and BAM).
To FAQ references to this recording.
To FAQ CD index page.
Pierre-F. Roberge