Thomas Binkley (1932-1995) - A discography

Conception & research: Pierre-F. Roberge
For comments, additions and corrections (continuing this discography for PFR)
Last update: 09/13/2021

This is an "under construction" comprehensive discography of Thomas Binkley.
"Thomas Binkley (1932-1995), lutenist and musicologist, began his professional career with the Studio der Fruehen Musik (Early Music Quartet) in Munich, Germany, one of the most influential ensembles ever in the performance of medieval music. His ensemble produced over 50 LP's devoted to medieval and renaissance music with Electrola, DGG and Telefunken. He contributed articles and reviews to numerous professional journals and collections of essays on topics of performance practice. He held the Edison Award (Amsterdam), the Grand Prix du Disques (Paris), the Deutscher Schallplattenpreis (Baden Baden), and the Dickenson College Arts Award (Pennsylvania). From 1973 to 1977, Binkley taught and performed at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, Switzerland and upon his return to the U.S., he was visiting professor at Stanford University (1977, 1979). He founded the Early Music Institute in 1979 and acted as director until January, 1995. He died on 28 April 1995 of cancer. The Thomas Binkley Scholarship Fund has been established in his memory and gratefully accepts donations" (from University of Indiana, Faculty of Music Web page).
This discography is divided into three parts.

Part I lists the original recordings (expected to be around 50) and re-edited material containing tracks not previously released. Each individual titles is (or will be) linked to a descriptive section containing as much information as possible about the original recording; this description is cross-linked to available CDs actually on the market (December 1996) in North America or western Europe. Great care have been taken to prevent misinformations and a large part of the data originates from records themselves (although often not as reliable as it should be). If the recording was not available, the content originates from usual sources (periodicals such as The Gramophone (and the Catalogue), Diapason (and the Catalogue), Bielefelder Katalog, Notes, and Fanfare, etc.). Alas ! if all this failed, reference was made to the french book "Diapason - Guide de la musique ancienne et baroque" (Coll. Bouquins, Robert Laffond, 1993) [GMAB]; although impressive in term of quality and amount of content, readers should be careful about many recording dates listed. Also data has been re-checked using the Indiana University Library excellent database [IUCAT]. Also I used a discography published by Kim Zabelle on Internet. A very well written article on Thomas Binkley's career (The several Lives of Tom Binkley: A Tribute) by David Lasocki, Head of Reference Service, Music Library, Indiana University, appeared in Early Music America, Fall 1995, p. 16-24, with a discography. For those interested in discography of medieval and renaissance period, they should refer to the following three publications

  1. Medieval and Renaissance Music on Long-Playing Records
    James Coover and Richard Colvig
    Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography # 6 (-end of 1961)
    Information service, Incorporated
    10, West Warren, Detroit 1, Michigan

  2. Medieval and Renaissance Music on Long-Playing Records
    James Coover and Richard Colvig
    Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography # (1962-1970 + corrections to # 6)
    Information service, Incorporated
    10, West Warren, Detroit 1, Michigan

  3. Early Music Discography - From Plainsong to the Sons of Bach
    Vol. 1: Record Index (covers 1970-1980)
    Oryx Press

I tried to list titles according to their label and release dates. In the linked section, I tried to follow the track order of recording; in some cases when the recording was not available, the order may need correction by a careful reader owning the disc. In Part I, my goal is to cover all original recordings, but this may well be wishful thinking without comments and corrections. These could be directed to my E-mail address ( Credit for any significant contribution will be given at the end of the discography.

This is the first edition. The content needs validation and will be regularly up-dated in the next 3-4 months.

Part II deals mostly with reedition on CDs; I will try to be complete, but the goals is really to inform readers about available recordings on the market.

Part III lists newly released, or soon to be released, CDs when the available information is not sufficient to be added as a specific entry in the preceeding list.

Pierre-F. Roberge


Notes: Original recordings are preceded by a number; those containing only composite material are not numbered.

Westminster Recordings

1950?-1956? (Total original recording = 1)

  1. Westminster XWN 18 166 [LP, mono]
    Guillaume de Machaut - Motets, ballades, virelais, rondeaux
    Rec.: 1956

  2. Telefunken/Teldec Recordings

    1960-1970 Original recordings (total=16)

  3. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 8038 [45 r.p.m., 17cm, mono]
    Frühe deutsche Musik
    Rec.: around 1960

  4. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 8039 [45 r.p.m., 17cm, mono]
    Frühe spanische Musik im "Goldenen Zeitalter"
    Rec.: 1964 or prior

  5. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 8040 [45 r.p.m., 17cm, mono]
    Frühe flämische Musik
    Rec.: 1964 or prior

  6. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 8041 [45 r.p.m., 17cm, mono]
    Frühe Musik in England - 13. Jahrhundert
    Rec.: 1964 or prior

  7. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 8042 [45 r.p.m., 17cm, mono]
    Frühe deutsche Musik II - Spott- und Bauernlieder um 1500
    Rec.: 1964 or prior

  8. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 8043 [45 r.p.m., 17cm, mono]
    Frühe franzözische Musik - Das Vogelrufvirelai
    Rec.: 1964 or prior

  9. Telefunken Das Alte Werk AWT/SAWT 9432-B [LP, mono/stereo]
    Frühe Musik in England - Frühe Flämische Musik - Frühe Deutsche Musik - Frühe Spanische Musik
    Rec.: 1964 or prior, maybe 1962

  10. Telefunken Das Alte Werk AWT/SAWT 9 455-A [LP, mono/stereo]
    Carmina Burana - 20 Lieder aus der Originalhandschrift um 1300
    Rec.: 1964

  11. Telefunken Das Alte Werk AWT/SAWT 9 466-B [LP, mono/stereo]
    Frühe Musik in Italien, Frankreich und Burgund
    Rec.: 1965 or prior

  12. Telefunken Das Alte Werk AWT/SAWT 9 472-A [LP, mono/stereo]
    Florid-Song und Gambenmusik im England um 1610-1660
    Rec.: 1964 & 1965

  13. Telefunken Das Alte Werk AWT/SAWT 9 486-A [LP, mono/stereo]
    Bauern-, Tanz- und Straßenlieder im Deutschland um 1500
    Rec.: 1963 & 1966

  14. Telefunken Das Alte Werk SAWT 9 487-A [LP]
    Minnesang und Spruchdichtung um 1200-1320 - Walther von der Vogelweide, Neidhart, Wizlaw, Frauenlob u. a.
    Rec.: 1966

  15. Telefunken Das Alte Werk SAWT 9 504-A [LP]
    Weltliche Musik um 1300
    Rec.: 1966

  16. Telefunken Das Alte Werk SAWT 9 522-A [LP]
    Carmina Burana - 13 Lieder nach der Handschrift aus Benediktbeuern um 1300
    Rec.: 1967

  17. Telefunken Das Alte Werk AWT / SAWT 9 532-B [LP]
    Geistliche Lieder und Instrumentalsätze der Lutherzeit
    Rec.: 1965

  18. Telefunken SMT 1 244 [LP]
    Heiteres Mittelalter 1300-1600
    Rel.: 1969 or prior

  19. Telefunken ???? [LP]
    Musik Anno 1500
    Thomas Binkley
    Rec.: 1970 or prior

  20. Telefunken Das Alte Werk SAWT 9 567-B [LP]
    Chansons der Troubadours - Lieder und Spielmusik aus dem 12 Jahrhundert
    Rec.: 1970

  21. Telefunken Das Alte Werke TK 11 515/1-2 [LPx2]
    Musik der Dürerzeit
    Rel. 1972 or prior

    Telefunken TLD 1295 [LP]
    Nigel Rogers: Songs and Arias
    Rel.: 1973 or prior

    Telefunken "Das Alte Werke - Musik und ihre Zeit" SAWT 9620 21-B [LPx2]
    Musica Iberica 1100-1600
    Rel. 1974 or prior

  22. Telefunken Das Alte Werk Teldec 6.41 275 AW [LP]
    Chansons der Trouvères
    Rec.: 1974

  23. Telefunken Das Alte Werk Teldec 6.35 067 AW [LPx2]
    Frühe Musik (I) / (II) - Frühe Musik: England - Flandern - Deutschland - Spanien - Italien - Frankreich und Burgund
    Rel.: 1974

  24. Telefunken Das Alte Werk Teldec 6.41 928 AW [LP]
    Chansons der Spilleute
    Rec.: 1975

  25. Telefunken Das Alte Werk Teldec 6.35 412 AW [LPx2]
    Musik des Mittelalters
    Rel.: 1978

    Telefunken Das Alte Werk Teldec 6.35 605 ER [LPx2]
    Musik der Lutherzeit
    Rel.: 1983

    Telefunken Das Alte Werk Teldec 6.35 618 DX [LPx2]
    Minnesänger und Spielleute
    Rel.: 1983 or prior

    DGG/Archiv Produktion Recordings

    1964 (Total original recording = 1)

  26. Archiv Produktion APM 14 345 / SAPM 198 345 [LP, mono/stereo]
    IV. Forschungbereich: Hochrenaissance (16. Jahrhundert), Serie M: Die elizabethanische Epoche: Ausgewälte Werke von J. Dowland - Selected Works by John Dowland
    Rec.: 1964

  27. Archiv Produktion 199 001 [LP]
    Am Hofe der Königin Elisabeth I
    Rel.: ?

    Swedish Society Discofil

    1968 Original recordings (total=1)

  28. Swedish Society Discofil SLT 33 185 [LP]
    Medeltida Konsert musik mellan 1300-1600
    Rec.: 1968

  29. EMI-Odeon

    1969 Original recordings (total=2)

  30. EMI-Odeon J 063- 20.114 [LP]
    Musica Iberica (1) Hasta el siglo XV
    Rec.: 1969 or prior

  31. EMI-Odeon 1J 063-20.502 [LP]
    Musica Iberica (2) Hasta el siglo XV
    Rec.: 1970 or prior

  32. Verlag Moritz Diesterweg

    1960s ? Original recordings (total=1)

  33. Verlag Moritz Diesterweg TST 75 514 [LP]
    It's Fun to Sing: Britische und Amerikanische Lieder zum Mitsingen - A Btitish-American Choir
    Thomas Binkley,dir.
    Rec.: 1969 or prior

  34. Caprice

    1970 Original recordings (total=1)

  35. Caprice RIKS LPED 1-2 [LPx2]
    Musik och instrument
    Thomas Binkley
    Rec.: 6/1970

  36. Electrola - EMI/Electrola

    1970-1976 Original recordings (total=17)

  37. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 101 [LP]
    Oswald von Wolkenstein
    Rec.: 1970

  38. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 102 [LP]
    Johannes Ciconia
    Rec.: 1970

  39. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 103 [LP]
    Roman de Fauvel
    Rec.: 1970

  40. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 106 [LP]
    Guillaume de Machaut Chansons Volume 1
    Rec.: 1971

  41. Electrola Reflexe SHZEL 713 [LP]
    Pop Ago (Chansons - Songs - Canciones - Lieder - Canzonen)
    Rec.: 1973 or prior

  42. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 107 [LP]
    Camino de Santiago I - Eine pilgerstrasse Navarra Castilla
    Rec.: 1973 or prior

  43. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 108 [LP]
    Camino de Santiago II - Eine pilgerstrasse León/Galicia
    Rec.: 1973 or prior

  44. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 109 [LP]
    Guillaume de Machaut Chansons Volume II
    Rec.: 1972

  45. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Rec.: 1973 or prior

  46. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 118 [LP]
    Bernart de Ventadorn - Chansons d'amour Martim Codax - Canciones de amigo
    Rec.: 1973 or prior

  47. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 122 [LP]
    Estampie Instrumentalmusik des mittelalters
    Rec.: 1974 or prior

  48. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 123 [LP]
    Peter Abelard
    Rec.: 1974 or prior

  49. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 124 [LP]
    Guillaume Dufay Adieu m'amour Chansons und Motetten
    Rec.: 1973 & 1974

  50. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 129 [LP]
    Rec.: 1976 or prior

  51. EMI Reflexe IC 063- 30 132 [LP]
    L'Agonie du Languedoc
    Rec.: 1976 or prior

  52. EMI Reflexe 065- 46 401 [LP]
    Vox humana Vokalmusik aus dem Mittelalter - Vocal Music of the Middle Ages - Musique vocale du Moyen Age
    Rec.: 1976

  53. EMI Reflexe 065 30 940 [LP]
    Ludi Sancti Nicholai The Miracles of St. Nicholas
    Rec.: 1978 or prior

  54. EMI/Deutsche Harmonia mundi

    1979-1983 Original recordings (total=4)

  55. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (EMI). 1C 065- 99 77 241 [LP]
    Andalusische Musik aus Marokko - Andalusian Music from Morocco
    Moroccan Ensemble Fez - Hagg abdelkarim Rais, dir.; (liners by Binkley)
    Rec.: 1977

  56. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (EMI).1C 065- 99 898 [LP]
    Cantigas de Santa Maria
    Rec.: 1980

  57. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (EMI).1C 165-99 925/26 T [LPx2]
    Osterspiel Ostermesse aus Notre Dame de Paris (Visitatio sepulchri Missa in Domenica Resurrectionis)
    Rec.: 1981

  58. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (EMI) - Documenta 165- 16-9507/8-3 [LP]
    Carmina Burana (13 Jh.) Das grosse Passionsspiel
    Rec.: 1983

  59. Focus recordings

    1983-1994 Original recordings (total=9)

  60. Focus 831 [LPx2]
    The Greater passion play from Carmina Burana
    Rec.: 1983

  61. Focus 842 [LP]
    Orlando Di Lasso The Sibylline Prophecies Prophetiae sibyllarum
    Rec.: 1984

  62. Focus 934 [LP]
    Missa Se la face ay pale
    Rec.: 1987

  63. Focus 883-2 [Cassette]
    Music in medieval Europe 1 & 2
    Rec.: 1966-1987

  64. Focus 911 [CD]
    The Lauds of Saint Ursula Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)
    Rec.: 1991

  65. Focus 912 [CD]
    Rec.: 1988

  66. Focus 913 [CD]
    Adam de la Halle (fl. 1280) Le Jeu de Robin et Marion
    Rec.: 1987

  67. Focus 941 [CD]
    Missa Ecce ancilla Domini The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Guillaume Dufay
    Rec.: 1991, 1992, 1993 & 1994

  68. Focus 943 [CD]
    Beyond Plainsong Tropes and Polyphony in the Medieval Church
    Rec.: 1994


Material listed above originally issued on CD or transferred to CD.

  1. Archiv Produktion 471 721-2
    John Dowland - I saw my lady weep - Songs & Lachrimae
    Rel.: 2002

  2. Deutsche Grammophon 000819102 [CDx2]
    Dowland: Airs, Songs, Pavans
    Various performers
    Rel.: 2007

  3. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (BMG) "Editio Classica" GD 77 241
    Andalusische Musik aus Marokko - Andalusian Music from Morocco
    Moroccan Ensemble Fez - Hagg abdelkarim Rais, dir.; (liners by Binkley)
    Rel.: 1991

  4. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi (BMG) GD 77 242 QH
    Cantigas de Santa Maria
    Rel.: 1992

  5. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (BMG) 305472 77 689-2 [CDx2]
    Anonymous Carmina burana - 13th-cent play
    Rel.: 1999

  6. Deutsche Harmonia mundi (BMG) 305472 77 690-2 [CDx2]
    Anonymous Easter Mass from Notre Dame de Paris (c1200)
    Rel.: 1999

  7. EMI Reflexe 555 (or CDM)-7 63 069-2
    Oswald von Wolkenstein
    Rel.: 1989

  8. EMI Reflexe 555 (or CDM)-7 63 442-2
    Johannes Ciconia
    Rel.: 1991

  9. EMI Reflexe 555 (or CDM)-7 63 430-2
    Roman de Fauvel
    Rel.: 1991

  10. EMI Reflexe 555 (or CDM)-7 63 142-2
    Guillaume de Machaut Chansons Volume 1
    Rel.: 1989

  11. EMI Reflexe 555 (or CDM)-7 63 424-2
    Guillaume de Machaut Chansons Volume II
    Rel.: 1990

  12. EMI Reflexe 555 (or CDM)-7 63 426-2
    Guillaume Dufay Adieu m'amour Chansons und Motetten
    Rel.: 1990

  13. EMI Reflexe 555 (or CDM)-7 63 148-2
    Vox humana Vokalmusik aus dem Mittelalter - Vocal Music of the Middle Ages - Musique vocale du Moyen Age
    Rel.: 1989

  14. EMI Classics 7243 8 26466-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 1 Stationen Europäischer Musik : Oswald von Wolkenstein - Johannes Ciconia - "Roman de Fauvel" - Ludwig Senfl - Altenglische Consortmusik - Guillaume de Machaut I
    Rel.: 2000

  15. EMI Classics 7243 8 26473-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 2: Stationen Europäischer Musik : Camino de Santiago I / II - Guillaume de Machaut: Chansons(Volume 2) - Frühe Kammermusik in Italien um 1600 - Musik des Trecentol um Jacopo da Bologna - Venezianische Mehrchörigkeit
    Rel.: 2000

  16. EMI Classics 7243 8 26480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik : Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Rel.: 2000

  17. EMI Classics 7243 8 26487-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 4 Stationen Europäischer Musik : The King's Musick aus der Zeit Henry VIII - Byrd: Harpsichord Music - Allegri / Carissimi - Estampie: Instrumentalmusik des Mittelalters - Peter Abélard - Guillaume Dufay: Adieu m'amour
    Rel.: 2000

  18. EMI Classics 7243 8 26494-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 5 Stationen Europäischer Musik : Clavecinmusik um Louis XV - Adriano Banchieri: Barca di Venetia per Padova - Planctus - Emilio de' Cavalieri: Rappresantazione di anima e di corpo - L'Agonie du Languedoc
    Rel.: 2000

  19. EMI Classics 7243 8 26508-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 7 Stationen Europäischer Musik : Ludi Sancti Nicolai - Cansós de Trobairitz (Lyrik der Trobairitz um 1200) - El Barroco Español ("Tonos Humanos" und Instrumentalmusik um 1640- 1700) - Samuel Scheidt, Ludi Musici, Prima pars - Lautenmusik von Silvius Leopold Weiss - Französische cembalomusik (Jean Nicolas Geoffroy und Louis Couperin)
    Rel.: 2000

  20. EMI Classics 7243 8 26522-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 9 Stationen Europäischer Musik : Vox Humana - Lionel Power - Frühe Englische Orgelmusik - Matthew Locke - Johann Hermann Schein - Deutsche Cembalomusik
    Rel.: 2000

  21. EMI "Classics" 0946 338137 2 4 [CDx5]
    Music from the Middle Ages
    Studio der Frühen Musik, SCB - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Rel.: 2005

  22. Focus 911
    The Lauds of Saint Ursula Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)
    Rec.: 1991

  23. Focus 912
    Rec.: Musical Arts Center, Indiana University, Bloomington, Rec: 1988

  24. Focus 913
    Adam de la Halle (fl. 1280) Le Jeu de Robin et Marion
    Rec.: 1987

  25. Focus 934
    Missa Se la face ay pale
    Rel.: 1993

  26. Focus 941
    Missa Ecce ancilla Domini The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Guillaume Dufay
    Rec.: 1992, 1993, 1994]

  27. Focus 943
    Beyond Plainsong Tropes and Polyphony in the Medieval Church
    Rec.: 1994

  28. Musical Heritage Society MHS 5 22539
    The Greater passion play from Carmina Burana
    Rel.: ca 1990

  29. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 8.35 519 ZA
    Troubadours & Trouvères
    Rel.: ca 1987

  30. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 8.43 775 ZS
    Carmina Burana - 20 Lieder aus der Originalhandschrift um 1300
    Rel.: 1987

  31. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 8.44 012 ZS
    Carmina Burana - 13 Lieder nach der Handschrift aus Benediktbeuern um 1300
    Rel.: 1988

  32. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 8.44 015 ZS
    Minnesanger und Spielleute - Minnesong and Mintrels
    Rel.: 1988

  33. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 3984-21 709-2
    Llibre Vermell & Robin et Marion - Secular music c. 1300
    Rec.: 1998

  34. Teldec "Das Alte Werk" 3984-21 804- 2
    Peasant, Dance and Street Songs in Germany
    Rel: 1998

  35. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 4509-95 073-2
    Chanterai por mon coraige
    Rel.: 199...

  36. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 4509-95 521-2 [CDx2]
    Carmina Burana - The Benediktburen Manuscript c. 1300
    Rel.: 199...

  37. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 4509-97 938 [CDx2]
    Troubadours - Trouvères - Minstrels
    Rel.: 1985

  38. Teldec "Das Alte Werke" 4509-97 942-2 [CDx2]
    English Music of the 17th Century
    Concentus Musicus Wien
    Rel.: 1995

  39. Warner Classics 90296 73084 [CDx34]
    Josquin and the Franco-Flemish School
    Various artists
    Rel.: 2021



Formerly: Newly or soon to be released CDs.

  1. University of Oklahoma EMTV (no number) [VHS]
    And They Sang a New Song
    Twenty-four Musical Elders at Santiago de Compostela
    The University of Oklahoma Collegium Musicum & The Early Music Institute - Eugene Enrico & Thomas Binkley
    Rel.: 1989

See also supplementary listing of unreleased recordings at INA.

....And thanks to all contributors....
Todd McComb <>
Kim Zabelle (e-mail no longer available)
John Haines
David Lasocki
Bill Maclehose
Jon Stringer
I am waiting.... for others...

Pierre-F. Roberge

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