CD files available:

12f033.html   - Anthony Braxton: 12 Comp (ZIM) 2017     modified: 06/24/21 - size:  1957
aaa035.html   - Pauline Oliveros: Nessuno               modified: 03/28/24 - size:  1028
aaa056.html   - Anthony Braxton: Sax QT (Lorraine) 2022 modified: 04/22/24 - size:  1670
agm020.html   - Jack Wright: Never - Not Nothing        modified: 12/04/23 - size:  812
atr0723.html  - Wade Matthews: Growing carrots in a     modified: 06/24/13 - size:  964
atr1340.html  - Thanos Chrysakis: Music for Baritone    modified: 06/12/19 - size:  1156
ayl124.html   - Joëlle Léandre: Stone Quartet - Live at modified: 02/16/12 - size:  973
bim58.html    - Jack Wright: The Unrepeatable Quartet - modified: 03/13/17 - size:  968
bpa18018.html - Damon Smith: Rune Kitchen               modified: 04/06/23 - size:  937
cnf185.html   - Tom Rainey: Pool School                 modified: 12/11/11 - size:  1404
cnf237.html   - Joachim Badenhorst: Baloni -            modified: 12/29/11 - size:  1585
crs229.html   - Jon Rose: Colophony                     modified: 03/09/14 - size:  1030
crs234.html   - Magda Mayas: Great Waitress - Flock     modified: 03/13/22 - size:  1045
crs256.html   - Ståle Liavik Solberg: Hot Four - Eye of modified: 11/04/17 - size:  1184
crs343.html   - Ute Wassermann: Parak.eets - Natura     modified: 05/10/20 - size:  1233
crs362.html   - Roland Ramanan: New Dynamics            modified: 05/10/20 - size:  911
crs398.html   - Isabelle Duthoit: Light air still gets  modified: 01/24/17 - size:  1193
crs410.html   - Ulrike Brand: Traintracks Roadsides     modified: 08/23/17 - size:  960
crs453.html   - Blaise Siwula: Lisbon String Trio -     modified: 07/23/17 - size:  958
crs460.html   - Nikolaus Neuser: Trialectics            modified: 08/16/20 - size:  946
crs489.html   - Steve Noble: Ag                         modified: 02/18/18 - size:  971
crs564.html   - Miguel A. García: Sitsa                 modified: 06/21/19 - size:  1052
crs632.html   - Gino Robair: Compassion & Evidence      modified: 03/28/20 - size:  1069
crs658.html   - Markus Eichenberger: Werckmeister -     modified: 01/17/21 - size:  985
crs736.html   - Ernesto Rodrigues: Chiaroscuro          modified: 05/01/22 - size:  898
crs756.html   - Ernesto Rodrigues: Distilling Silence   modified: 10/06/22 - size:  1004
crs772.html   - Ernesto Rodrigues: Dérive               modified: 03/05/23 - size:  1178
crs781.html   - Ute Wassermann: L'âge de l'oreille      modified: 05/22/23 - size:  1014
crs858.html   - Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg: La rambarde modified: 02/17/25 - size:  1078
dsc0224.html  - El Pricto: Behenii                      modified: 09/06/24 - size:  1365
emm5207.html  - Veryan Weston: Tuning Out               modified: 11/22/15 - size:  1231
frr389.html   - Benedict Taylor: Hunt at the Brook      modified: 07/15/19 - size:  972
frr442.html   - Vasco Trilla: Still now (if you still)  modified: 08/22/17 - size:  1389
frr445.html   - Frode Gjerstad: Tipple Live at Elastic  modified: 08/13/17 - size:  916
frr489.html   - Marcello Magliocchi: Runcible Quintet - modified: 10/08/18 - size:  1356
gle003.html   - Joe Morris: Instantiation - Paradoxical modified: 11/03/19 - size:  979
gle006.html   - Joe Morris: Instantiation - Switches    modified: 06/25/20 - size:  996
ifs1038.html  - Eli Wallace: Precepts                   modified: 12/31/21 - size:  915
imb50.html    - João Camões: Nuova Camerata - Chant     modified: 08/23/17 - size:  1042
ipk027.html   - Carl Ludwig Hübsch: Metaculture - Rüt   modified: 09/25/22 - size:  1171
isb08.html    - Pierre-Yves Martel: HMZ - Ize           modified: 03/17/21 - size:  908
jzt036.html   - Jeff Shurdut: Yad                       modified: 08/23/14 - size:  1182
ler631.html   - Joëlle Léandre: MMM Quartet - Live at   modified: 09/09/12 - size:  988
ler708.html   - Frank Gratkowski: Skein                 modified: 02/08/15 - size:  1301
ler738.html   - Sandra Weiss: Ramble                    modified: 09/28/15 - size:  1198
ler748.html   - Achim Kaufmann: Oblengths               modified: 02/29/16 - size:  1149
ler763.html   - Nicola Hein: Rotozaza - Zero            modified: 07/26/16 - size:  1260
mkh19.html    - Sharif Sehnaoui: Nashaz                 modified: 08/23/17 - size:  957
n2t986.html   - Robert Dick: Solar Wind                 modified: 08/19/19 - size:  1542
nbh903.html   - Anthony Braxton: Trio (New Haven) 2013  modified: 06/24/21 - size:  1251
nbh904.html   - Anthony Braxton: 12 Duets (DCWM) 2012   modified: 06/24/21 - size:  1990
nob133.html   - Frank Gratkowski: Flatbosc & Cautery    modified: 12/13/20 - size:  1284
nob48.html    - Carlos Zingaro: Live at Total Meeting   modified: 11/08/15 - size:  1126
nob51.html    - Joëlle Léandre: Sudo Quartet - Live at  modified: 01/15/13 - size:  1212
nvc024.html   - John Butcher: Induction                 modified: 02/08/22 - size:  1215
nwj0033.html  - Dirk Serries: SETT - First and Second   modified: 06/07/20 - size:  891
nwj0056.html  - Tom Jackson: Dandelion                  modified: 11/29/22 - size:  951
nwj0061.html  - Daniel Thompson: Hunt at the Brook      modified: 09/07/23 - size:  1491
oco1.html     - Anthony Pateras: North of North         modified: 06/25/18 - size:  956
pgu21078.html - Pauline Oliveros: Triple Point -        modified: 05/05/19 - size:  2247
pii31.html    - Henry Threadgill: This brings us to     modified: 02/27/15 - size:  1798
pii58.html    - Henry Threadgill: In for a Penny, In    modified: 06/01/15 - size:  1286
plt2023.html  - Jack Wright: Wrest - Yaw                modified: 12/04/23 - size:  795
pst006.html   - Christopher Dell: DLW - Grammar II      modified: 07/06/23 - size:  1044
rdt9342.html  - Joe Hertenstein: Polylemma              modified: 09/26/11 - size:  1131
rlp1120.html  - Magda Mayas: Filamental - Confluence    modified: 05/23/21 - size:  992
rlp1200.html  - Joe Morris: Geometry of Phenomena       modified: 10/04/24 - size:  1267
rog0063.html  - Joëlle Léandre: MMM Quartet - Oakland / modified: 02/14/16 - size:  1240
rtk033.html   - David Birchall: Live at Ftarri          modified: 03/30/19 - size:  985
shh052.html   - Nathan Corder: Monopiece + Jaap Blonk   modified: 06/12/19 - size:  1046
slj2006.html  - Don Malfon: Mutations                   modified: 09/30/20 - size:  1568
slj2018.html  - Frode Gjerstad: Tales From              modified: 09/30/20 - size:  1044
slj2106.html  - Evan Parker: Electro-Acoustic Ensemble  modified: 04/22/21 - size:  1220
slj2416.html  - Brad Barrett: Geologic Time             modified: 07/23/24 - size:  1100
tdb9017.html  - Pierre-Yves Martel: Drought             modified: 06/27/18 - size:  1136
tro212.html   - Joëlle Léandre: Play as you go          modified: 09/13/21 - size:  929
ugx53.html    - Sandy Ewen: Ewen / Smith / Walter       modified: 03/03/13 - size:  1104
ugx79.html    - Weasel Walter: Ewen / Smith / Walter -  modified: 10/22/20 - size:  1099
whi0317.html  - Roscoe Mitchell: Conversations          modified: 03/10/15 - size:  2297
whi0379.html  - Roscoe Mitchell: Gratitude - One Head   modified: 12/16/24 - size:  1437
wow06.html    - John Butcher: Fluid Fixations           modified: 03/28/24 - size:  1413

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