Music of the Renaissance
- Music of the Renaissance
- Collegium Musicum, Krefeld - Robert Haas, dir.
Vox Pl 8120 [LP, mono]
Lyrichord LL 86 [LP, mono]
Lyrichord LLST 786 [LP, stereo]
Burgundian Composers (1430)
Guillaume Dufay
- Veni creator spiritus
Flos florum
Se la face ay pale
Gilles de Binchois
- De plus en plus
German Song Books
Anon., Glogauer Liederbuch, ca 1480
- Der neue Bauernschwanz
Ich bins erfreut aus rotem Mund
Ich sach's einsmal dem lichten Morgenstern
Anon., Lochheimer Liederbuch, 1455-1560)
- Ein Vroulein edel von Naturen
Der walt hat sich entlaubet
Peter's Schöffer's Liederbuch
- Ich kam vor Liebes Fensterlein
Anon., 14th c.
- Saltarello
Francesco Landini
Gram piant' agl'ochi
Bartolomeo Trombocino
- Frottola: Non val aqua
Anon., Florence, ca 1500.
Canto delle vedove (Perche ciascum defender)
Francisco Peñalosa
- A tierras ajenas
Francisco de la Torre
O cuam dulce
Aire de danza
Pedro Escobar
Corazon trieste
Playing time: 25' 35" + 20' 57" = 46' 32"
Collegium Musicum, Krefeld - Robert Haas, dir. with Erika Metzger-Ulrich
(soprano), Otto Pingel (tenor)
Recording site and date:
Unknown [1955 or prior]
Other recording by the Collegium Musicum, Krefeld:
[2] Columbia River Entertainment Group 1170
[CDx5] The Great History of Belgian and Dutch Classical Music
- Music of the Middle Ages
- Vox PL 8110 [LP, mono]
- Music of the Pre-Baroque
- Lyrichord LLST 7109 [LP,
- Musique du Moyen Age et début Renaissance
- Anthologie Sonore LD 3012 [LP,
Reviewed in:
This LP, Vox PL 8110 and Lyrichord LLST 109 are included in a boxed
set (Lyrichord LL 147) A History of Music
from the Middle Ages to the Pre-Baroque. Information from owned LP
(Lyrichord LL 147).
To FAQ references to this recording.
To FAQ CD index page.
Pierre-F. Roberge