Playing time: 55' 49"
[1]-[5] Sefarad
Jorge Rozenblum (canto solista, coro, citolón y pandero),
Aurora Moreno (canto solista, coro y tar), Luis Delgado (laúd,
zanfona, santur, darbuga, tar y coro), Eduardo Paniagua (qanun,
flautas (fahl, alto, salamilla), y coro)
Eduardo Paniagua, dir.
[6]-[15] Luis Delgado (laúd, dutar, cítola, zanfona,
tromba marina, viola de teclas, darbuga, bendir, pandero, tar,
qaraquebs y campanillas), Eduardo Paniagua (salterio, qanun, flautas
soprano, tenor y pastoril, nay, tromba marina, darbuga, tabila,
pandero, tar, sistro de arena, campana y voces)
[16]-[18] El Arabí Serghini (canto), Omar Metioui (laúd
árabe), Ahmed Al-Gazi (viola alto)
Recording site and date:
Unknown, [1998 or prior];
Rel.: 1998
[1], [3]-[4] Pneuma PN-470 [CD] El crisol
del tiempo - The crucible of time
[4] Pneuma « Colección Historica
(Tres culturas) » PN-1200 [CD] Cantos de Mujeres en las
Tres Culturas / Female voices in the three cultures – Spanish
Christians, Jews and Muslims in the Middle Ages
[18] Pneuma PN-370 La llamada de Al-Andalus
- The Call of Al-Andalus: Obras maestras de la colección
Al-Andalus de Pneuma
[7] Pneuma PN-550 [CD] Aire de Al-Andalus
- The Air of Al-Andalus: Música andalusí con instrumentos
de viento - Andalusian music for wind instruments.
Reviewed in:
Diapason (#-p.): 463-68 (october 1999)
Goldberg (#-p.): 11-92 (summer 2000)
Information from CD.
Excellent interpretation although I prefer the sephardic section
with the voice of Jorge Rozenblum.
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Pierre-F. Roberge