Heinrich Isaac (c.1450-1517) - A discography

This discography is presently in a preliminary state. It is believed to contain a substantial percentage of an eventual full listing, but has not been scoured for completeness or organized into sections based on individual works. It should prove informative nonetheless.

Discographic material below has been collected to this stage with substantial help from Pierre-F. Roberge.

Todd M. McComb


Heinrich Isaac (c.1450-1517) was the next most widely known of Josquin's contemporaries, and a prolific composer in all genres of the period, both sacred and secular. Isaac was apparently born in the Flemish-speaking portion of the Low Countries, perhaps in Flanders or Brabant. Although some of his music appears in manuscripts copied in the mid-1470s, the earliest biographical reference dates from 1484, naming him as a court composer at Innsbruck. By 1485, he was in Florence, where he served the Medicis, and where he married a Florentine woman before 1490. His position as a married man was unusual among the Franco-Flemish masters. The Medicis were banished from Florence in 1494, and by 1496, Isaac was in the employ of the Emperor Maximilian I. In the Emperor's service, Isaac traveled throughout Germany, and is generally credited with a seminal musical influence on that country. In 1515, he returned to Florence, as a sort of partial retirement, and continued to compose as commissioned by the Emperor's court until he died there in 1517. Isaac was described as an old man, and may have been the oldest of the major Franco-Flemish composers of his generation.

Isaac's output is among the largest and most varied of the era. He wrote seventeen mass cycles in typical Franco-Flemish style, as well as nineteen cycles based directly on plainchant and intended for alternation with chant or organ. The latter were apparently intended for the German tradition, for which he also wrote the massive Choralis Constantinus (eventually published in three volumes in 1550 & 1555). The Choralis Constantinus is a cycle of polyphonic Propers for the entire liturgical year, based on the appropriate chants. Although he was not able to complete it, Isaac's cycle was one of the largest to date, and probably his most influential work. He also wrote over fifty motets, in a variety of styles: more technical Franco-Flemish pieces such as Virgo prudentissima in six parts, chant-based settings comparable to his Propers settings, and lighter settings based on Italian styles. He left thirteen independent Credos. Isaac's secular and instrumental works consist of nearly one hundred pieces in French, Dutch, German, Italian, or without texts. He left one of the largest early outputs of original instrumental music, a legacy further supplemented by the many instrumental adaptations of short sections of his masses.

The most distinctive feature of Isaac's output is its variety, and few traits can be identified as personal ones. He seems to have had little interest in architectural challenges, preferring a less structural approach based on episodic and rhetorical ideas. He seems to have responded directly to melody, not only in his many chant-based settings, but in such exotica as his setting of a Turkish Sufi tune (apparently heard during a Turkish visit to Vienna), La la hö hö. He also wrote an A la battaglia, and seems to have let his inspiration come from anywhere. In keeping with this image, during the competition with Josquin for the Ferrara post (1502), it was noted that Isaac would compose whatever & whenever his patron desired. It is consequently difficult to perceive more or less significant individual works in his output.

Todd M. McComb, 11/01


Original releases

(or first known)

  1. ABC Classics 4810191
    For Emperor and Pope
    Music for a Renaissance Court
    The Song Company - Roland Peelman

  2. Academy 308 [LP, 25cm, mono]
    Courtly Music of the XVIth Century
    Harvard & Radcliffe Music Clubs Chorus - Westergaard, cond.

  3. Accent 9068
    Il Cantar Moderno
    Venetian and Neapolitan songs of the 15th Century
    Ensemble Daedalus

  4. Accent 9176
    El Cancionero de la Catedral de Segovia
    Ensemble Daedalus

  5. Adda 581 316
    Le chansonnier Nivelle de la Chaussée (Chansons courtoise du XVe siècle)
    Ensemble Amadis

  6. Advent D 1023 [Cassette]
    Songs of a travelling apprentice
    Fiedler, Cunningham, The Cambridge Consort - Joel Cohen, dir.

  7. AEM Festival Recordings 101
    Isaac: Vocal & Instrumental Music
    Amherst Festival Choir / Amherst Festival Faculty - Patricia Petersen

  8. Alamire LUB 03
    Magister X
    An Introduction to Polyphony
    Capilla Flamenca - Dirk Snellings

  9. Álba musica (Musidisc) MU 245 192
    Une histoire universelle & imaginaire de la vielle à roue
    Anouar Brahem, Guillaume de Machaut, Maestro Piero...
    Viellistic Orchestra - Pascal Lefeuvre, dir.

  10. Alia Vox AV 9814
    Carlos V
    Mille Regretz: La Canción del Emperador
    La Capella Reial de Catalunya / Hespèrion XXI - Jordi Savall

  11. Alia Vox AVSA 9850 A+B [SACD-Hx2]
    Christophorus Columbus
    Paraísos Perdidos - Lost Paradises - Paradis Perdus
    M. Figueras, Hespèrion XXI, La Capella Reial de Catalunya - J. Savall, dir.

  12. Alia Vox AV 9856 A+B [SACD-Hx2]
    Francesco Javier: La Ruta de Oriente
    Hespèrion XXI & La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Jordi Savall, dir.

  13. Alia Vox AVSA 9922 [SACD]
    Henricus Isaac
    In the time of Lorenzo de' Medici & Maximilan I, 1450-1519
    La Capella Reial de Catalunya / Hespèrion XXI - Jordi Savall

  14. Alice Musik ALCD 008
    Schola Buccina Trombone Ensemble on authentic instruments
    Schola Buccina Trombone Ensemble

  15. Allegro AL 14 [LPx2, mono]
    Music of the Gothic Period and the early Renaissance, vol. I
    Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson

  16. Allegro AL 72 [LPx2, mono]
    Music of the Gothic Period and the early Renaissance, vol. II
    Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson

  17. Allegro AL 90 [LP, mono]
    German Songs from Minnesingers to the 17th Century
    E. Rogers, R. de la Torre

  18. Alpha 270 (LP)
    Ars Moriendi
    Huelgas Ensemble - Paul Van Nevel

  19. Alpha CL 3017 [LP]
    Vieilles Orgues en Flandres, no. 2 - Old Organs in Flanders, Nr 2
    Gabriel Verschraegen

  20. Alpha "Monumenta Beligicae musicae" SP 6032 [LP]
    Gloria Laus
    Pros Goethals

  21. Amadeo AVRS 5030 [LP]
    Gesellige Musik der Renaissance
    Capella Monacensis - Kurt Weinhöppel, dir.

  22. Amadeo AVRS 5043 [LP, mono]
    Innsbruck ich muß dich lassen
    Lieder aus der Zeit Kaiser Maximilians
    Kammerchor Walther von der Vogelweide - Othmar Costa, dir.

  23. Amadeo AVRS 6233 [LP, mono, Europe]
    Instrumentalmusik am hofe Maximilians I
    Isaak, Brumel, Senfl, Fink, Compère, Josquin, Obrecht
    Concentus Musicus, Ensemble für Alte Musik

  24. Ambitus 96 965 [CD]
    Isaak: Missa Paschalis "ad organum"
    Cantus Modalis - Rebecca Stewart

  25. Ambitus 97947
    La Symétrie
    Ensemble Flûte Harmonique

  26. Amphion CL 2150 [LP]
    Music by Renaissance Masters
    Telemann Society Motet Choir and Instrumental Ensemble - Theodora Schulze, cond.

  27. Anthologie sonore LD 3012 [LP]
    Musique du Moyen Age et début Renaissance
    Collegium Musicum, Krefeld - Robert Haas, dir.

  28. Arcana 35
    Chansonniers Allemands du XVe siècle
    Ferrara Ensemble - Crawford Young

  29. Arcana A367 [CD]
    I dodici giardini
    Cantico di Santa Caterina da Bologna (1413-1463)
    La Reverdie

  30. Archiv 445 883
    Canzoni e Danze
    Wind Music from Renaissance Italy
    Piffaro - The Renaissance Band

  31. Archiv Produktion "Blue" 474 233-2 [CD]
    Music at the Court of Emperor Maximilian I
    Mitglieder des Concentus Musicus, Wien - N. Harnoncourt, cond.; Wiener Sängerknaben und Chorus Viennensis - U. Mund. cond.

  32. Archiv Produktion 2533 378 [LP]
    Isaac - Brumel - Mouton - Compère: Motetten - Motets
    Pro Cantione Antiqua, London - Bruno Turner, cond.

  33. Archiv Produktion APM 14032 [LP-Mono, European market]
    IV. Research Period - The High Renaissance, Series A: The Netherlanders from Josquin des Prés & Series G: Dance Music
    Notenbücher der Margerete von Österreich - Susato
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  34. Archiv Produktion DGA 14 323 [LP, mono]
    IV. Research Period - The High Renaissance, Series B: At the Imperial Court of Maximilian I «From the Repertoire of the Imperial Court Chapel»
    Mitglieder des Concentus Musicus, Wien - N. Harnoncourt, cond.; Wiener Sängerknaben und Chorus Viennensis - U. Mund. cond.

  35. Argo ZRG 728 [LP]
    The Triumphs of Maximilian I
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  36. Arktos 98027CD
    Early Music Consort of Calgary

  37. Ars Antiqua Renaissance / Dorothy Amarandos (4 CDs)
    An Ars Antiqua Renaissance
    Selected Recordings of Medieval, Renaissance & Baroque Concert-Productions
    Ars Antiqua - Dorothy Amarandos

  38. Ars Musici 232418
    La Spiritata 2
    Blockflöten durch die jahrhu
    Flautando Köln

  39. Arsonor 012
    Chansons et madrigaux, 16ème et 17ème siècles
    Laudantes Consort - Guy Janssens

  40. Arte Nova 39116
    Johannes von Lublin: Tabulatura 1540
    René Clemencic

  41. Arte Nova 99053 (3CDs)
    Late Gothic and Renaissance Masterworks, Volume 2
    Clavichord works
    René Clemencic

  42. Astrée E 8626
    Lorenzo Il Magnifico, Trionfo di Bacco - Chants de Carnaval
    Doulce Mémoire - Denis Raisin-Dadre, dir.

  43. AS&V "Gaudeamus" 139
    Ockeghem: Missa Mi-Mi
    The Clerks' Group - Edward Wickham

  44. AS&V Gaudeamus 220
    Josquin: Missa Fortuna Desperata and songs
    Motets by Isaac, Senfl, Greiter
    The Clerks' Group - Edward Wickham

  45. Audite 97783 [CD]
    Basevi Codex
    Music At the Court of Margaret of Austria
    Dorothee Mields / Boreas Quartett Bremen

  46. Avie AV0005
    Music for the Spanish Court 1470-1520
    The Dufay Collective

  47. Bard BDCD 1-8901 [CD]
    Carmina Burana
    and other Spirited songs from the German Middle Ages
    The Folger Consort

  48. Bayer Records BR 100 164
    J'ay pris amours
    Isaak Ensemble, Heidelberg & Eva Lebherz-Valentin

  49. Bayer Records BR100 274
    Musica mensurabilis IV
    Gombert - Musae Jovis ter maximi; Brumel - Missa "Et ecce terraemotus" & Isaac - Missa paschalis
    Schola Cantorum Stuttgart - Clytus Gottwald, dir.

  50. Belvédère ELY 0501 [LP]
    Musique au temps de la Renaissance
    The London Ambrosian Singers and Consort; Franz Tenta Consort, Salzburg; Ensemble Les Ménestrels

  51. Belvédère ELY-520 / 521 [LPx2]
    Le Triomphe de Maximilien 1er - The Triumph of Maximilian I
    The London Ambrosian Singers - John McCarthy, dir.; The Vienna Renaissance players

  52. Bis 1229
    Nobuko Imai / Mie Miki

  53. Bongiovanni 5607
    Isaac: La Spagna
    Mottetti e Missa per la corte di Lorenzo de' Medici
    Musiche strumentali sulla melodia La Spagna
    Paolo Pandolfo / Liuwe Tamminga / Odhecaton - Paolo Da Col

  54. Bonn Recording Enterprises BRE 033 [LP]
    Pastime with Good Company
    Ars Nova - Bevan Leviston, dir.

  55. C.A.B. Records CAB-09 [CD, including multimedia material]
    Musik in einer Stadt vor 500 Jahren - Music in a town 500 years ago
    Capella Antiqua Bambergensis

  56. Calig 30 407 / 409 [LP]
    Musikalisches Tafelkonfekt - 1
    Ulsamer Collegium - Josef Ulsamer, dir.

  57. Calig 30 451 [LP]
    Musik der Gotik und der Renaissance
    Capella Monacensis - Kurt Weinhöppel, dir.

  58. Calliope 9305
    Josquin: Missa "L'homme armé sexti toni" & Chansons
    Ensemble Obsidienne - Emmanuel Bonnardot

  59. Camerata CM 25004 [LP, 25cm]
    Heinrich Isaac: Missa Carminum
    Neidersächsischer Singkreis, Hanover - Willi Trader, cond.

  60. Camerata CM 30 004 / 005 [LPx2]
    Deutsche Volkslieder, II
    Liedsätze aus älterer und neuerer Zeit ... z.T. mit historischen Instrumenten
    Various performers

  61. Camerata de Caracas (no number) [LPx2]
    Camerata de Caracas
    Musica del Renacimiento Europeo
    Camerata de Caracas - Isabel Palacios, dir.

  62. Cantus 9633
    Non posso abbandonarte
    Canciones y danzas italianas, sec. XV-XVI
    Roberta Invernizzi / Accademia Strumentale Italiana - Alberto Rasi

  63. Carolina Pro Musica CPM 0007 LP [CD]
    Harmonies of Earth and Heaven
    A Mirror on the Past
    Carolina Pro Musica

  64. Carus 83.524 [CD]
    Choralis Constantinus 1508
    Heinrich Isaac in Konstanz
    Ensemble Cantissimo - Markus Utz

  65. CBC records SM 229
    Music for Early Instruments
    Toronto Consort

  66. CBS Masterworks 79 333 [LPx3]
    The Most beautiful madrigals - Les Plus beaux madrigaux - Die schönsten Madrigal
    Collegium Vocale, Köln - Wolfgang Fromme, cond.

  67. Centaur Records 2109
    The Art of Flemish Song
    In the Courts of Europe
    Live Oak

  68. Centaur 2548
    Josquin / Isaac: Music of the Renaissance
    Sex Chordæ Consort of Viols

  69. Centaur 3074
    Music for the Bentivoglio
    Unica and highlights from codex Q18
    Speculum Ensemble

  70. Centaur 3282
    Music of Pierrequin de Thérache
    Polyphony from Cambrai, vol. 1
    Capella Alamire / Alamire Consort - Peter Urquhart

  71. Challenge Classics 72598
    Luther's Wedding Day
    Capella de la Torre - Katharina Bäuml

  72. Choralis Constantinus 001
    Choralis Constantinus 500
    Vocal liturgical music in the Habsburg imperial court
    Corvina Consort, Discantus, Voces Æqualies, et al.

  73. Choralis Constantinus (002) [CDx2]
    Choralis Constantinus 500
    Vocal liturgical music in the Habsburg imperial court according to 15th and 16th-century practices
    Corvina Consort, et al. - Zoltán Kalmanovits

  74. Christophorus SCGLV 73 723 [LP]
    Freiburger Münsterbläser & Salzburger Turmbläser

  75. Christophorus SCGLX 73 796 [LP]
    Liebliche Zwiegesänge der Renaissance
    Duo Silvia & Walter Frei

  76. Christophorus CD 74538
    Canti carnascialeschi
    Karnevalslieder der italienischen Renaissance
    Josquin-Ensemble Wien - Michael Mayr, dir.

  77. Christophorus CD 74 572
    Schlager um 1500
    Ensemble für Frühe Musik Augsburg

  78. Christophorus CLP 75 495 [LP, 25cm, mono]
    Die Libe ist schoen
    Liebeslieder aus den 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts
    Capella antiqua München - Konrad Ruhland, dir.

  79. Christophorus "Musica Practica" SCGLX 75 936 [LP, stereo]
    Heinrich Isaac: Missa "Carminum" - Ludwig Senfl: Missa "Per signum crucis"
    Capella Antiqua München - Konrad Ruhland

  80. Christophorus CHE 0069-2 [CD]
    Musik der Renaissance
    Music from the Renaissance
    Fine Krakamp

  81. Christophorus 77132
    Musica a Firenze
    The Time of Lorenzo the Magnificent
    Insieme Vocale e strumentale L'Homme Armé - Fabio Lombardo

  82. Christophorus 77217
    Isaac: Motetten für Kaiser Maximilian I
    Ensemble Hofkapelle - Michael Procter

  83. Christophorus 77218
    Isaac: Virgo prudentissima
    Müncher Dommusik - Karl-Ludwig Nies

  84. Christophorus 77253
    Lamentatio: Music for the Passiontide circa 1500
    Ensemble Officium - Wilfried Rombach

  85. Christophorus 77267
    Isaac: Missa Paschalis
    Ensemble Officium - Wilfried Rombach

  86. Christophorus 77277
    Isaac: Missa pro Maximiliano
    Hofkapelle - Miachael Procter

  87. Christophorus 77311
    Gyri Gyri Gaga
    German Renaissance Songs of Lust & Life

  88. Christophorus 77360 [CD]
    Heinrich Isaac: Ein frölich Wesen
    Secular and textless music
    Les Flamboyants - Michael Form

  89. Christophorus 77438
    Kaiser Maximilian I
    Lieder / Chansons / Tänze
    Per-Sonat - Sabine Lutzenberger

  90. Christophorus 77451 [CD]
    Die Zeit nunmehr vorhanden ist
    Weinachtliche Vokalmusik in bedrängter Zeit
    Schola Heidelberg - Walter Nußbaum

  91. Christophorus 77455 [CD]
    Othmayr: Gift & Gegengift
    Laster & Tugenden in Liedern der Renaissance
    Franz Vitzthum / Dryades Consort - Silvia Tecardi

  92. Classic 1056 [LP]
    Manhattan Recorder Consort
    Manhattan Recorder Consort

  93. Collegium Musicum JE 116 [LP]
    In Praise of Women / Musical Metamorphoses
    Columbia University Collegium Musicum - Alexander Blachly, dir.

  94. Collegium Records JE 101 [LP]
    Music of the French Ars Nova - Music of Heinrich Isaac - A Composite Fourteenth Century Mass
    Columbia University Collegium Musicum - Richard Taruskin, dir.

  95. Collegium Records JE 102 / 103 [LP]
    Flemish & Burgundian Music in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    The Columbia University Collegium Musicum - Richard Taruskin, dir.

  96. Collegium Records JE 109 / 110 [LPx2]
    Missa "L'Homme armé"
    A composite with the Proper for the Common of Doctors of the Church, and instrumental interludes
    Columbia University Collegium Musicum - R. Taruskin, dir.

  97. Collegium Records JE 112 [LP]
    Mass for Christmas
    Columbia University Collegium Musicum - Alexander Blachly, dir.

  98. Columbia (U.S.A.) 4234 / 4235M (set X 168) [78 r.p.m. x 2]
    Isaac - Anonymous
    Ernst Wolf

  99. Cornetto COR 10006
    Pierre de La Rue: Lamentationes Jeremiae
    Heinrich Isaac: Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae SW German CCho Tübingen – Rolf Maier-Karius

  100. Coviello Classics 91708
    Fro bin ich dein
    Ensemble Canti B

  101. Cpo 555318 [CD]
    Mirabile Mysterium
    Choral Music for Christmas
    Isaac / Eccard / Raphael / Monteverdi / Hammerschmidt / Schütz / Rheinberger / Reger / Woyrsch / Lauridsen
    Sächsisches Vocalensemble - Matthias Jung

  102. CPO 999-294-2 [CD]
    The Spirit of the Renaissance
    Ensemble Weser-Renaissance Bremen - Manfred Cordes, dir.

  103. Da Camera "Magna" 91 705 [LP]
    Musica da Camera Italiana
    Charlotte Lehmann, Karslruher Consort - Hans Spengler, dir.

  104. Decca "Gold Label" DL 9424 [LP, mono]
    The Renaissance Band
    New York Pro Musica - Noah Greenberg, dir., LaNoue Davenport, a/dir.

  105. Decca Gold Label Series DL 9413/ [LP, mono]
    Heinrich Isaac: Music for Lorenzo the Magnificent - Jacob Obrecht: Missa Fortuna Desperata
    New York Pro Musica - Noah Greenberg, dir.

  106. Decca Gold Label Series DL 9428 [LP-mono]
    Florentine Music: Ars Nova - Gherardellus, Andreas, Donatus & Renaissance - Isaac, Festa
    New York Pro Musica - LaNoue Davenport, dir.

  107. Decca 153010 [LP]
    (title unknown)
    Consortium Antiquum

  108. Delos 3174
    From Chant to Renaissance
    Voices of Ascension - Dennis Keene

  109. Delos 3553
    Timeless: Ten Centuries of Music
    Cappella SF - Ragnar Bohlin

  110. Delphian 34169
    Mynstrelles with Straunge Sounds
    The Earliest Consort Music for Viols
    Clare Wilkinson / Rose Consort of Viols

  111. Discophiles français 330 222/4 [LPx3, mono]
    Anthologie de la chanson française de 1450 à 1550, de Gilles Binchois à Guillaume Costeley
    Ensemble vocal Blanchard - Roger Blanchard, dir.

  112. Dorian DOR 90 133
    A Renaissance Tour of Europe
    The New York Kammermusiker & Double Reed Ensemble - Ilonna Pederson, dir.

  113. Dorian 90261
    Renaissance Winds
    Ensemble Doulce Mémoire - Denis Raisin-Dadre

  114. Dorian 90292
    Music of Renaissance Germany
    Piffaro - Joan Kimball & Robert Wiemken

  115. Dorian 90301
    Music from the Odhecaton

  116. Dorian 90312
    Trionfo d'Amore e della Morte
    Florentine Music for a Medici Procession
    Piffaro / Concord Ensemble - Joan Kimball & Robert Wiemken

  117. Dorian 93225
    The Diamond of Ferrara
    Music from the Court of Ercole I
    Ex Umbris

  118. Dover HCR-5 270 [LP, mono]
    German Music of the Renaissance
    The Ambrosian Singers and Consort, &In Nomine Players - Denis Stevens, cond.

  119. Dux 0230
    Piesni i tance XV-XVI wieku
    Collegio Antico

  120. Eloquentia 1651
    Ave stella serena
    Orgue Renaissance de Saint-Julien-du-Sault
    Luc Paganon / Ensemble Obsidienne

  121. EMI 1C 069-46 680 [LP]
    Musik der Luther Zeit
    Renaissance Ensemble - Köln

  122. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 069 146 693-1 [LP]
    Isaac: Sacred & Secular Works
    Hilliard Ensemble / Kees Boeke Consort

  123. EMI/Electrola "Reflexe" SHZEL 713 [LP]
    Pop Ago: Chansons - Songs - Canciones - Lieder- Canzonen
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  124. EMI/HMV SLS 5049 [LPx3]
    The Art of the Netherlands
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow

  125. Enigma VAR-1024 [LP]
    A Tapestry of Music for Christopher Columbus and his Crew
    St. George's Canzona

  126. Esoteric 546 [LP, mono]
    Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Motet
    The Renaissance Chorus - Harold Brown, dir.

  127. Et'cetera KTC 1213
    The Virgin & Christ-child
    Henry's Eight - Jonathan Brown, dir.

  128. Etcetera 1571
    Codex Speciálník
    Cappella Mariana - Vojtech Semerád

  129. Etcetera "O-live Music" 1910
    Johannes Heer Song Book
    Cod. St. Gallen 426

  130. Etcetera "O-live Music" 1920
    Gesti Antichi e Moderni per Flauti Dolci
    The Olive Consort

  131. Eterna (VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, Berlin) ???? [LP]
    Archiv Produktion. 4. Forschungsbereich, Hochrenaissance (16.Jh.). Serie H: Das deutsche Lied
    Lieder und Tänze aus Deutschland 1460-1560
    C. Krumbiegel, W. Reinhold, H.-C. Polster, Capella Lipsiensis - Dietrich Knothe, dir.

  132. Eterna (VEB Schallplaten) 830 007 [LP]
    Das deutche Chorlied I
    Madrigale aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
    Solistenvereinigung des Berliner Rudfunks - Helmut Koch, dir.

  133. Eterna (VEB Schallplaten) 8 26 392 [LP]
    Pierre de la Rue: Missa pro defunctis (Requiem) - Heinrich Isaac: Missa "Carminum"
    Capella Lipsiensis & Ein Kinderchor (Kurrende der Peterskirche Leipzig) - Dietrich Knothe, dir.

  134. Eufoda 1163
    Songs and Dances from Flanders
    Capella Sancti Michaelis / Currende Consort - Erik Van Nevel

  135. Eufoda 1166
    Isaac, Obrecht, De La Rue
    Capella Sancti Michaelis / Currende Consort - Erik Van Nevel

  136. Eufoda 1359
    Canticum Canticorum
    In Praise of Love: The Song of Songs in the Renaissance
    Capilla Flamenca - Dirk Snellings

  137. Eufoda 1369
    Désir d'aymer
    Capilla Flamenca

  138. Eufoda 1372
    Bellum & Pax
    Missa L'homme armé / Da Pacem
    Obrecht / Josquin / La Rue
    Capilla Flamenca / Oltremontano / Psallentes

  139. Evidence 023
    Isaac: Missa Virgo prudentissima
    Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard

  140. Fra Bernardo 2107611 [digital]
    Die Welt ist Toll
    Cheerful, frivolous, lustful, eager and palatable songs from the Renaissance
    Matthias Lucht / Schwannberger, Behr

  141. FSM Pantheon 63 904 [LP]
    Lieder und Tänze der Renaissance
    Collegium Pro Musica - Ronald Cross, dir.

  142. FSM 97 208
    In Gottes Namen fahren wir - Pilgerlieder aus Mittelalter und Renaissance
    Odhecaton, Ensemble für alte Musik, Köln

  143. FSM Fono FCD 97 751
    Allerley Daentze aus Mittelalter und Renaissance
    Odhecaton, Ensemble für alte Musik, Köln

  144. Folkways FM 3 652 [LP, mono]
    Music of the Renaissance and Baroque for Brass Quintet
    The American Brass Quintet

  145. Gaudeamus CD GAU 362 [CD]
    In Memoria
    Medieval Songs of Remembrance
    The Clerks' Group - Edward Wickham, dir.

  146. Genuin 17453
    Fortuna desperata
    Orgelmusik aus Gotik und Renaissance
    Daniel Beilschmidt

  147. The Gift of Music CD206 [CDx2]
    Sacred and secular music from Gothic Britain
    Various performers

  148. Gimell 454 923
    Heinrich Isaac: Missa de Apostolis
    Tallis Scholars - Peter Phillips

  149. Gimell "2-for-1" 211 (2 CDs)
    The Tallis Scholars Sing
    Flemish Masses
    Tallis Scholars - Peter Phillips

  150. Globe 5112
    Common Grounds
    La Fontegara Amsterdam

  151. Glossa "Nouvelle Vision" 921102 (2 CDs)
    Res Musice: The Passion of Reason
    The Sour Cream Legacy
    Frans Brüggen / Kees Boeke / Walter van Hauwe

  152. Glossa 923901
    Di guerra e di pace
    Renaissance music for winds and percussion
    La Pifarescha

  153. Glossa GCD 923540 [CD]
    The Palacio Songbook
    Music for three voices and lute
    Da tempera velha - Ariel Abramovich

  154. Glossa 31905
    Stella del nostro mar
    Past and present reflections of the Marian inspiration
    Cantica Symphonia

  155. Glossa 31908
    Isaac: Missa Misericordias Domini & Motets
    Cantica Symphonia - Giuseppe Maletto

  156. Gregorian Institute of America GIA CD 290 (CD)
    Rejoice in the Lord
    Ars Antiqua Choralis Series, Vol. I
    Cathedral Singers, Chicago - Richard Proulx

  157. Guild 7175 [CD]
    Zurich, Arise!
    Choir of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge - Geoffrey Webber

  158. Guilde du Disque SMS 2.423 [LP]
    Splendeur du passé - Du Moyen Age à la Renaissance
    Rita Soguel (voice), Capella Instrumentalis & Psalette Genève - Blaise Pidoux & Pierre Pernoux, dirs.

  159. HMV CLP 1442 [LP]
    Netherlands Organ Music
    F. Peeters

  160. HMV (Electrola) EG 3568 [78rpm]
    Isaac / Bruckner
    Dresden Kreuzchor

  161. HMV (G.-B.) DA 5285 [78 r.p.m.]
    Isaac - Berggren
    E. Brems, P. Asfelt

  162. HMV-Gramophone HMS 31 [78 r.p.m.]
    Instrumental Ensemble: 15th-16th Centuries
    Viols of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
    Instrumental Ensembles

  163. Harmonia mundi HMU 938 (on sleeve / HM 938 on LP) [LP]
    Concerts et Danses de la Renaissance
    Dans les Cours d'Europe
    Ensemble Musica Antiqua de Vienne - Bernhard Klebel, dir.

  164. Harmonia Mundi HMC 1160 [LP]
    Heinrich Isaac - Grands Motets Solennels
    Ensemble Chanticleer de San Francisco & Clemencic Consort - R. Clemencic, dir.

  165. Harmonia mundi "Documenta" HMC 90 5253
    Amours amours amours
    Lautenduos um 1500 - Duos de luths autour de 1500 - Lute Duos around 1500
    Schröder, Young

  166. Harmonia Mundi USA 907083
    Cornago: Missa de la mapa mundi
    w/ Secular Music of 15th-century Spain
    His Majestie's Clerkes - Paul Hillier / The Newberry Consort - Mary Springfels

  167. Harmonia Mundi HMU 907291
    Petrucci: Harmonice Musices Odhecaton

  168. Harmonia Mundi USA 907314
    Bread, Wine & Song
    Music & Feasting in Renaissance Europe
    Orlando Consort

  169. Harmonia Mundi USA 90 7421
    Agricola: Chansons
    Michael Chance / Fretwork

  170. Harmonia Mundi 807595
    From the Imperial Court
    Music for the House of Hapsburg
    Stile Antico

  171. His Master's Voice (EMI) HQS 1196 [LP, stereo]
    Music of Renaissance
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  172. Hungaroton SLPX 11 720 [LP]
    The gems of Renaissance music
    A Reneszánsz zene gyöngyszemei
    Camerata Hungarica - László Czidra, dir.

  173. Hyperion 66814
    The Cradle of the Renaissance
    Italian music from the time of Leonardo da Vinci

  174. Hyperion CDA 66 370
    Sacred and Secular Music from six centuries
    The Hilliard Ensemble

  175. Hyperion 68337 [CD]
    Isaac: Missa Wohlauff gut Gsell von hinnen
    Cinquecento Renaissance Vokal

  176. Hyperion 68349 [CD]
    The Florentine Renaissance
    The Orlando Consort

  177. Hyperion 68379 [CD]
    Josquin's Legacy
    The Gesualdo Six - Owain Park

  178. IMP Allegro 6701992
    Florentine Carnival
    A Festival of Music for Lorenzo de' Medici
    London Pro Musica - Bernard Thomas

  179. INA "Mémoire Vive" 247 262 [CD]
    Hugues Cuenod
    Hugues Cuenod

  180. Jugoton LSY-61121
    Renesansne svecanosti
    Universitas Studiorum Zagrabiensis

  181. Klara "Maestro Music Productions" 013
    Musica aldersoetste Konst
    Polyphonic songs from the Low Countries
    Huelgas Ensemble - Paul Van Nevel

  182. Koch E 120 901 [LP]
    1000 Jahre Chormusik
    Vom Gregorianischen Choral bis zur Gegenwart
    Kammerchor des Konservatoriums der Stadt Innsbruck - Günther Andergassen, dir.

  183. Koch Discover 920191
    The Nations
    Dornel, Bach, Scheidt, Isaac, Hacquart, Farina, Merula, Paradizo, Baldwin, Byrd
    Flanders Recorder Quartet

  184. L'Anthologie Sonore AS 2501 LD [LP, 25cm, mono]
    Madrigaux et chansons des XVe et XVIe siècles - Late 15th and Early 16th Century
    Quatuor Vocal Néerlandais - Raugel, dir.

  185. L'Anthologie sonore 3 [78 r.p.m., Europe]
    Chansons franco-flamandes du 15e siècles - Franco-Flemish Chansons of the 15th Century
    M. Meili, J. Merry, Fr. Seidersbeck & A. Lafosse

  186. L'Anthologie sonore 43 [78 r.p.m. Europe]
    Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-1474) - Heinrich Isaac (c. 1450-1517)
    Lina Dauby, Frédéric Anspach, Marcus, Bauwens, Dusêche - Sachs, dir.

  187. L'Oiseau-Lyre "Florilegium" 12BB 203-6 [4 LPs]
    Musicke of Sundrie Kindes
    An Introduction to Secular Renaissance Music, 1480-1620
    The Consort of Musicke, - Anthony Rooley, dir.

  188. L'Oiseau-Lyre "Florilegium" 410 107-1 [LP]
    Heinrich Isacc
    Chansons, Frottole & Lieder
    The Medieval Ensemble of London - Peter Davies and Timothy Davies, dirs.

  189. L'Oiseau-Lyre OL 50 104 [LP, mono]
    Mass attributed to Gilles Binchois for Tenor, Baritone and Bass
    Secular pieces by Heinrich Isaac, Thomas Créquillon, Gérard Turnhout, Johannes Ockeghem, Heinrich Finck Choristers and Musicians of the Chapelle de Bourgogne - Bernardin Van Eeckhout, dir.

  190. Le Chant du Monde LDX 8.180 81 [LPx2]
    Musique d'Autrefois
    Groupe vocal et Ensemble instrumental anciens - Chaillé, dir.

  191. Le Chant du Monde LDZ-A.8199 [LP]
    Anthologie de la musique chorale allemande
    Les maîtres de la Renaissance
    Radio-Berlin Chorus - Koch, dir.

  192. Loft Recordings 1124
    The First Printed Organ Music
    Arnolt Schlick
    Kimberly Marshall

  193. Lumen "Archives sonores de la Musique Sacrée " AMS 5008
    Heinrich Isaac - Missa "Ein frölich Wesen"
    Vierstimmiger Cantus-firmus-Satz aus dem Liederbuch des Arnt von Aich (1520)
    Collegium Cantorum Bonn und Consort für alte Musik Franz Tenta (Akadamie Mozarteum Salzburg) - Gerd Ziemann, dir.

  194. Mandala MAN 4953
    Roncevaux: "Échos d'une bataille"- Roncesvalles: "Ecos du una batalla"
    Évocation musicale de la "Chanson de Roland" - Busnois, Byrd, Cabezón, J. Des Prés, M. Flecha, N. Gombert, H. Isaac, R. Morton, P. Phalèse, F. de Peñalosa, A. de Ribera, J. Vázquez, etc.
    Ensemble "Lachrimae Consort", Ensemble vocal "La Trulla de Bozes" - Philippe Foulon, dir.

  195. Melodiya C10 13517-18 [LP]
    Music of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance
    "Pro anima" Ensemble

  196. Melodya C10 23417 002
    Pro Musica I - Ensemble of Old Music
    Live recordings of outstanding Musicians - G. Dufay, A. Agricola, H. Brumel, H. Isaac, J. Despréz
    Pro Musica New York - Noah Greenberg, cond.

  197. Metronome 1013
    All the King's Horses
    Knights, Poets and Patrons of the Renaissance Courts
    I Fagiolini - Robert Hollingworth / Concordia - Mark Levy

  198. Metronome 1015
    Orlando Consort

  199. Metronome 1023
    Music for Mona Lisa
    Concordia - Mark Levy

  200. Metronome 1041
    Music and Art in Renaissance Florence
    Robin Blaze / Concordia - Mark Levy

  201. Micrologus CDM 0025.13.1 [CD]
    Lucrezia: La figlia del Papa Borgia
    Medusa - Patrizia Bovi

  202. Mirror Music 00001 (LP)
    Musik aus osterreichs vergangenheit von 1200 bis 1550
    Les Menestrels

  203. Musée de la civilisation - Le tour du Québec MC-TQ 95001 [CD]
    Le dernier chevalier
    Musique du temps de Maximilian 1er
    The Last Knight - Music from the time of Maximilian I
    Femke Bergsma, Élise Guay, Rafik Samman, Hermel Bruneau, François Leclerc

  204. Musical Heritage Society MHS 4357 [LP]
    Music in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Landshut wedding (1475)
    Landshuter Hofmusik - Hans Walch, cond,; Capella Antiqua - Konrad Ruhland, cond..

  205. Musical Heritage Society MHS 912059 / 60 [LP]
    Hail, Divine Mother
    Flemish music in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ca. 1500
    Cappella Nova - Richard Taruskin, dir.

  206. Musiepoca 2
    In mani dei catalani
    La Caravaggia - Lluis Coll

  207. Musik Museum 13030
    Ein musikalisches Gipfeltreffen 1503
    La Rue Requiem / Isaac / Obrecht
    Capella de la Torre - Katharina Bäuml

  208. Musik Museum 13042 [CD]
    Global Player Maximilian
    Musikalisches Networking um 1500
    Ensemble Rosarum Flores

  209. Musikszene Schweiz 6110
    Aus dem Liederbuch des Johannes Heer von Glarus
    Ensemble Ludwig Senfl - Michel Piguet

  210. Musique en Wallonie MEW 525
    Dulcis Melancholia
    Biographie musicale de Marguerite d'Autriche
    Capilla Flamenca

  211. Navona 6106
    Back Before Bach
    Musical Journeys

  212. Naxos 8.553352
    Tugend und Untugend (Virtue and Vice)
    German Secular Songs and Instrumental Music from the Time of Luther
    Convivium Musicum / Ensemble Villanella - Sven Berger

  213. Naxos 8.554744
    The A-La-Mi-Re Manuscripts
    Flemish Polyphonic Treasures for Charles V
    Josquin / De la Rue / Willaert
    Capilla Flamenca

  214. Naxos 8.557138 [CD]
    Music from the Time of Tilman Riemenschneider (c.1460-1531)
    Il Curioso & Hedos Ensemble - Bernhard Böhm, dir.

  215. Naxos "Early Music" 8.557412
    Das Gansebuch (The Geese Book)
    German Medieval Chant
    Matthias Ank / Schola Hungarica - Laszlo Dobszay & Janka Szendrei, dir.

  216. Naxos 8.557627
    Sacred and Secular Music from Renaissance Germany
    Ciaramella Instrumental and Vocal Ensemble

  217. Naxos 8.573346
    Argentum et aurum
    Musical Treasures from the Early Habsburg Renaissance
    Ensemble Leones - Marc Lewon

  218. New Tone 12980 6733-2
    Dulces et Fortissimae - Antologia di Musica & Danza di diversi autori delle magnifische & excellentissime corti d'Italia
    Theatrum Instrumentorum

  219. Nonesuch 71326
    The Pleasures of the Royal Courts
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow

  220. Nuova Era 6741
    Dufay: Missa Se la face ay pale / Lasso: Salmi
    Chiaroscuro Ensemble / His Majesties Sagbutts & Cornetts - Nigel Rogers

  221. Obsidian 712 [CDx2]
    The Spy's Choirbook
    Petrus Alamire & the Court of Henry VIII
    Alamire / English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble - David Skinner

  222. Odeon C 91 107 [LP, mono]
    Musik in alten Städten und Residenzen: Innsbruck
    Music for Maximilian
    R.I.A.S. Kammerchor - G. Arndt, cond.; J. Brenneke; E. Müller-Dombois

  223. Oehms Classics OC 340
    Geistliche Musik der Wiener Hofkapelle Kaiser Maximilians I
    Sacred Music at the Vienna Court Chapel
    Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic

  224. Opus 111 OPS 30-201
    Armonia di Flauti
    The Consort Collection, vol. I: Bach - Vivaldi
    Flanders Recorder Quartet

  225. Oratorio ORCD 4103 [CD]
    Musique au temps de Jacques Cartier
    Ensemble Claude-Gervaise

  226. ORF Shop OS 2 004 820 [CDx2]
    Musik um 1500 zur Zeit Margaretes & Maximilian I
    Capilla Flamenca - Snellings, dir.

  227. ORF "Edition Alte Musik" CD 215 [CDx2]
    Resonanzen '99
    Bürger - Bauer - Edelmann
    Various performers

  228. Organ.o ORO 105
    Harmony-Lore: The Tablature of Amerbach of Basel (1513-1532)
    Works by Kotter, Hofhaimer, Isaac, Buchner, Weck
    David Kinsela

  229. Organum Classics 201032 [CD]
    Das Liederbuch des Erhard Öglin, 1512

  230. Pan Classics 10246
    Songs from the courts of Renaissance Italy
    Ulrike Hofbauer / Modena Consort

  231. Paraty 221 290 [CD]
    Le Chansonnier de Bayeux
    French Songs from the Early Renaissance
    Brigitte Lesne & Pierre Boragno

  232. Passacaille 945
    Hans Neusidler: Ein newgeordnet künstlich Lautenbuch
    Bart Roose

  233. Passacaille 1065 [CD]
    A Late Medieval Mass on the Rysum Organ
    Lorenzo Ghielmi / Ensemble Biscantores

  234. Passacaille 1133 [CD]
    Flemish Polyphony in Central Europe
    Tourout, Isaac & Weerbeke
    Cappella Mariana - Vojtech Semerád

  235. Pavane ADW 7391
    A Ricolta Bubu - Medieval and Renaissance Music
    Bob, Frank en Zussen

  236. Pelca PSR 40 575 [LP]
    Frühliche Musik aus sechs Jahrhunderten
    Corona tibiae chordae

  237. Perfect Noise 2402 [CD]
    Musica, Cur Siles?
    Of music and silence
    Lichtinger / Steinemann / Eberth / Schwartz / Kibildis

  238. Phaedra 92089
    Five Centuries of Flemish Harpsichord Music
    Jan Devlieger

  239. Phaia Music (no number) [CDx2]
    I Pray, Thee, Gentle Mortal, Sing Again
    Masses, Chansons & Estampies from the 14th Century to the Renaissance
    Ensemble Obsidienne - Emmanuel Bonnardot

  240. Pierre Verany PV 4 79 1 [LP]
    Images galantes de la Renaissance
    Ensemble Polyphonia Antiqua - Yves Esquieu, dir.

  241. Pleiades P 252 [LP, stereo]
    Historical Anthology of Music in Performance
    Late 15th-Century and Early 16th-Century Music
    The University of Chicago Collegium Musicum - Howard M. Brown, dir.; Southern Illinois University Collegium Musicum - Wesley K. Morgan, dir. & Christopher Williams

  242. Pneuma PN-710 [CD]
    Música cortesana en la Europa de Juana I de Castilla 1479-1555
    Las Cortes europeas y los Cancioneros
    Musica Antigua - Eduardo Paniagua, dir.

  243. Pneuma « Colección Historica / Renacimiento » PN-1320 [CD]
    L'Amore mi fa sollazar
    Concierto de música renacentista para instrumentos diseñados por Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
    Música Antigua – Eduardo Paniagua, dir.

  244. Polydor 10750 / 10751 [78 r.p.m. x2]
    Music of the Renaissance, rec. 1
    Dufay - Lapicidia
    L. Lechner, Fiedel Trio & E.K. Hasse

  245. Polydor 19882 [78 r.p.m.]
    Berlin Teachers' Choir

  246. Polydor (Germany) 5403 [78 r.p.m.]
    Heinrich Isaac
    Aachen Cathedral Choir - Rehmann, dir.

  247. Price-Less D22700 [CD]
    Songs and Dances of the Renaissance
    Collegium Pro Musica / Motet Choir - Ronald Cross

  248. Prospero Classical 0104 [CD]
    Fortuna - Old and New Versions of an Italian Song
    Consort Mirabile

  249. Querstand 0421
    Flûte Harmonique
    Venus, du und dein Kind
    Maria Jonas / Silke Jacobsen / Simone Nill / Axel Wolf

  250. Radio Nederland 6808 432 / 35 [LPx3, mono ?]
    Autumn of the Middle Ages
    A history in words and music from the Low Countries
    Ensemble Syntagma Musicum - Kees Otten, cond. & Ensemble "Studio Laren" - Marijke Ferguson, cond.

  251. Radio Télévision Belge / BRT - Belgische Radio- en Televisieomroep R 1973-3 [LP]
    Philippus de Monte: Missa Mon cœur se recommande à vous / Hendrik Isaac: Œuvres à l'orgue positif
    Koor "Audite Nova" (Antwerpen) - Kamiel Cooremans
    Stanislas Deriemaeker, positive organ

  252. Radiotjanst (Sweden) RA 103 [78 r.p.m.]
    Engelbrecht Church Choir

  253. Ramée 0706
    Madame d'amours
    The Attaignant Consort - Kate Clark

  254. Ramée 0907
    Recorders Greate and smale

  255. Ramée 1403
    The Lion's Ear
    La Morra

  256. Ramée 2206 [CDx2]
    Music in Golden-Age Florence, 1250-1750
    La Morra / Theatro dei Cervelli - Francesco Corti

  257. Raum Klang 2005
    Petrucci: Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A
    Les Flamboyants - Michael Form

  258. Raum Klang "Schola Cantorum Basiliensis" 2305
    Die Spinne im Netz
    Music from Nüremberg Prints of the 16th Century
    Musicke & Mirth

  259. Raum Klang 10106
    The Book of Madrigals
    Secular Vocal Music of the European Renaissance
    Ensemble Amarcord

  260. Raum Klang 10205
    Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
    Medieval & Renaissance Vocal Music
    Ensemble Amarcord

  261. RCM 19501
    Isaac: Natalis Domini
    Ensemble de' Medici - Keller Coker

  262. Regulus Classics 1017 [CD]
    Virgo Serena
    Vocal ensemble Cappella - Tetsuro Hanai

  263. Renaissance X 39 [LP, mono]
    Old Netherlands Masters
    F. Peeters

  264. Resonus Classics "Inventa" 1005 [CD]
    La la hö hö
    Sixteenth-Century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World
    Linarol Consort

  265. Resonus Classics "Inventa" 1010 [CD]
    Inn Stetter Hut
    Sixteenth-century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World - Volume II
    Linarol Consort

  266. Ricercar 206692
    I Fiamminghi - III
    Isaac, Hofhaimer & Buchner à la Cour de Maxilien Ier
    Une "Missa ad Organum" pour le Dimanche de Pâques
    Cappella Pratensis - Rebecca Stewart

  267. Ricercar RIC 262 [CD]
    Krummhorn, cromorne, storto, tournebout?
    Syntagma Amici - Bernhard Stilz, dir.

  268. Ricercar 318
    Isaac: Ich muss dich lassen
    Capilla Flamenca / Oltremontano - Dirk Snellings

  269. Ricercar 436 [CD]
    Josquin: Tant vous aime
    Doulce Mémoire - Denis Raisin Dadre

  270. Ricercar 452 [CD]
    Le parfaict danser
    Dance Music 1300-1500
    Into the Winds

  271. Riverrun 53
    Secrets of the Heavens
    Seven Hymns of Orpheus to the Planetary Gods
    Catherine King / Marini Consort - Mark Tucker

  272. Saba SB 15039 [LP]
    Turmmusiken und festliche Intraden
    Süddeutsches Bläservereinigung - W. Kloor, cond.

  273. Saphir Productions LVC 001036 [CD]
    Musique de la Renaissance
    Au temps de Botticelli
    Les Cours Europénnes - Gaël de Kerret, dir.

  274. Schwann AMS 67 [LP, mono]
    Kirchenmusik der Salzburger Renaissance
    Musica Antiqua, Vienna - René Clemencic, dir.

  275. Signum 004
    The Triumphs of Maximilian
    John Potter / Musica Antiqua of London - Philip Thorby

  276. Signum 025
    Master of Musicians
    Songs and instrumental music by Josquin Des Pres, his pupils and contemporaries
    Musica Antiqua of London - Philip Thorby

  277. Signum 039
    A Songbook for Isabella
    Music from the circle of Isabella d'Este
    Musica Antiqua of London - Philip Thorby

  278. SPV 085-40612 [CD]
    Words never spoken
    Extended edition

  279. Stradivarius 33516
    Non e' tempo d'Aspettare
    Frottole dal Primo Libro di Franciscus Bossinensis
    Roberta Invernizzi / Accademia Strumentale Italiana - Alberto Rasi

  280. Supraphon SUA 10412 [LP, mono]
    Pro Arte Antiqua Ensemble - Recital
    Tanzmusik aus vier Jahrhunderten - Dance Music of 4 Centuries: The Netherland Masters - Danses anciennes et Musique antique néerlandaise
    Pro Arte Antiqua, Prague

  281. Supraphon 42732 [CD]
    Praga Rosa Bohemiae
    Cappella Mariana - Vojtech Semerád

  282. Tactus 400007
    Di corte in corte
    Umanesimo in musica
    Anonima Frottolisti

  283. Tactus 500004
    Music from Padua in the time of Alvise Cornaro
    Consort Veneto - Giovnni Toffano

  284. Teldec 3984-24573-2
    Alla Turca
    L'Orient Imaginaire - Vladimir Ivanoff

  285. Telefunken A 2149 [78r.p.m.]
    Isaac / Brahms
    Cologne Male Choir

  286. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 8027 [EP, 45 r.p.m., mono]
    Das Deutsche Lied um 1500
    Capella Antiqua, München

  287. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk - Musik und ihre zeit" SAWT 9544-A
    Heinrich Isaac
    Missa super "O praeclara" - Motetten und Lieder um 1480 - 1517 / Motets and Chansons circa 1480-1517
    Capella Antiqua, München - Konrad Ruhland, cond.

  288. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 9 431-C [LP, mono]
    Die bayerische Hofkapelle im 16. Jahrhunderts - The Bavarian court orchestra in the 16th century
    Capella Antiqua, München - Konrad Ruhland, dir.

  289. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 9 532-B [LP, mono]
    Geistliche Lieder und Instrumentalsätze der Lutherzeit - Sacred Songs and Instrumental Music of Luther's time
    Senfl - Hofhaimer - Isaac and others
    Studio der frühen Musik (Early Music Quartet, Munich)

  290. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" SAWT 9 524-B [LP, stereo]
    Ciconia - Dufay - Isaac and others
    Festmusik der Renaissance - Ceremonial Music of the Renaissance
    Capella Antiqua, München - Konrad Ruhland, dir.

  291. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" SAWT 9561 / 2 [LPx2]
    Staatsmusik der Renaissance
    Capella Antiqua, München - Konrad Ruhland, cond.

  292. Telefunken 6.42 629AW [LP]
    Musica Teutonica
    German music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
    The Boston Camerata - Joël Cohen, dir.

  293. University of Missouri Press UMPR 1001 [LP]
    Music in Medieval and Renaissance Life
    Collegium of the University of Missouri - Andrew Minor, cond.

  294. Vanguard "The Bach Guild" BGS-680 [LP-mono, NA market]
    Christmas Carols & Motets of Medieval Europe
    The Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir. & Musica Antiqua of Vienna - René Clemencic, dir.

  295. VEB Deutsche Schallplaten "Eterna" 8 26 584 [LP]
    Sie seind ins Feld gezogen
    Muzik aus der Zeit des Großen Deutschen Bauernkrieges
    Capella academica halensis & Hallenser Madrigalisten

  296. Victor 10.0000 / 10.0004 or 1960 / 1964 (Set 535) [78 r.p.m. x5]
    Early Choral Music
    Trapp Family Choir - Wasner, dir.

  297. Virgin 45217
    Sit Fast

  298. Vox "Turnabout" TV 4 019 [LP, mono]
    Medieval and Renaissance Music for the Irish and Medieval Harps, Vièle, Recorders and Tambourin
    Elena Polonska, Guy Durand, Roger Cotte

  299. Vox "Turnabout" TV S 34 512 [LP]
    The Wandering Musicians
    Flemish composers in renaissance Italy
    The Boston Camerata - Joël Cohen, dir.

  300. Westminster 5215 [LP-mono]
    Isaac - Missa "Carminum"
    Vienna Akademie Kammerchor - Grossmann

  301. Westminster 5347 [LP, mono]
    Gallus - Isaac
    Zehn geistliche Chöre / Jacobus Gallus - Choral music / Heinrich Isaak
    Vienna Akademie Kammerchor - Ferdinand Grossman, cond.

  302. Westminster XWN 18 848 [LP]
    German Songs of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
    Cuenod, Leeb

  303. World Record Club ST 1108 [LP]
    Music of the Royal Courts of Europe 1150-1600
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow

  304. Yarlung 05785 [CD]
    Music from the Court of Burgundy
    Ciaramella Ensemble – Adam Knight Gilbert & Rotem Gilbert, dirs.


(or otherwise duplicated)

  1. Alia Vox AVSA 9895A+F [SACDx6]
    Erasmus von Rotterdam
    Éloge de la Folie - Praise of Folly
    Hespèrion XXI & La Capella Reial de Catalunya – Jordi Savall, dir.

  2. Allegro al 14 & al 72 [LPx4, mono]
    Music of the Gothic Period and the Early Renaissance
    Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson

  3. Allegro LEG 9019 [LP, mono]
    Music of the Gothic Period and the early Renaissance
    Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson

  4. Archiv 445 667-2 (box, 445 668 / 445 674 on CD) (7 CDs)
    Geistliche Musik der Renaissance - The flowering of Renaissance choral music
    Pro Cantione Antiqua et al. - Bruno Turner, dir.

  5. Archiv Produktion 2523 070 [LPx6]
    Geistliche Musik der Renaissance
    Various performers

  6. Archiv Produktion 629 517/8 [2 LPs]
    Flemish Music and society in the XVth and XVIth centuries - La musique flamande dans la société des XVe et XVIe siècles
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir. and others

  7. Argo D40D3 [LPx3]
    Festival of Early Music - Music from 14th Century Florence, Music of the Crusades & The Triumphs of Maximilian
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  8. Brilliant Classics 92149 [CDx4]
    O Magnum Mysterium
    Renaissance Flemish Polyphonists, between 1400-1500
    Schola Cantorum, Stuttgart - Clytus Gottwald, dir.

  9. Camerata CMS 30 031 [LP]
    Heinrich Isaac: Missa Carminum - Josquin Des Prez: Ave Christe
    Neidersächsischer Singkreis, Hanover - Willi Trader, cond.

  10. Cantus 9607
    Vous ou la mort
    Canciones flamencas de amor cortés en el siglo XV
    Currende Consort / Capella Sancti Michaelis / Concerto Palatino - Erik van Nevel

  11. Cantus 9705/6 (2 CDs)
    Dictionary of Medieval & Renaissance Instruments
    Various Artists

  12. Christophorus "Musica Practica" SCGLX 75 941 [LP]
    Musik der Renaissance
    Liebeslieder, Tänze, Chansons
    Capella antiqua München - Konrad Ruhland, dir.

  13. Christophorus CHR 77003
    Zeit der dämmerung - Time of the dawn
    Noch heute gilt das mitelalter als dunkels ... - Still today the middle-ages are said to have been dark ...
    Various Ensemble

  14. Christophorus 77439 [CDx2]
    Geistliche Musik für Kaiser Maximilian I
    Isaac / Josquin / Senfl / Hofhaimer
    Ensemble Hofkapelle - Michael Procter

  15. Columbia River Entertainment Group 1170 [CDx5]
    World Classics - The Great History of Belgian and Dutch Classical Music
    Various performers

  16. Corona Classics CORO 019 327
    Johannes Ockeghem: Missa "Mi-Mi" & Heinrich Isaac: Missa "Carminum"
    Capella Lipsiensis & Ein Kinderchor (Kurrende der Peterskirche Leipzig) - Dietrich Knothe, dir.

  17. Cyprès 1630 (12 CDs)
    The Golden Age of the European Polyphony
    Laudantes Consort - Guy Janssens

  18. Decca Gold Label Series DL 7 9438 [LP/Stereo]
    Medieval Roots.
    New York Pro Musica - Noah Greenberg & John Reeves White, dir.

  19. Decca 4854676 [CDx14]
    Complete Decca Recordings
    The Medieval Ensemble of London

  20. Deutsche Gramophon MOW 2 [LP]
    (title unknown)
    Ulsamer Collegium / Pro Cantione Antiqua, London

  21. Deutsche Grammophon "Éloquence" 469 671-2
    Music of the Renaissance
    Palestrina - Byrd - Dunstable - Morley - Dowland
    Pro Cantione antiqua & Hamburger Bläserkreis für alte Musik - Bruno Turner, dir.; Ulsamer-Collegium - Josef Ulsamer, dir.; Konrad Ragossnig (lute)

  22. Édition Atlas MELCD 378 [CD]
    Présence de la musique ancienne
    le guide d'écoute
    Various performers

  23. Electrola (EMI) SME 91 761/2 [LPx2, stereo] or
    Lebendige Musik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance - Cinq siècles de joyeuse musique
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  24. EMI 1A 137-26510 / 11 [LPx2, stereo, gatefold sleeve]
    Vijf Eeuwen Muziek
    Composities uit de 13e t/m 17e Eeuw
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  25. EMI Classics 0946 3 61524 2 4 [CD]
    Music of the Renaissance
    The Da Vinci Collection
    Various performers

  26. EMI Classics 65924
    Gateway to Classical Music
    Early Music
    Various Artists

  27. EMI Classics 68202 [CDx8]
    Gateway to Classical Music Vol. 1 / 2
    Various Artists

  28. EMI Reflexe 64215 (2 CDs)
    The Art of the Netherlands
    Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow

  29. Etcetera 1519 [CDx5]
    In the Footsteps of Petrus Alamire
    Various artists

  30. Etcetera KTC 9011 [CDx10]
    40th Anniversary Etcetera Records
    Early Music Box Set Collection

  31. Eufoda 1160/69 (10 CDs)
    De Vlaamse Polyfonie
    Capella Sancti Michaelis / Currende Consort - Erik Van Nevel

  32. Evidence Classics 065 [CDx2]
    Voix du Ciel
    Polyphonies médiévales XIII-XVe siècles
    Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard

  33. FSM 33030 / 31 [LPx2, Germany]
    Musik der Renaissance
    Various performers

  34. Gimell 201 (2 CDs)
    The Essential Tallis Scholars
    Tallis Scholars - Peter Phillips

  35. Gimell GIMBX 301 [CDx4]
    Sacred Music in the Renaissance, Volume 2
    The Tallis Scholars finest Recordings, 1990-1999
    The Tallis Scholars – Peter Philips, dir.

  36. Gimell CDGIM 454 990-2
    Silver - The best of the Tallis scholars
    The Tallis Scholars - Peter Phillips, dir.

  37. The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie Sonore" (41-50) [78 r.p.m. x 10]
    A synthesis of the musical arts: 14th to 18th centuries, vol. 5
    Various performers

  38. The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie sonore" (1-10) [78 r.p.m. x 10]
    A synthesis of the musical arts: 14th to 18th centuries, vol. 1
    Various performers

  39. Harmonia Mundi "Century" HMX 290 8172 [CD]
    La naissance d'un répertoire spécifiquement instrumental / The birth of a specifically instrumental repertory (1450-1659)
    L'émergence de la musique instrumentale / The Rise of Instrumental Music
    Various performers

  40. Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" HS-AS 3 [LP]
    The XIVth & XVth Centuries
    Machaut and Dufay
    Various performers

  41. Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" HS-AS 4 [LP]
    The XVth Century
    Various performers

  42. Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" HS-AS 5 [LP]
    Josquin des Prés & other composers
    Various performers

  43. HMV HLP 5/6/7 [LPx3, mono, 25cm, Europe]
    The History of Music in Sound, Vol. III: Ars Nova and the Renaissance
    Various performers

  44. His Master's Voice (EMI) 5 C 047-24370 [LP]
    De Wereld van Syntagma Musicum
    Ensemble Syntagma Musicum - Kees Otten, dir.

  45. L'Oiseau-Lyre "Florilegium" SPA 547 [LP]
    The World of Early Music
    The Consort of Musicke - Anthony Rooley, dir.

  46. Metronome 1075
    Raphael - The Music of the Courtier
    Orlando Consort / Concordia / I Fagiolini / Christopher Wilson

  47. Millennium Classics UMD 80 565 [CD]
    Praetorius - Susato
    Renaissance dances
    New York Pro Musica - Noah Greenberg, dir.

  48. Musical Concepts MC 192 [CDx4 + CD-ROM]
    Alfred Deller – The Complete Vanguard Recordings, Volume THREE
    Christmas Carols and Motets
    Alfred Deller - The Deller Consort

  49. Naxos 8.554064
    The Glory of Early Music
    Dufay / Obrecht / Isaac / Senfl / Byrd / Gibbons / Tomkins / Jenkins

  50. Naxos 8.558057 [CD]
    Leonardo da Vinci - Music of His Time
    Various performers

  51. Naxos 8.558145 [CD]
    Riemenschneider - Music of His Time
    Art and Music
    Hedos Ensemble - Bernhard Böhm / Oxford Camerata - Jeremy Summerly

  52. Naxos « Educational – Discover » 8.558170 / 71 [CDx2]
    Discover Early Music
    Various performers and ensembles

  53. Nonesuch H-1 084 [LP, mono]
    Heinrich Isaac: Missa Carminum - Josquin Des Prez: Ave Christe - Orlando Di Lasso: motets
    Instrumental and vocal music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
    Neidersächsischer Singkreis, Hanover - Willi Trader, cond.; Kaufbeurer Martinsfinken - Ludwig Hahn, cond.

  54. Nonesuch H-1010 [LP, mono]
    Masterpieces of the Early French & Italian Renaissance
    Groupe vocal et Ensemble instrumental anciens - Chaillé, dir.

  55. Omega Vanguard Classics OVC 8050 / 53 [4 CDs]
    A Celebration of Christmas - Carols through the Ages
    Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir. & Musica Antiqua, Vienna - René Clemencic, dir.

  56. Period TE 1133 [LPx3 ?]
    Old Baroque Masters
    Flor Peeters

  57. Pierre Vérany PV 7 84 09 2 [CD]
    Les plus belles pages de la musique ancienne
    Ensemble de musique ancienne Polyphonia Antiqua - Yves Esquieu, dir.

  58. Schwann "Hören & Lernen" HL 00 211 [LPx5]
    Spektrum Music vol. 3
    Musikkunde in Biespielen
    Various performers

  59. Seraphim SIC-6052 [LPx3, stereo]
    The Seraphim Guide to Renaissance Music
    72 vocal and instrumental works from the 13th to 17th centuries
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  60. Seraphim S-60151 [LP]
    The Seraphim Guide to the Classics, Vol. 1
    Middle Ages and Renaissance
    Various Artists

  61. Telefunken " Das Alte Werk" TK 11 515 -1 & 11515-2 [LPx2]
    Musik der Dürerzeit - Music during the Age of Durer
    Monteverdi Chor, Hamburg - Jurgen Jurgens, dir.; Capella Antiqua, München - Konrad Ruhland, dir.; Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  62. Tudor 0531 [LP]
    Musica Maximiliana
    Les Menestrels & Franz Haselböck

  63. Virgin Edition 7243 5 61334 2 6 (2 CDs; mid-priced)
    The Art of the Netherlands
    Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow

  64. Warner Classics 90296 73084 [CDx34]
    Josquin and the Franco-Flemish School
    Various artists

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