John Dunstaple (c.1390-1453) - A discography

This discography is presently in a preliminary state. It is believed to contain a substantial percentage of an eventual full listing, but has not been scoured for completeness or organized into sections based on individual works. It should prove informative nonetheless.

Discographic material below has been collected to this stage with substantial help from Pierre-F. Roberge.

Todd M. McComb


John Dunstaple (c.1390-1453), once more often spelled Dunstable, was one of the most influential composers of the early fifteenth century. Dunstaple's persona took on such a mythological character among later authors that it is this awe which is most discernible today, rather than any underlying facts. Indeed, few details of his life are known, and much of his most significant music is not securely attributed. Based on comments from Tinctoris and other contemporary authors, Dunstaple was mistakenly believed by later Renaissance writers to have invented counterpoint! Although these fanciful aspects of his reputation can be received with some humor today, Dunstaple was certainly one of the leading English composers of his day, and one of those principally responsible for inspiring the integration of the "English Countenance" style into pan-European contrapuntal technique. That style is based on a relative abundance of thirds, or what we might call sonorities anticipating major tonality, in the descant writing then current in England.

Dunstaple may have traveled to Burgundy before 1427, and came to be identified with the adoption of thirds-based harmonies on the Continent. Today it is difficult to separate his work from such contemporaries as Lionel Power (c.1380-1445), and indeed the two surviving mass cycles thought to be by Dunstaple may be by Power instead. Dunstaple and his English contemporaries are, however, thoroughly associated with the first examples of the cantus firmus (where a single melody conditions the rhythm & harmony of each movement) mass cycle, a genre which was soon to become the leading format for musical creativity. Besides these early cantus firmus works, a form in which he certainly wrote at least some smaller-scale settings, Dunstaple wrote isorhythmic motets as well as many more modest antiphons based on the descant style. The bulk of his music is in three parts, while most of the isorhythmic motets are in four.

Dunstaple left at least 52 attributed works, although there continues to be confusion between his work and that of Power and others. Although it is believed that Dunstaple wrote secular music, no music using vernacular texts is securely attributed. The popular song O rosa bella, once thought to be by Dunstaple (and so included in this discography), is now securely attributed to John Bedyngham (d.1459/60). Dunstaple's reputation as a mathematician and astronomer (we might say astrologer today) added to his contemporary stature. His work in these fields is regarded as competent, but not original, such that among the disciplines of the quadrivium, it was music which was his real creative outlet. Although Dunstaple's actual role in developing the harmonic style leading to the High Renaissance is not considered as important today, his music continues to make a strong impact among listeners for its sense of proportion & solidity.

Todd M. McComb, 10/01


Original releases

(or first known)

  1. 1equalmusic XIX [download]
    Nineteen to the dozen
    An a cappella conversation without words
    The Song Company - Antony Pitts

  2. Accent 9068
    Il Cantar Moderno
    Venetian and Neapolitan songs of the 15th Century
    Ensemble Daedalus

  3. Aeolus AE 10023 [CD]
    The St. Emmeram Mensural Codex
    Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 14274

  4. Amadeo AVRS 5043 [LP, mono]
    Innsbruck ich muß dich lassen
    Lieder aus der Zeit Kaiser Maximilians
    Kammerchor Walther von der Vogelweide - Othmar Costa, dir.

  5. Amon Ra CD-SAR 63
    A Golden Treasury of Mediæval Music
    Sine Nomine

  6. Antioch College 0001
    Antioch College - European Tour Chorus of 1973
    Antioch College Chorus - John Ronsheim

  7. Antioch College 0002
    Antioch College - European Tour Chorus of 1975
    Antioch College Chorus - John Ronsheim

  8. Arcana 526 [CD]
    Lux Laetitiae
    Splendors of the Marian Cult in Early Renaissance Ferrara
    La Reverdie

  9. Archiv Produktion 2533 291
    Dufay & Dunstable: Motetten - Motets
    Pro Cantione Antiqua, London - Bruno Turner, dir.

  10. Archiv Produktion 457 586-2
    Musical Book of Hours
    Pomerium - Alexander Blachly

  11. Archiv Produktion APM 14069 [LP-Mono, European market]
    III. Research Period - The early Renaissance, Series C: England and John Dunstable «John Dunstable and his circle» & Series D: The Netherlanders to Okeghem «Johannes Okeghem»
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  12. Argo ZRG 681
    Josquin Des Pres - John Dunstable
    Purcell Consort of Voices - Grayston Burgess, dir.

  13. Arno Volk Verlag 101-3 [LPx3]
    Die Messe
    Pro Musica, Köln - Johannes Hömberg, dir.

  14. Arsonor 002-2
    Guillaume de Machaut, John Dunstable et Guillaume Dufay (±1300 à ±1480)
    La mensuration et l'harmonisation de la polyphonie
    Laudantes Consort - Guy Janssens, dir.

  15. Arte Nova 34055
    Cathedral Sounds - Dunstable
    Sacred music of the late English Gothic
    Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic

  16. Arte Nova 59210
    O rosa bella
    English and Continental Music from the Late Gothic Period
    Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic

  17. AS&V "Gaudeamus" CD GAU 196
    Music at All Souls, Oxford
    The Lancastrians to the Tudors
    The Cardinall's Musick - Andrew Carwood & David Skinner, dirs.

  18. ATMA "Classique" ACD2 2503 [CD]
    Canticum Canticorum - Cantique des Cantiques - Song of Songs
    Les Voix Baroques

  19. Atma Classique 2 2807 [CD]
    L'Homme armé
    La Cour de Bourgogne et la musique
    Studio de Musique Ancienne de Montréal - Andrew McAnerney

  20. Avie 2186
    Tudor City
    New York Polyphony

  21. Bis LP-3 [LP]
    Antik Musik på Wik - Early Music at Wik
    Joculatores Upsaliensis

  22. Blue Heron 1006 [CD]
    Christmas in Medieval England
    Blue Heron - Scott Metcalfe

  23. BMG Milan 1436
    Joan of Arc
    Music and Chants from the XVth Century
    Amadis Ensemble - Catherine Joussellin

  24. Bridge 9419
    Fleur de Valeur
    A Medieval Bouquet

  25. Brilliant Classics 95529
    O Rosa Bella
    Mass by Gilles Joye and Chansons by Dunstable and Bedyngham
    Ensemble Dionea / Ensemble Nova Alta

  26. CMS Records CMS 671 [LP]
    English Medieval Carols and Christmas Music - II - "Nowell - Nowell"
    Members of the Richard Hickox Singers and Orchestra - Richard Hickox

  27. CNR 74 8002 [LP]
    Muziek uit de Middeleeuwen en renaissance
    Studio Laren - Marijke Ferguson, cond.

  28. Carus 83.123
    Canticum Canticorum
    Das Hohelied der Liebe in Motetten alter Meister
    Vokalensemble Cantos, Osnabrück - Johannes Rahe, dir.

  29. Le Chant du Monde LDX 8.180 81 [LPx2]
    Musique d'Autrefois
    Groupe vocal et Ensemble instrumental anciens - Chaillé, dir.

  30. Christophorus 77208
    Alta Danza
    Dance Music from 15th-century Italy
    Ensemble Les Haulz et Les Bas / Véronique Daniels

  31. Christophorus 77332
    La Contenance Angloise
    Ensemble Chant 1450

  32. Collegium Musicum JE 115 [LP]
    Musical Metamorphoses of the Renaissance
    Columbia University Collegium Musicum - Alexander Blachly, dir.

  33. Collegium Musicum JE 118 [LP]
    Music of the Counterreformation / Music of the Henrys of England
    Columbia University Collegium Musicum - Alexander Blachly, dir.

  34. Collegium Musicum JE 119 / 120 [LPx2]
    Music of the Henrys of England
    Columbia University Collegium Musicum - Alexander Blachly, dir.

  35. Columbia (U.S.A.) D40118 [78 r.p.m.]
    Hymn after Agincourt
    The Progress of Music (Dyson), illustration for lecture 61
    Winchester Music Club (a capella)

  36. Columbia ML 6255 [LP, mono]
    Historic Organs of Europe: Switzerland
    E. Power Biggs

  37. Delphian DCD 34042 [CD]
    Song of Songs
    Laudibus - Mike Brewer, dir.

  38. Delphian 34134
    The Merton Collection
    Merton College at 750
    Choir of Merton College Oxford - Benjamin Nicholas & Peter Phillips

  39. Édition de Musique Sacrée SEMS-1120 [78 r.p.m.]
    Dunstable - Anonymous (XIIIth c.) - Vecchi
    Schola Cantorum pontificale

  40. Electrecord (Romania) EXE 0234 [LP]
    History of Music, Record No. 1
    Valentin Teodorian, et al.

  41. Electrecord (Romania) ST-ECE 01601 [LP]
    De la trubaduri la "Ars Nova" Pagini vocale din Evul Mediu si Renastere
    Martha Kessler with instrumental ensemble

  42. Electrola (EMI) SME 91 761/2 [LPx2, stereo] or
    Lebendige Musik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance - Cinq siècles de joyeuse musique
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  43. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063 30 119 [LP]
    The King's Musick aus der Zeit Henry VIII
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich

  44. EMI CSD 3504
    The Treasury of English Church Music, vol, I
    The Ambrosian Singers - Denis Stevens, cond.

  45. EMI Reflexe 49002
    Dunstable: Motets
    Hilliard Ensemble - Paul Hillier

  46. Esoteric ES-521 [LP]
    English medieval Christmas carols
    Primavera Singers of the New York Pro Musica Antiqua - Noah Greenberg, dir.

  47. Eterna (VEB Deutsche Schallplatten) 8 20 347
    1000 Jahre Musikgeschichte in klingenden Beispielen, 1. Folge
    Von den Anfängen der Mehrstimmigkeit bis zum Ende der Renaissance (1000-1580) - From the Beginning of the Polyphony to the End of the Renaissance
    Alfred Knop

  48. Eufoda 1359
    Canticum Canticorum
    In Praise of Love: The Song of Songs in the Renaissance
    Capilla Flamenca - Dirk Snellings

  49. Expériences Anonymes EA-36 [LP, mono]
    John Dunstable Sacred and secular music
    Russell Oberlin - Eileen Poulter - Michael Brimer - The Ambrosian Singers, Denis Stevens, cond.

  50. Film for the Humanities BVL 716 [DVD]
    Music in Time - Part 2: The First Secular Music
    The authoritative, comprehensive History of Western Music
    Narrated by James Galway
    Various performers

  51. Gothic Records 49259
    Gaudete In Domino
    An English Lady Mass
    Schola Gothia - Ulrike Heider

  52. Gregorian Institute of America EL 100 [LPx3]
    Thirteen Century of Christian Choral Art
    Peloquin Chorale

  53. Griffin GCCD 4001 [CD]
    Middle Ages Music
    Trinity Baroque - Julian Podger, dir.
    The Forbury Consort - Alan Crumpler, dir.
    The Holbein Consort - Martin Pope, dir.

  54. Harmonia Mundi (BASF) HB 20 349 [LP]
    Guillaume Dufay - Domweihmotette für Florenz & John Dunstable and Johannes de Limburgia - Hymnen und Canzonen
    Ameling, Altmeyer, Brown, Michaelis, Rotzsch, Gesell, Linde, Knabensolisten des Tölzer Knabenchor - Gerhardt Schmidt-Gaden, dir.; Mitglieder des Collegium Aureum

  55. Harmonia mundi (BASF) 25 (or EA) 22 064-8 [LP]
    Dunstable und seine Zeit: Dunstable - Power - Cooke - Damett
    Geistliche vokalmusik - Sacred vocal music
    Pro Cantione Antiqua, London - Bruno Turner, dir.

  56. Harmonia Mundi USA 907297
    The Call of the Phoenix
    Rare 15th-century English Church music
    Orlando Consort

  57. Haydn Society recording HSE / ST*HSE 7-9101 [LP-mono / mono]
    A Treasury of Early Music - An Anthology of Masterworks of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque, volume 2: Music of the Ars Nova and the Renaissance
    Various artists

  58. Herald HAVPCD 161
    Gregorian Chant - Pentecôte à Pontigny
    Music in honour of three Archibishops of Canterbury: Becket - Langton - E. of Abingdon
    Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge - Mary Berry, dir.

  59. His Master's Voice (EMI) HQS 1195 [LP, stereo]
    Music of Middle Age
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  60. HMV-Gramophone HMS 24 [78 r.p.m.]
    John Dunstable
    Ensemble Pro Musica antiqua de Bruxelles - Safford Cape, dir.

  61. HMV-Gramophone HMS 25 [78rpm]
    Johannes Ciconia - John Dunstable - Guillaume Dufay
    A. Deller, Wenzinger, Majer, Flügel
    Schola polifonica - Henry Washington, dir.

  62. Hyperion 66238
    The Service of Venus and Mars
    Music for the Knights of the Garter, 1340-1440
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page

  63. Hyperion 66783
    The Spirits of England and France - III
    Binchois and his Contemporaries
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page

  64. Hyperion 66919
    The Spirits of England and France - V
    Missa Veterem hominem - An anonymous English Mass setting from c.1440
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page

  65. Hyperion 68132
    Beneath the Northern Star
    The Rise of English Polyphony, 1275-1430
    Orlando Consort

  66. Hyperion 68170
    Music for the 100 Years' War
    Binchois Consort - Andrew Kirkman

  67. Hyperion 68228
    The Lily & the Rose
    Adoration of the Virgin in Sound & Stone: A Further History of the "Long" Fifteenth Century in Music & Alabaster
    The Binchois Consort - Andrew Kirkman

  68. Hyperion 68256
    English Motets
    The Gesualdo Six - Owain Park

  69. Hyperion 68274
    Music for Saint Katherine of Alexandria
    Binchois Consort - Andrew Kirkman

  70. I.H.W. Versand Helga Weber 66.22 371
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  71. Edizioni Musicali III Millennio CDA 0195
    O Florens rosa
    La Rosa nella Musica del Rinascimento
    La Rossignol

  72. KTOP, Oakland [VHS copy]
    Quest for the Middle Ages - Part 1: Travels, Songs & Tales
    The San Francisco Consort - Todd Wetherwax

  73. Lindoro 3012
    The Garden with Countless Windows

  74. Linn Records 541
    Mary Star of the Sea
    Gothic Voices

  75. Linn Records 591 [CD]
    Nowell synge we bothe al and som
    A Feast of Christmas Music in Medieval England
    Gothic Voices - Julian Podger

  76. Linn Records 644 [CD]
    Echoes of an Old Hall
    Gothic Voices

  77. Melodiya C10 13517-18 [LP]
    Music of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance
    "Pro anima" Ensemble

  78. Metronome 1009
    John Dunstaple
    Orlando Consort

  79. Mirror Music 00001 (LP)
    Musik aus osterreichs vergangenheit von 1200 bis 1550
    Les Menestrels

  80. Move MCD 129 [CD]

  81. Musikszene Schweiz 6269
    Europäische Musik in Basel zur Zeit des Konzils
    Armoniae celestes, carmina suavissima
    La Morra - Corina Marti & Michal Gondko

  82. Musurgia A-3 [LP]
    The theory and Practice of Just Intonation
    J. M. Barbour and F. Kuttner

  83. Naxos 8.553466
    Das Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Volume 1
    Fifteenth Century Organ Transcriptions
    Joseph Payne

  84. Naxos 8.557341
    Sweet Harmony
    Dunstaple: Masses and Motets
    Tonus Peregrinus - Antony Pitts

  85. Nimbus 5512
    My Fayre Ladye
    Images of Women in Medieval England

  86. L'Oiseau-Lyre "Florilegium" 12BB 203-6 [4 LPs]
    Musicke of Sundrie Kindes
    An Introduction to Secular Renaissance Music, 1480-1620
    The Consort of Musicke, - Anthony Rooley, dir.

  87. L'Oiseau-Lyre "Florilegium" DSDL 714 [LP]
    Mi verry joy
    Songs of 15th Century Englishmen
    The Medieval Ensemble of London - Peter & Timothy Davies, dir.

  88. Passacaille 1012 [CD]
    Le Chant de Leschiquier
    Binchois & Dufay songs in the Buxheim Codex
    Tasto Solo - Guillermo Pérez

  89. Pleiades P 251 [LP, stereo]
    Historical Anthology of Music in Performance
    Early and Late 15th-Century Music
    The University of Chicago Collegium Musicum - Howard M. Brown, dir.; Southern Illinois University Collegium Musicum - Wesley K. Morgan, dir.

  90. RBM Musikproduktion (München) 3021 [LP]
    Gloria Dei
    Weihnachtliche Musik aus 4 Jahrhunderten
    Karslruher Consort - Hans Spengler, dir.

  91. Revue Musicale de Suisse Romande RMSR 20081 [CD]
    Les Musiques de la Cour de Savoie
    La Chapelle des Ducs de Savoie - Vincent Arlettaz, dir.

  92. Signum 070
    All the Ends of the Earth
    Contemporary & Medieval Vocal Music
    The Choir of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge - Geoffrey Webber

  93. Studio SM D3021
    Ensemble De Caelis - Laurence Brisset, dir.

  94. Supraphon SUA 10 714 [LP, mono]
    Old English Vocal Music
    Musica Antiqua Vienna - René Clemencic, dir. & Prague Madrigal Singers - Miroslav Venhoda, cond.

  95. Supraphon 190211 [LP]
    (Title unknown)
    (Performers unknown)

  96. SVR Digital SVR-3005-3 [CD]
    El Arte Musical del Gótico en las Voces de Collegium Vocale
    Obras del siglo XI al siglo XIV
    Collegium Vocale - Alejandro Reyes van Eweyk, dir.

  97. Teldec (Das Alte Werk) 6.35 494 (3 LPs)
    Ars Britannica
    Old Hall Manuscript / Madrigals / Lute Songs
    Pro Cantione Antigua

  98. Teldec 66.22 387 [LP]
    Hildegard / Dunstable / Dufay
    Helga Weber Ensemble

  99. Telefunken "Dal Alte Werk" AWT 9505-A [LP, mono]
    Geistliche Musik um 1400 - Religious Music circa 1400
    Ciconia - Dunstable and others
    Capella Antiqua, München - Konrad Ruhland, dir.

  100. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" 6.35 257 ER [LPx2, stereo]
    Guillaume Dufay "1400-1474" Und seine Zeit - And his times - Et son époque
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  101. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AW 8 008 [17 cm, 45 rpm, mono]
    Musik der Alten Niederländer
    Musiekkring Obrecht

  102. Telefunken AWT 8026 [45 r.p.m. EP, mono]
    Geistliche Musik des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts
    Dunstable - Dufay - Binchois - Ockeghem - Obrecht
    Capella Antiqua, München

  103. Telemann Gezelschap PLP/VW 34712 [LP]
    (title unknown)
    Consortium Antiquum - Jean-Pierre Biesemans, cond.

  104. Tròba Vox TR 049 ISRC 38X19 [CD]
    L'impasse merveilleuse
    De Machaut à Dufay

  105. Vanguard "The Bach Guild" BG-654 [LP mono]
    Carols and Motets for the Nativity of Medieval and Tudor England
    Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir. & Musica Antiqua, Vienna - René Clemencic, dir.

  106. Vanguard "The Bach Guild" BGS-680 [LP-mono, NA market]
    Christmas Carols & Motets of Medieval Europe
    The Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir. & Musica Antiqua of Vienna - René Clemencic, dir.

  107. Vanguard Classics VSD-71223 [LP]
    A Concert of Early Music
    Musica Reservata of London

  108. Victor 13556 [78 r.p.m.]
    Mediæval and Renaissance Choral Music, rec. 2
    Anonymous - Dunstable
    Choir of the Pius X School of Liturgical Music - Stevens, dir.

  109. The Village & Early Music Society (no number) [CD]
    A Medieval Pilgrimage
    A Musical Tour of the Middle Ages
    AROW - American Recorder Orchestra of the West - Richard Geisler

  110. Vox "Turnabout" TV 4058 [LP, mono]
    Music of the Early Renaissance
    John Dunstable and His Contemporaries
    Purcell Consort of Voices - Grayston Burgess, dir. & Musica Reservata

  111. Voxfire (private release) [CD]
    Songs to the Virgin
    A Medieval Meditation

  112. Voxfire 2 [CD]
    Live in Concert 2000-2005

  113. Willaert AW 1/77 [LP]
    Adrian-Willaert-Ensemble Freiburg
    Dufay – Dunstable – Ockeghem – Desprez – Willaert – Compère – van Ghizeghem
    Adrian-Willaert-Ensemble Freiburg


(or otherwise duplicated)

  1. Archiv 445 667 (7 CDs)
    Sacred Music of the Renaissance
    Pro Cantione Antiqua - Bruno Turner

  2. Archiv 449 082-3 [4 CDs]
    The Medieval Experience
    Choralschola der abtei Müchwarzach; The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.; Choeur de l'abaye Notre-Dame de Fontgombault; Pro Cantione Antiqua & The London Cornett and Sackbutt Ensemble - Bruno Turner, dir.

  3. Archiv Produktion 2523 070 [LPx6]
    Geistliche Musik der Renaissance
    Various performers

  4. Arte Nova 74321 59201 2 [CDx6]
    Meisterwerke Alter Musik - Early Music Masterworks
    Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic

  5. Bis CD-3 [CD]
    Antik Musik på Wik - Early Music at Wik
    Joculatores Upsaliensis

  6. Christophorus CHR 77003
    Zeit der dämmerung - Time of the dawn
    Noch heute gilt das mitelalter als dunkels ... - Still today the middle-ages are said to have been dark ...
    Various Ensemble

  7. Christophorus 77462 [CDx5]
    Wege zu Hildegard von Bingen
    Ensemble für frühe Musik Augsburg / Per-Sonat / Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber / Estampie

  8. Christophorus Entrée 0042
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  9. Clásicos Qualiton CQ-2060 [CD]
    La Flauta Dulce en Inglaterra
    Conjunto Pro Arte de Flautas Dulces [de Buenos Aires]

  10. Cyprès 1630 (12 CDs)
    The Golden Age of European Polyphony
    Laudantes Consort - Guy Janssens

  11. Decca "Eloquence" 484 0250 [CDx2]
    The Eton Choirbook
    Davy / Lambe / Browne / Nesbett / Wylkynson / Cornysh / Fawkyner / Dunstable / Josquin
    Purcell Consort of Voices / Elizabethan Consort of Viols - Grayston Burgess

  12. Decca 4854676 [CDx14]
    Complete Decca Recordings
    The Medieval Ensemble of London

  13. Deutsche Gramophon MOW 2 [LP]
    (title unknown)
    Ulsamer Collegium / Pro Cantione Antiqua, London

  14. Deutsche Grammophon "Éloquence" 469 671-2
    Music of the Renaissance
    Palestrina - Byrd - Dunstable - Morley - Dowland
    Pro Cantione antiqua & Hamburger Bläserkreis für alte Musik - Bruno Turner, dir.; Ulsamer-Collegium - Josef Ulsamer, dir.; Konrad Ragossnig (lute)

  15. Deutsche Grammophon 439 457-2
    Music of the Renaissance
    Palestrina - Byrd - Dunstable - Josquin - Dowland
    Pro Cantione antiqua & Hamburger Bläserkreis für alte Musik - Bruno Turner, dir.; Ulsamer-Collegium - Josef Ulsamer, dir.; Konrad Ragossnig (lute)

  16. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472 77601 2
    Century Classics I 1400-1500: Dunstable - Dufay et al.
    Pro Cantione Antiqua - Sequentia - Schola Cantorum Basiliensis

  17. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (EMI) 555 (or CDM)-7 69 480-2
    Ockeghem Dunstable Power (Geistliche Chorwerke).
    Pro Cantione Antiqua, Collegium Aureum, Bläserkreises für Alte Musik Hamburg - Bruno Turner, dir.

  18. Disques Lyres LLL 03008
    Les chemins du Moyen Âge - A journey through the Middle Ages
    Musique instrumentale - Instrumental Music

  19. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 163 30119 / 0124Y [LPx6, Cass. x6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 4 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    The King's Musick aus der Zeit Henry VIII - Byrd: Harpsichord Music - Allegri / Carissimi - Estampie: Instrumentalmusik des Mittelalters - Peter Abélard - Guillaume Dufay: Adieu m'amour
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich
    Colin Tilney
    Linde-Consort - Hans-Martin Linde, dir; Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  20. EMI 1A 137-26510 / 11 [LPx2, stereo, gatefold sleeve]
    Vijf Eeuwen Muziek
    Composities uit de 13e t/m 17e Eeuw
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  21. EMI Classics "Références" 7243 5 65 501 2 4
    HMV Recordings, 1949-1954
    Alfred Deller

  22. EMI Classics 65924
    Gateway to Classical Music
    Early Music
    Various Artists

  23. EMI Classics 68202 [CDx8]
    Gateway to Classical Music Vol. 1 / 2
    Various Artists

  24. EMI « Reflexe » ED 290255 [LP]
    Music from the renaissance & baroque period
    Musiche del rinascimento e dell'epoca barocca
    Linde Consort, Melanti '81, London Baroque, Hilliard Ensemble, Anthony Bailes, Hespèrion XX, Taverner Choir & Consort.

  25. FSM 33030 / 31 [LPx2, Germany]
    Musik der Renaissance
    Various performers

  26. HMV HLP 5/6/7 [LPx3, mono, 25cm, Europe]
    The History of Music in Sound, Vol. III: Ars Nova and the Renaissance
    Various performers

  27. Harmonia mundi HM 30922 [LP]
    Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
    Deller Consort & Walter Gerwig

  28. Harmonia Mundi "Century" HMX 290 8169 [CD]
    Du style gothique à la Pré-Renaissance / From gothic to Pre-Renaissance (1370-1460)
    Ars Subtilior / Dawn of the Renaissance
    Various performers

  29. His Master's Voice (EMI) 5 C 047-24370 [LP]
    De Wereld van Syntagma Musicum
    Ensemble Syntagma Musicum - Kees Otten, dir.

  30. Horizon DL 34 541
    Music for a Medieval Day
    Music of the cloister, cathedral, court, marketplace, and countryside
    New York Pro Musica - Noah Greenberg & John Reeves White, dir.

  31. Hyperion CDS 44251/3 [CDx3]
    Gothic Voices Gramophone Award Winners Collection
    Gothic Voice - Christopher Page

  32. Musical Concepts MC 192 [CDx4 + CD-ROM]
    Alfred Deller – The Complete Vanguard Recordings, Volume THREE
    Christmas Carols and Motets
    Alfred Deller - The Deller Consort

  33. Naxos 8.572183
    Eternal Voice
    Various performers

  34. Naxos « Educational – Discover » 8.558170 / 71 [CDx2]
    Discover Early Music
    Various performers and ensembles

  35. Nonesuch H-1010 [LP, mono]
    Masterpieces of the Early French & Italian Renaissance
    Groupe vocal et Ensemble instrumental anciens - Chaillé, dir.

  36. Omega Vanguard Classics OVC 8050 / 53 [4 CDs]
    A Celebration of Christmas - Carols through the Ages
    Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir. & Musica Antiqua, Vienna - René Clemencic, dir.

  37. Organ.o ORO 206
    Keyboard Banquet: Buxheim Organ Book (1410-1473)
    Works by Anon., Paumann, Dunstable, Bedyngham, Morton, Putenheim
    David Kinsela

  38. Orpheus (Musical Heritage Society) OR 438 [LP]
    History of European Music - Part II: Music of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance, vol. 2
    Schola Cantorum Londiniensis & Ambrosian Singers - Denis Stevens, musical dir.

  39. Orpheus (Musical Heritage Society) OR 437 / 439 [LPx3]
    History of European Music - Part II: Music of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance
    Schola Cantorum Londiniensis & Ambrosian Singers - Denis Stevens, musical dir.

  40. RCA "Red Seals" 82876 60986 2 [CDx4]
    Trésors - Moyen-Âge
    Various performers

  41. RCA Victor "Red Seal" set MO 739 [78rpm x6, 30cm]
    Mediæval and Renaissance Choral Music
    Choir of the Pius X School of Liturgical Music - Mother Stevens, dir.

  42. Schwann "Hören & Lernen" HL 00 211 [LPx5]
    Spektrum Music vol. 3
    Musikkunde in Biespielen
    Various performers

  43. Seraphim SIC-6052 [LPx3, stereo]
    The Seraphim Guide to Renaissance Music
    72 vocal and instrumental works from the 13th to 17th centuries
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  44. Warner Classics 90296 73084 [CDx34]
    Josquin and the Franco-Flemish School
    Various artists

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