Francesco Landini (c.1325-1397): Works List & Discography

This discography is presently in a preliminary state. It is believed to contain the vast majority of recordings with works by Landini, but has not yet been scoured for completeness. It also has undergone only minimal consistency checks regarding the various alternate spellings and corrupted titles given on recordings. It should prove informative nonetheless.

Discographic material has been collected with substantial help, as always, from Pierre-F. Roberge.

Works list merged with discography: 03/15/04; last update: 01/31/25

Todd M. McComb


Francesco Landini (c.1325-1397) was the most widely praised composer of the Italian Ars Nova, and a leading representative of the Florentine style which came to dominate subsequent appraisal of the art and music of the Trecento. Landini's life & interests reflect the early humanist movement, and indeed some accounts of the Renaissance place the origin of that phenomenon in his time & place, with the school of the painter Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). Landini's own father, Jacopo del Casentino (c.1310-1349), was a painter of the school of Giotto, and Francesco himself contributed poetry in the style of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio. Landini's humanist orientation manifested itself in his writings on ethics and William of Ockham's new logic, as well as in his multifaceted work in music. Blind since childhood, Landini was not only a leading composer, but a prominent organist and designer & tuner of instruments. Landini evidently mastered instruments other than the organ, and has been portrayed as an integral member of Florentine society, adept at the erudite philosophical & political discussions which marked this increasingly self-aware age.

The nature of the surname attributed to Landini (sometimes Landino) is a matter of some debate, as he is named only as Francesco in musical sources. His place of birth may have been Fiesole, and it seems he may have spent some time in Venice before 1370. In any case, the center of Italian music in the Ars Nova style moved from Venice to Florence during the period, a period during which Landini was the most prominent of an accomplished group of composers. He can be connected directly to both Lorenzo da Firenze (d.1372/3) and Andreas de Florentia (d.c.1415), and his works appear in sources which also feature the music of those and other Trecento composers. It is believed that Landini may have held the post of organist at San Lorenzo as long as from 1365 until his death, and he was certainly buried there. One concrete reference to his activity occured in 1387, when he was called upon to plan the new organ for Florence Cathedral.

Perhaps in keeping with his humanist orientation, Landini's surviving music is entirely secular. Landini may have written motets, but none are securely attributed, and at most one survives intact. Aside from these works and one French virelai, his surviving music is entirely in Italian, and almost entirely in the ballata form he apparently pioneered. Fully 154 songs are securely attributed to Landini (140 ballate!), approximately two thirds of which are in two parts with the remainder in three. Some texts are almost certainly by Landini, and while some are known to be by others, most of the texts he set may have been his own. Landini is the best-represented composer in the Squarcialupi Codex, the most important single source for Trecento secular polyphony, while the unnamed manuscript Florence Biblioteca nazionale 26 was apparently compiled at least partially under his direction. Landini wrote about one quarter of the surviving Italian Ars Nova secular music.

Landini's music is known for its progressive tonal layout and clearly defined parts. There is often a logical formal design to Landini's settings, and one characteristic cadence of the period has been named for him. Although it did not remain in fashion for long, Landini's music was used as a model by Italian Ars Subtilior composers, who sometimes added new parts. It did not survive the Franco-Flemish Renaissance; the use of the madrigal form by Landini and other composers of his era is not connected to the flowering of that genre in the 16th century. Since they were rediscovered in modern times, however, several of Landini's songs (especially the two-part ballata Ecco la primavera) have remained popular. Landini's clear melodic vision and expressivity serve to assure his music's place in the Ars Nova repertory. However, as one can easily observe by perusing the following discography, the majority of his works have yet to be recorded.

Todd M. McComb, 10/01

Introduction to Works List

The works list for the discography was provided by Sergey Lebedev, according to the compilation by Prof. Kurt von Fischer, with later additions and corrections by Lucia Marchi:

Kurt von Fischer. Landini, Francesco. In: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol.10.- London, 1980, pp.428-434
Lucia Marchi. Catalogo delle opere di Francesco Landini. In: Con dolce suon che da te piove. Studi di Francesco Landini e la musica del suo tempo. In memoria di Nino Pirrotta (=Scuola di Paleografia e Filologia Musicale. Studi e testi, vol.2).- Firenze, 1999, pp.589-617

Types of composition will be designated as follows:

Sergey Lebedev's work on this project is dedicated "to the memory of Kurt von Fischer, an outstanding Trecento scholar and an outstanding personality."

Works List & Discography


All of Landini's confirmed works are listed here, with a discography for each. In some cases, there is no known recording. Recordings listed with no preceding number are reissues or otherwise duplicated items. Identical reissues are generally listed within the same file as the original release, and are not named here.

A le' s'andrà lo spirto e l'alma mia B a2,3

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  2. Raum Klang 9905
    Triplicité: 1350-1450
    Zorgina Vocalensemble

  3. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

Abbonda di virtù chi sanza vizio B a2

  1. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  2. Opus 111 30-112
    Landini E I Suoi Contemporanei
    Firenze Secolo XIV

Adiu, adiu, dous dame jolie V a3

  1. Aliud ACD 93BH05
    Renaissance in Florence
    Francesco Landini and his contemporaries
    Ensemble Super Librum - Jankees Braaksma

  2. Ambronay 055 [CD]
    Firenze 1350
    A Medieval Florentine Garden
    Sollazzo Ensemble - Anna Danilevskaia

  3. Arch Records S-1773 (LP)
    Music for a While

  4. Arion ARN 68 462
    Ars Nova - Il Trecento
    Ensemble Réal - Pascal Coté, dir.

  5. Ars Musici 232418
    La Spiritata 2
    Blockflöten durch die jahrhu
    Flautando Köln

  6. Brilliant Classics 96222 [CD]
    Paradigma Medioevo
    Music from 14th-century Italy
    Aquila Altera

  7. Channel Classics 7094
    Guillaume Machaut & his time
    14th Century French Ars Nova
    Ensemble Alba Musica Kyo

  8. CPO 777 623
    La Bella Mandorla
    Ballate, Cacce & Madrigale from the Codex Squarcialupi
    Palatino 87

  9. Disques Lyres LLL 03008
    Les chemins du Moyen Âge - A journey through the Middle Ages
    Musique instrumentale - Instrumental Music

  10. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  11. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  12. First Hand Records 69
    Of arms and a woman
    Late medieval wind music

  13. Melodiya C 1015085 - C 10 15086 (matrix number) [LP]
    Italy: Secular music of the 12th - 14th Century
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  14. Opus 111 60-9206
    Francesco Landini and Italian Ars Nova
    Alla Francesca

  15. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Altera luce ed angelic'aspetto B a2

  1. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

Altri n'arà la pena, ed io il danno B a2

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

Ama, donna, chi t'ama a pura fede B a2

  1. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  2. Christophorus Entrée 0042
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  3. I.H.W. Versand Helga Weber 66.22 371
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  4. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

  5. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  6. Telefunken AW 6.42 357 [LP - stereo]
    Denkmäler alter Musik aus dem Codex Reina (14-15 Jh.) - Monuments of Ancient Music - Monuments de la musique ancienne (Codex Reina, c. 1400)
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

Amar sì gli alti tuo gentil costumi B a3

  1. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  2. Budapest Music Center BMCCD 090
    Trio Lignum

  3. Christophorus Entrée 0042
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  4. HMV-Gramophone HMS 22 [78 r.p.m.]
    Italian Polyphony 14th century - English Part-songs 1360-1425
    Ensemble Pro Musica antiqua de Bruxelles - Safford Cape, dir.
    Brompton Oratory Choir - Henry Washington, dir.

  5. HMV HLP 5/6/7 [LPx3, mono, 25cm, Europe]
    The History of Music in Sound, Vol. III: Ars Nova and the Renaissance
    Various performers

  6. I.H.W. Versand Helga Weber 66.22 371
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  7. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

Amor, c'al tuo sugetto omai da' lena B a2,3

  1. Electrecord (Romania) ST-ECE 01601 [LP]
    De la trubaduri la "Ars Nova" Pagini vocale din Evul Mediu si Renastere
    Martha Kessler with instrumental ensemble

  2. EMI/Electrola 1 C 063-24182 [LP - stereo]
    Musik aus Italien 1300-1650
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  3. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  4. Orpheus (Musical Heritage Society) OR 437 [LP]
    History of European Music - Part II: Music of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance, vol. 1
    Schola Cantorum Londiniensis & Ambrosian Singers - Denis Stevens, musical dir.

    Orpheus (Musical Heritage Society) OR 437 / 439 [LPx3]
    History of European Music - Part II: Music of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance
    Schola Cantorum Londiniensis & Ambrosian Singers - Denis Stevens, musical dir.

  5. Pleiades P 250 [LP, stereo]
    Historical Anthology of Music in Performance
    Late Medieval Music
    The University of Chicago Collegium Musicum - Howard M. Brown, dir.; Southern Illinois University Collegium Musicum - Wesley K. Morgan, dir.

  6. RCA Victor LM 40 000 [LPx10]
    Storia della Musica Italiana (ed. Valabrega), Vol. 1
    Dal Canto Gregoriano a Carissimi
    Various performing groups

  7. Ricercar 206 662
    Instruments 1
    Les Maîtres de l'Organetto Florentin au XIVe siècle
    Christophe Deslignes / Thierry Gomar

  8. Virgin "Veritas" 7243 5 45 357 2 7
    D'amours loial servant
    Chansons d'amour françaises et italiennes des XIVe et XVe siècles - French and Italian love songs of the 14th and 15th centuries - Französiche und italienische Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Gérard Lesne & Alla Francesca

Amor con fede seguito, speranno B a2

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  2. Swedish Society Discofil SLT 33185 [LP, stereo]
    Medeltida Konsert musik mellan 1300-1600
    aka on Telefunken: Heiteres Mittelalters
    Studio der frühen Musik

Amor, in te spera' già lungo tempo B a3

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  2. Musici Anonymi 1
    Musica Italiana
    Italian Music from the 14th - 20th Centuries
    Musici Anonymi

Amor in uom gentil è una luce B a3

  1. Aliud 047
    Ciconia / Dufay - Chansons
    Ensemble Fortuna

  2. Arcana 22
    d'Amor Ragionando
    Ballades du neo-Stilnovo en Italie: 1380-1415
    Mala Punica

Angelica biltà venut'è in terra B a2

  1. Arta F10178 [CD]
    Angelica beltà
    Hudební vune stredoveké Evropy - Musical Bouquets of Mediaeval Europe
    Rozmberska kapelá - Mario Mesany
    Detský sbor [Children's Choir] - Pavel Polásek

  2. Astrée 7706
    Ballate monodiques de l'ars Nova Florentine
    Esther Lamandier

  3. Electrecord (Romania) ST-ECE 01601 [LP]
    De la trubaduri la "Ars Nova" Pagini vocale din Evul Mediu si Renastere
    Martha Kessler with instrumental ensemble

  4. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  5. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

  6. Melodiya C 1015085 - C 10 15086 (matrix number) [LP]
    Italy: Secular music of the 12th - 14th Century
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  7. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  8. Pan DX MA 52 [LP]
    Musiche medioevali e Rinascimentali
    Gruppo Musica Insieme

  9. Stradivarius 37213 [CD]
    Sento d'amor la fiamma
    Musica cavalleresca e cortese del Trecento Italiano
    I Trobadores

  10. Vox "Turnabout" TV 4 019 [LP, mono]
    Medieval and Renaissance Music for the Irish and Medieval Harps, Vièle, Recorders and Tambourin
    Elena Polonska, Guy Durand, Roger Cotte

  11. Westminster XWN 18776 [LP]
    Italian Troubadours Songs
    Cuenod, Leeb

Ara' tu pietà mai B a2

No known recording.

Benchè crudele siate stat'e fera B a2

No known recording.

Benchè la bionda treza B a2

No known recording.

Benchè ora piova, pur buon tempo aspetto B a2

    Academica 020505
    Reflections - on a millennium of harps
    Various performers

  1. Apollon Classics 11343
    Ensemble Collage

  2. Musicraft (U.S.A.) 212 [78 r.p.m.]
    Early Organ Music, rec. 1
    Landino - Froberger - Hofhaimer - Anonymous
    C. Weinrich

Cara mie donna, vivi omai contenta B a3

  1. Argo ZRG 642 [LP]
    Ecco la Primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  2. Arion ARN 68 462
    Ars Nova - Il Trecento
    Ensemble Réal - Pascal Coté, dir.

  3. Decca Serenata 436 219-2DM
    Ecco la primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  4. Éditions Musicales Lugdivine « Them'Axe » 7 [Book + CDx2]
    Instruments et musiques du Moyen Âge
    Various performers

  5. Fono Gesellschaft Luzern S 30-4703 [LP]
    Musik aus dem Trecento
    S. Frei, W. Frei

  6. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  7. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  8. Move MCD 129 [CD]

  9. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  10. Schirmer Books ISBN 0-02-872953-6 [2 Cassettes]
    Music of the Middle Ages
    The Western Wind / Hilliard Ensemble - Paul Hillier

  11. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

  12. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Caro signor, palesa B a3

  1. Archiv Produktion APM 14019 [LP, mono, European market]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi» & Series D: The Netherlanders to Okeghem «Guillaume Dufay: 8 Sacred Songs»
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  2. Archiv Produktion ARC 37003 [45 r.p.m.]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi»
    Francesco Landini
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  3. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  4. Symphonia 95142
    Donna, s'amor m'invita
    The vocal and instrumental art of the Ars Nova
    Continens Paradisi

  5. University of East Anglia UEA 78001 [LP]
    Landini Consort
    Songs and dances of fourteenth - century Italy
    Landini Consort - Peter Syrus, dir.

Che cosa è questa, Amor, che 'l ciel produce B a3

  1. Aliud 047
    Ciconia / Dufay - Chansons
    Ensemble Fortuna

  2. Ambronay 055 [CD]
    Firenze 1350
    A Medieval Florentine Garden
    Sollazzo Ensemble - Anna Danilevskaia

  3. Arcana 22
    d'Amor Ragionando
    Ballades du neo-Stilnovo en Italie: 1380-1415
    Mala Punica

  4. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  5. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  6. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  7. Verso 2005
    Medée Fu
    Ballades & ballate
    Música francesa e italiana de finales del siglo XIV
    Tritonus XIV

Che fa'? Che pensi? Ché cercando vai B a2

No known recording.

Che pena è questa al cor, che sì non posso B a2,3

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  2. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  3. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  4. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  5. Harmonia Mundi HMC 90 1354 [CD]
    Codex Faenza: Italie, XVe siècle
    Ensemble Organum - Marcel Pérès

  6. Harmonia mundi HMX 90 649/54 [6 CDs]
    Les Très Riches Heures du Moyen-Âge - A Medieval Journey
    Soeur Marie Keyrouz; Ensemble Organum - Marcel Pérès, dir.; Deller Consort; Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic, dir.; Anonymous 4; The Hilliard Ensemble - Paul Hillier, dir.; The Newberry Consort - Mary Springfels, dir.; Paul O'Dette

    Harmonia Mundi "Century" HMX 290 8168 [CD]
    Une révolution de l'esprit et de la musique (XIVe siècle) / An intellectual revolution in music
    Le siècle de l'Ars nova / Ars Nova, A Revolution in the Late Middle Ages
    Various performers

  7. Melodiya C 1015085 - C 10 15086 (matrix number) [LP]
    Italy: Secular music of the 12th - 14th Century
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  8. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  9. Pan Classics 10221
    Sotto l'imperio del possente prince
    Hommage Music of the 14th and 15th Century
    Ensemble Perlaro - Lorenza Donadini dir.

  10. Passacaille 1111 [CD]
    Aquila Altera
    Early Keyboards
    Federica Bianchi

  11. Regulus Classics 1012 [CD]
    Lamento di Tristano
    Marie Nishiyama

  12. Tabula Rasa TR01
    Mi ris, mi plours
    Musiques des XIIIème et XIVème siècles
    Ensemble Faenza - Marco Horvat
    [Note: "based upon"]

  13. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni
    [Note: "based upon"]

  14. Talanton TAL90004 [CD]
    Amours me fait desirer
    Ave Maria
    Alta musica – Rainer Böhm, dir.

  15. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Chi più le vuol saper, quel men le sa B a2

  1. CBC - Radio Canada RM-176 [LP]
    Manitoba University Consort
    Manitoba University Consort - Christine Mather

  2. Club national du disque CND 4/5 [LPx2, mono, Europe]
    Histoire de la Musique vocale, vol. 1-2 - Du grégorien à 1750
    Danish Soloists and Ensembles - Mogens Woldike, dir. & Les Petits chanteurs de la Renaissance - Marcel Noyre & Jean Pagot, cond.

  3. Haydn Society recording HSL 2071 [LP, mono, NA market]
    Masterpieces of Music before 1750, vol. 1 - An Anthology of Musical Examples from Gregorian Chant to J.S. Bach
    Danish Soloists and Ensembles

  4. Wisby Vaganter WVCD 3
    Cuncti Simus
    Låt oss sjunga - Let us all sing

Chi pregio vuol in virtù pong 'amore B a2

  1. Telefunken AW 6.42 357 [LP - stereo]
    Denkmäler alter Musik aus dem Codex Reina (14-15 Jh.) - Monuments of Ancient Music - Monuments de la musique ancienne (Codex Reina, c. 1400)
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

Come a seguir costei, Amor, fu' presto B a2

  1. Winged Horse Music 225167 [CD]
    One Day as I Went Riding
    The Sherwood Consort - Mary Devlin

Con gli occhi assai ne miro B a2

No known recording.

Contemplar le gran cose c'è onesto B a3

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

Conviensi a fede fé, conviensi amore B a3

  1. Ambronay 055 [CD]
    Firenze 1350
    A Medieval Florentine Garden
    Sollazzo Ensemble - Anna Danilevskaia

  2. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  3. Channel Classics 5793
    Francesco Landini & his time
    14th Century Italian Ars Nova
    Ensemble Alba Musica Kyo

Cosa null'ha più fé ch'amor richiede B a3

  1. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

Così pensoso com'amor mi guida C a3

"La Pescha"

  1. Allegro ALG 3029 [LP, mono]
    Italian Madrigal - Ars Nova & XVIth Century
    Vassar Madrigal Singers - Geer, dir.

  2. Archiv Produktion APM 14019 [LP, mono, European market]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi» & Series D: The Netherlanders to Okeghem «Guillaume Dufay: 8 Sacred Songs»
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  3. Archiv Produktion ARC 37003 [45 r.p.m.]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi»
    Francesco Landini
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  4. Arte Nova 58969
    Oswald von Wolkenstein and his Italian contemporaries
    Les Menestrels

  5. Arte Nova 74321 70108 2 [CDx5]
    Meisterwerke Alter Musik
    René Clemencic, et al.

  6. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  7. Bongiovanni GB 5635-2 [CD]
    Cacciando per Gustar
    Cacce e Madrigali del Trecento Italiano
    Orientis Partibus

  8. Cantus 9601
    La Reverdie

  9. ELN - Ensemble Laude Novella ELNCD 0302 [CD]
    Den Bakvända visan
    Medeltida musik kors och tvärs - Medieval music back and forth
    Laude Novella

  10. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  11. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  12. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  13. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  14. Nuovo Era 6970
    Bestiarium - Animals in the Music of the Middle Ages
    Ensemble La Reverdie

  15. ORF "Edition Alte Musik" CD 091
    Resonanzen '96
    Musik aus den Habsburgerlanden
    Various performers

  16. Philips 802 904 LY [LP]
    Music from the Decameron - Musique du Decameron - Musik aus der zeit von Boccaccios Decamerone
    Musica Reservata - John Beckett, cond. & Michael Morrow, mus. dir.

  17. Symphonia 95142
    Donna, s'amor m'invita
    The vocal and instrumental art of the Ars Nova
    Continens Paradisi

  18. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

D'amor mi biasmo, chi che se ne lodi B a2

No known recording.

Da po'ch'a te rinasce 'l crudo core B a2

No known recording.

Da poi che va mie donna in altra parte B a2

  1. CPO 777 623
    La Bella Mandorla
    Ballate, Cacce & Madrigale from the Codex Squarcialupi
    Palatino 87

Da poi che vedi 'l mie fedel amare B a2

No known recording.

Debbe l'animo altero in ciò che dà B a3

No known recording.

Deh, che mi giova domandar merzede B a2

No known recording.

Deh, dimmi tu, che se' così fregiato M a3

  1. Allegro ALG 3029 [LP, mono]
    Italian Madrigal - Ars Nova & XVIth Century
    Vassar Madrigal Singers - Geer, dir.

  2. Argo ZRG 642 [LP]
    Ecco la Primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  3. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  4. Bongiovanni GB 5635-2 [CD]
    Cacciando per Gustar
    Cacce e Madrigali del Trecento Italiano
    Orientis Partibus

  5. Channel Classics 5793
    Francesco Landini & his time
    14th Century Italian Ars Nova
    Ensemble Alba Musica Kyo

  6. Decca Serenata 436 219-2DM
    Ecco la primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  7. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  8. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  9. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  10. Raum Klang 3501
    Con voce quasi humana
    Vocal Music of the Trecento
    Ensemble Perlaro - Lorenza Donadini

Deh, non fugir da me tua vaga vista B a2

  1. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

Deh, pon quest'amor giù! B a2

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

Deh, volgi gli occhi a me, donna, per cui B a2

No known recording.

De sospirar sovente B a2

  1. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  2. Fono Gesellschaft Luzern S 30-4703 [LP]
    Musik aus dem Trecento
    S. Frei, W. Frei

Divennon gli ochi mie, nel partir duro B a3

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

Dolce signor, poi c'hai le degne gregge B a2

  1. Harmonia mundi HMU 90 7038
    Il Solazzo - Music for a medieval banquet
    The Newberry Consort

Donna, che d'amor senta, non si mova B a2

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

Donna, con vo' rimane B a2

No known recording.

Donna, i' prego Amor, il qual m'ha fatto B a3

  1. University of East Anglia UEA 78001 [LP]
    Landini Consort
    Songs and dances of fourteenth - century Italy
    Landini Consort - Peter Syrus, dir.

Donna, la mente mia è sì 'nvaghita B a2

  1. Channel Classics 5793
    Francesco Landini & his time
    14th Century Italian Ars Nova
    Ensemble Alba Musica Kyo

Donna, la mie partenza B a2

No known recording.

Donna, languir mi fai B a2

No known recording.

Donna, l'animo tuo pur fugge amore B a2

No known recording.

Donna, 'l tuo partimento B a2,3

  1. Argo ZRG 642 [LP]
    Ecco la Primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  2. Decca Serenata 436 219-2DM
    Ecco la primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  3. Marc Aurel edition 20005
    Alte Musik für Blockflöte und Harfe
    Bois de Cologne

  4. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

Donna, perchè mi spregi ed ami altrui B a2

  1. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  2. Ricercar 206 662
    Instruments 1
    Les Maîtres de l'Organetto Florentin au XIVe siècle
    Christophe Deslignes / Thierry Gomar

Donna, per farmi guerra o per mal dire B a3

No known recording.

Donna, se 'l cor t'ho dato B a2

  1. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

Donna, s'i' t'ho fallito B a2

  1. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  2. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

    Focus 883-4S (2 Cassettes)
    Music in Medieval Europe
    Studio der frühen Music & Early Music Institute - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  3. Harmonia mundi HMU 90 7038
    Il Solazzo - Music for a medieval banquet
    The Newberry Consort

Donna, tu prendi sdegno B a2

No known recording.

Duolsi la vita e l'anima B a2

  1. Melodiya C 1015085 - C 10 15086 (matrix number) [LP]
    Italy: Secular music of the 12th - 14th Century
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  2. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  3. Sonclair CD JB 128 836
    Intabulation and Improvisation in the 14th Century
    Ensemble Super librum

Ecco la primavera B a2

  1. Al Segno as 2005 2
    Hommage à l'amour
    Ensemble Renaissance

  2. Argo ZRG 642 [LP]
    Ecco la Primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  3. Arte Nova 58969
    Oswald von Wolkenstein and his Italian contemporaries
    Les Menestrels

  4. Arte Nova 74321 70108 2 [CDx5]
    Meisterwerke Alter Musik
    René Clemencic, et al.

  5. Bis LP-75 [LP]
    De Fyra Arstiderna - The four seasons
    Joculatores Upsaliensis

  6. Bis 75 [LP]
    De Fyra Arstiderna - The four seasons
    Joculatores Upsaliensis

    Bis CD-75+120 [CDx2]
    Four Seasons / Woods, Women and Wine
    Joculatores Upsaliensis

  7. Brilliant Classics 96222 [CD]
    Paradigma Medioevo
    Music from 14th-century Italy
    Aquila Altera

  8. Carpe Diem 16265
    Ensemble Alta Musica

  9. Columna Música 1CM 0186
    Io son un pellegrin
    El caminar en la música medieval
    Capilla Antigua de Chinchilla - José Ferrero, dir.

  10. Decca Serenata 436 219-2DM
    Ecco la primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

    Electrola (EMI) SME 91 761/2 [LPx2, stereo] or
    Lebendige Musik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance - Cinq siècles de joyeuse musique
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

    EMI 1A 137-26510 / 11 [LPx2, stereo, gatefold sleeve]
    Vijf Eeuwen Muziek
    Composities uit de 13e t/m 17e Eeuw
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  11. Ensemble Cercamon EC 004 [CD]
    Ensemble Cercamon

  12. Fonoruz CDF-1950 [CD]
    Colores del Medievo

  13. Griffin GCCD 4001 [CD]
    Middle Ages Music
    Trinity Baroque - Julian Podger, dir.
    The Forbury Consort - Alan Crumpler, dir.
    The Holbein Consort - Martin Pope, dir.

  14. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  15. Harmonia Mundi "Century" HMX 290 8168 [CD]
    Une révolution de l'esprit et de la musique (XIVe siècle) / An intellectual revolution in music
    Le siècle de l'Ars nova / Ars Nova, A Revolution in the Late Middle Ages
    Various performers

  16. His Master's Voice (EMI) HQS 1195 [LP, stereo]
    Music of Middle Age
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  17. JRC 970 [LP]
    The Age of Chivalry: Court Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
    Early Music Consort

  18. Jubal A 002
    Fumeux fume par fumee
    Speculum - Ernesto Schmied

  19. Kiili vanamuusikaansambel (no number) [CD]
    Kiili vanamuusikaansambel
    Kiili vanamuusikaansambel [Kiili Early Music Ensemble] - Heili Meibaum

  20. Melodiya C 1015085 - C 10 15086 (matrix number) [LP]
    Italy: Secular music of the 12th - 14th Century
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  21. Micrologus 0001 [CD]
    In Festa
    Calendimaggio di Assisi
    Ensemble Micrologus

  22. Mirror Music 00005 [LP]
    Liebe und Minne
    Les Menestrels - Wiener Ensemble für alte Musik

  23. Misericordia [no label/number] [CD/download]
    Passion, Pestilence and Polyphony

  24. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  25. Move MD 3137
    Silk and Spice

  26. Musica Rediviva MRCD 002 [CD]
    Then Lustige Tijdh
    The Time of Maying - Le tempore del flores

  27. Opus 111 60-9206
    Francesco Landini and Italian Ars Nova
    Alla Francesca

  28. ORF "Edition Alte Musik" CD 314 [CDx3 + CD (dts)]
    ResOnanzen 2002
    Das ewig Weibliche

  29. Pan DX MA 52 [LP]
    Musiche medioevali e Rinascimentali
    Gruppo Musica Insieme

  30. Rampur Records 112
    Tro og Håb Spiller
    Darkwood Consort

  31. RTB 230413 [LP]
    Renaissance 5
    Hommage a l'Amour
    "Renaissance" - The First Yugoslav Early Music Ensemble

  32. RTB 2 330 083 [LP]
    Musica gozba - Musical feast
    Musica Antiqua - Vera Zlokovic, dir

  33. Seraphim SIC-6052 [LPx3, stereo]
    The Seraphim Guide to Renaissance Music
    72 vocal and instrumental works from the 13th to 17th centuries Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  34. Siscom SC-03426 [LP]
    Musique médiévale et renaissante - Medieval and Renaissance Music
    Ensemble Anonymus - Claude Bernatchez, dir.

  35. Stradivarius 37213 [CD]
    Sento d'amor la fiamma
    Musica cavalleresca e cortese del Trecento Italiano
    I Trobadores

  36. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 9 466-B [LP, mono]
    Frühe Musik in Italien, Frankreich und Burgund
    Studio der frühen Musik

  37. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" 6.35 067 DX [LPx2]
    Frühe Musik: England - Flandern - Deutschland - Spanien, - Italien - Frankreich und Burgund
    Studio der frühen Musik

  38. Vanguard VSD 71179 [LP]
    Douce Dame - Music of Courtly Love from Medieval France and Italy
    The Waverly Consort - Michael Jaffee, dir.

  39. Verlag der Spielleute CD 9004
    Ensemble Saltarello

  40. Verlag der Spielleute CD 0402
    Sumer zeitt

  41. VIA 415128
    Spiritual Music between the Occident and the Orient
    [Note: arrangement]

  42. Winged Horse Music 225167 [CD]
    One Day as I Went Riding
    The Sherwood Consort - Mary Devlin

El gran disio e la dolce speranza B a2,3

  1. Harmonia mundi HMU 90 7038
    Il Solazzo - Music for a medieval banquet
    The Newberry Consort

El mie dolce sospir, qual move 'l core B a3

  1. Allegro AL 72 [LPx2, mono]
    Music of the Gothic Period and the early Renaissance, vol. II
    Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson

  2. Allegro al 14 & al 72 [LPx4, mono]
    Music of the Gothic Period and the Early Renaissance
    Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson

    Allegro LEG 9019 [LP, mono]
    Music of the Gothic Period and the early Renaissance
    Vielle Trio & Du Bose Robertson

  3. Archiv Produktion APM 14019 [LP, mono, European market]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi» & Series D: The Netherlanders to Okeghem «Guillaume Dufay: 8 Sacred Songs»
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  4. Archiv Produktion ARC 37003 [45 r.p.m.]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi»
    Francesco Landini
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  5. Arion ARN 68 462
    Ars Nova - Il Trecento
    Ensemble Réal - Pascal Coté, dir.

  6. BNL Production BNL 112 803 [CD]
    Musique Italienne du XIVe Siècle
    Berry Hayward Consort & Groupe Vocal Claire Caillard-Hayward

  7. Boîte à Musique LD 100 [LP], also
    En retrouvant le Moyen-Âge
    Chansons, danses et pièces instrumentales du XIIIe au XVe siècle
    Ensemble Polyphonique de Paris, R.T.F. - Charles Ravier, dir.

  8. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  9. Candide QCE 31083 [LP-stereo quad]
    The Medieval Harp - Harp Music from the Middle Ages
    Elena Polonska & La Camerata

  10. Carish MCA 28017 [LP, 17cm (?)]
    Antologia sonora della musica italiana / Anthologie de la musique italienne, vol. 3
    Canti religiosi nel basso Medi Evo e nel Rinascimento / Chants profane du moyen-âge
    Lucca, Nobile & others

  11. Fono Gesellschaft Luzern S 30-4703 [LP]
    Musik aus dem Trecento
    S. Frei, W. Frei

  12. RCA Victor LM 40 000 [LPx10]
    Storia della Musica Italiana (ed. Valabrega), Vol. 1
    Dal Canto Gregoriano a Carissimi
    Various performing groups

Fa metter bando e comandar Amore M a2

  1. BNL Production BNL 112 803 [CD]
    Musique Italienne du XIVe Siècle
    Berry Hayward Consort & Groupe Vocal Claire Caillard-Hayward

  2. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

  3. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  4. Tròba Vox TR 049 ISRC 38X19 [CD]
    L'impasse merveilleuse
    De Machaut à Dufay

Fatto m'ha' serv', Amore B a2

  1. EMI/Electrola 1 C 063-24182 [LP - stereo]
    Musik aus Italien 1300-1650
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  2. Rampur Records 112
    Tro og Håb Spiller
    Darkwood Consort

Fior di dolceza sei B a2

No known recording.

Fortuna ria, Amor e crudel donna B a2,3

  1. Arcana 22
    d'Amor Ragionando
    Ballades du neo-Stilnovo en Italie: 1380-1415
    Mala Punica

  2. Verso 2005
    Medée Fu
    Ballades & ballate
    Música francesa e italiana de finales del siglo XIV
    Tritonus XIV

Gentil aspetto in cui la mente mia B a3

No known recording.

Già d'amore speranza B a2

No known recording.

Già ebbi libertate B a2

  1. Supraphon 11 2213-2 211
    Musica in tempore Caroli IV
    Symposium Musicum & Prague Madrigal Singers.

  2. Supraphon 1112 2451-G [LPx2]
    Musica in Bohemia in tempore Caroli IV
    Symposium Musicum & Prague Madrigal Singers.

Già non biasimo Amor, po' che 'l mie petto B a3

No known recording.

Già perch'i' penso ne la tua partita B a2

No known recording.

Giovine donna vidi star selvaggia B a2

  1. CPO 777 623
    La Bella Mandorla
    Ballate, Cacce & Madrigale from the Codex Squarcialupi
    Palatino 87

  2. Winged Horse Music 225167 [CD]
    One Day as I Went Riding
    The Sherwood Consort - Mary Devlin

Giovine vaga, non senti' già mai B a2

  1. Arcana 22
    d'Amor Ragionando
    Ballades du neo-Stilnovo en Italie: 1380-1415
    Mala Punica

  2. Lyrichord Expériences Anonymes EA-83 [LP, mono]
    The Ars Nova
    Capella Cordina - Alejandro Planchart, dir.

  3. Ricercar 206 662
    Instruments 1
    Les Maîtres de l'Organetto Florentin au XIVe siècle
    Christophe Deslignes / Thierry Gomar

  4. Virgin "Veritas" 7243 5 45 357 2 7
    D'amours loial servant
    Chansons d'amour françaises et italiennes des XIVe et XVe siècles - French and Italian love songs of the 14th and 15th centuries - Französiche und italienische Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Gérard Lesne & Alla Francesca

Giunta vaga biltà con gentilezza B a3

  1. Argo ZRG 642 [LP]
    Ecco la Primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  2. Decca Serenata 436 219-2DM
    Ecco la primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  3. Hyperion 66144
    The Garden of Zephirus
    Courtly songs of the early fifteenth century
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page

  4. Hyperion 67549
    Delectatio angeli
    Music of love, longing & lament
    Catherine Bott, et al.

  5. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  6. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

Gli occhi che 'n prima tanto bel piacere B a2

No known recording.

Gram piant' a gli ochi, greve doglia al core B a3

  1. Aliud ACD 93BH05
    Renaissance in Florence
    Francesco Landini and his contemporaries
    Ensemble Super Librum - Jankees Braaksma

  2. L'Anthologie sonore 63 [78 r.p.m. France]
    Ballades du 14e siècle - Ballads of the Fourteenth Century
    H. Guermant, F. Anspach, Marcus, Bauwens, Desèches

  3. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  4. Archiv Produktion APM 14019 [LP, mono, European market]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi» & Series D: The Netherlanders to Okeghem «Guillaume Dufay: 8 Sacred Songs»
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  5. Archiv Produktion ARC 37003 [45 r.p.m.]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi»
    Francesco Landini
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  6. Arte Nova 58969
    Oswald von Wolkenstein and his Italian contemporaries
    Les Menestrels

  7. Arte Nova 74321 70108 2 [CDx5]
    Meisterwerke Alter Musik
    René Clemencic, et al.

    ASV "Quicksilva" CD QS 6131
    A Medieval Banquet
    St. George's Canzona - John Sothcott, dir.

  8. BNL Production BNL 112 803 [CD]
    Musique Italienne du XIVe Siècle
    Berry Hayward Consort & Groupe Vocal Claire Caillard-Hayward

  9. Bonn Recording Enterprises BRE 033 [LP]
    Pastime with Good Company
    Ars Nova - Bevan Leviston, dir.

  10. Calig 30 451 [LP]
    Musik der Gotik und der Renaissance
    Capella Monacensis - Kurt Weinhöppel, dir.

  11. CBC - Radio Canada RM-176 [LP]
    Manitoba University Consort
    Manitoba University Consort - Christine Mather

  12. Channel Classics 5793
    Francesco Landini & his time
    14th Century Italian Ars Nova
    Ensemble Alba Musica Kyo

  13. Classic Editions CE 1018 [LP]
    Recorder Music of six centuries
    The Recorder Consort of the Musicians's Workshop

  14. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  15. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  16. Enigma K 53 571 [LP]
    A Tapestry of Music for the Black Prince and His Knights
    St. George's Canzona - John Sothcott, dir.

  17. Eterna (VEB Deutsche Schallplatten) 8 20 347
    1000 Jahre Musikgeschichte in klingenden Beispielen, 1. Folge
    Von den Anfängen der Mehrstimmigkeit bis zum Ende der Renaissance (1000-1580) - From the Beginning of the Polyphony to the End of the Renaissance
    Alfred Knop

  18. Focus 883-4S (2 Cassettes)
    Music in Medieval Europe
    Studio der frühen Music & Early Music Institute - Thomas Binkley, dir.

    The Gramophone Shop "L'Anthologie Sonore" (61-70) [78 r.p.m. x 10]
    A synthesis of the musical arts: 14th to 18th centuries, vol. 7
    Various performers

    Haydn Society "L'Anthologie sonore" HS-AS 2 [LP]
    The XIIIth & XIVth Centuries
    Various performers

  19. Harmonia mundi HMO 30.592 [LP, mono, Europe]
    Ballades, Rondeaux et Virelais des 14e et 15e siècles (Oeuvres de Machaut, Landini, Dufay et autres)
    Ensemble Ricercare, Zurich - Bill A. Miskell, dir.

  20. Harmonia mundi HMU 2 472 [2 LPs]
    Danses du Moyen-Age: Estampie - Saltarello - Trotto - Virelai - Ballade - Basse danse
    Clemencic Consort & Ensemble Ricercare

  21. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  22. KTOP, Oakland [VHS copy]
    Quest for the Middle Ages - Part 1: Travels, Songs & Tales
    The San Francisco Consort - Todd Wetherwax

  23. Lyrichord LL 147 [LPx3, stereo]
    A History of Music from Middle Ages to the Pre-Baroque
    Collegium Musicum, Krefeld - Robert Haas, dir.

  24. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  25. Mirror Music Mi 00002 [LP]
    Ein Fest im Palast des umbrischen Grafen Pierbaldo im Jahre 1400 - A Banquet in the Palace of the Umbrian Count Pierbaldo in the Year 1400
    Les Menestrels, Wiener Ensemble für Alte Musik

  26. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  27. Opus 111 60-9206
    Francesco Landini and Italian Ars Nova
    Alla Francesca

  28. Pacific Coast Friends of Music PCFM 1001 [LP]
    A Treasury of Early Music
    Musica Pacifica - Paul Vorwerk, dir.

  29. Philips 802 904 LY [LP]
    Music from the Decameron - Musique du Decameron - Musik aus der zeit von Boccaccios Decamerone
    Musica Reservata - John Beckett, cond. & Michael Morrow, mus. dir.

  30. Symphonia 95142
    Donna, s'amor m'invita
    The vocal and instrumental art of the Ars Nova
    Continens Paradisi

  31. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" AWT 9 466-B [LP, mono]
    Frühe Musik in Italien, Frankreich und Burgund
    Studio der frühen Musik

  32. Telefunken "Das Alte Werk" 6.35 067 DX [LPx2]
    Frühe Musik: England - Flandern - Deutschland - Spanien, - Italien - Frankreich und Burgund
    Studio der frühen Musik

  33. Tudor 0501 [LP]
    Das Fest der Pie(o)rbaldo (nach dem sonetenkranz "Mundus Pacidus" des Simon d'Orvieto) - The Feast of Pierobaldo (following the cycle of sonnets "Mundus Placidus" by Simon d'Orvieto
    Nach dem sonetenkranz "Mundus Pacidus" des Simon d'Orvieto - Following the cycle of sonnets "Mundus Placidus" by Simon d'Orvieto
    Les Ménestrels, Wiener Ensemble für Alte Musik

  34. Ur Sound UrS CD 2101 [CD]
    Medieval Music
    Noise of Minstrels

  35. The Village & Early Music Society (no number) [CD]
    A Medieval Pilgrimage
    A Musical Tour of the Middle Ages
    AROW - American Recorder Orchestra of the West - Richard Geisler

  36. Vox Pl 8120 [LP, mono]
    Music of the Renaissance
    Collegium Musicum, Krefeld - Robert Haas, dir.

  37. Voxfire 2 [CD]
    Live in Concert 2000-2005

Guarda una volta in cià verso 'l tuo servo B a3

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  2. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  3. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  4. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

I' fu' tuo servo, Amore, in verde etate B a2

No known recording.

Il suo bel viso, che guardar mi toglie B a2

No known recording.

I' non ardisco mostrat el tormento B a2

No known recording.

In somma altezza t'ha posta natura B a2

  1. University of East Anglia UEA 78001 [LP]
    Landini Consort
    Songs and dances of fourteenth - century Italy
    Landini Consort - Peter Syrus, dir.

I' piango, lasso!, 'l tempo ch'è passato B a2

No known recording.

I' priego Amor e la vostra biltate B a2,3

  1. Brilliant Classics 96222 [CD]
    Paradigma Medioevo
    Music from 14th-century Italy
    Aquila Altera

  2. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  3. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  4. Harmonia mundi HMO 30.592 [LP, mono, Europe]
    Ballades, Rondeaux et Virelais des 14e et 15e siècles (Oeuvres de Machaut, Landini, Dufay et autres)
    Ensemble Ricercare, Zurich - Bill A. Miskell, dir.

  5. Harmonia mundi HMU 2 472 [2 LPs]
    Danses du Moyen-Age: Estampie - Saltarello - Trotto - Virelai - Ballade - Basse danse
    Clemencic Consort & Ensemble Ricercare

  6. Musical Heritage Society MHS 1141 [LP]
    Music of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance
    The Festival Consort (San Diego) - Lawrence Selman, dir.

  7. Oasis Music Factory KCD-2072 [CD]
    La Morra - Michal Gondko & Corina Marti

  8. Opus 111 60-9206
    Francesco Landini and Italian Ars Nova
    Alla Francesca

  9. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

I' vegio ch'a natura piacque e piace B a2

  1. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

La bionda treccia di fin or colore B a2

  1. Argo ZRG 642 [LP]
    Ecco la Primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  2. Decca Serenata 436 219-2DM
    Ecco la primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  3. Fonoruz CDF 1337
    ... una danza a sonare
    Artes Instrumentales del Trecento
    Grupo Cinco Siglos

  4. Giulia "Musica Antiqua" GS 201007
    Guinevere, Yseut, Melusine
    The heritage of Celtic womanhood in the Middle Ages
    Ensemble La Reverdie

  5. Griffin GCCD 4001 [CD]
    Middle Ages Music
    Trinity Baroque - Julian Podger, dir.
    The Forbury Consort - Alan Crumpler, dir.
    The Holbein Consort - Martin Pope, dir.

  6. Harmonia mundi HMU 90 7038
    Il Solazzo - Music for a medieval banquet
    The Newberry Consort

  7. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  8. Opus 111 60-9206
    Francesco Landini and Italian Ars Nova
    Alla Francesca

  9. Rampur Records 112
    Tro og Håb Spiller
    Darkwood Consort

  10. Stradivarius 37213 [CD]
    Sento d'amor la fiamma
    Musica cavalleresca e cortese del Trecento Italiano
    I Trobadores

La dolce vista, che da gli occhi move B a2,3

  1. Da Camera "Magna" 91 705 [LP]
    Musica da Camera Italiana
    Charlotte Lehmann, Karslruher Consort - Hans Spengler, dir.

  2. EMI/Electrola 1 C 063-24182 [LP - stereo]
    Musik aus Italien 1300-1650
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

L'alma legiadra del tuo viso pio B a2

No known recording.

L'alma mie piange e mai non può aver pace B a3

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  2. CRD 1112 [LP]
    Merry it is While Summer Lasts
    A collection of medieval and traditional music from the Spring and Summer Festivals
    St. George's Canzona - John Sothcott, dir.

  3. Erdenklang 40 692 [CD]
    Himmel, Earth, Heaven, Erde: 1200-1600
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  4. Film for the Humanities BVL 716 [DVD]
    Music in Time - Part 2: The First Secular Music
    The authoritative, comprehensive History of Western Music
    Narrated by James Galway
    Various performers

  5. Jubal A 002
    Fumeux fume par fumee
    Speculum - Ernesto Schmied

  6. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  7. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

  8. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

La mala lingua è d'ogni mal radice B a2

No known recording.

La mente mi riprende B a3

  1. CPO 777 623
    La Bella Mandorla
    Ballate, Cacce & Madrigale from the Codex Squarcialupi
    Palatino 87

L'antica fiamma e 'l dolce e bel disio B a2

  1. Bayer Records BR 100 164
    J'ay pris amours
    Isaak Ensemble, Heidelberg & Eva Lebherz-Valentin

L'aspetto è qui e lo spirito no B a2

  1. Aquila AQ 04981
    Au renouvel du tens
    Musique médiévale
    Ensemble Aquila

Lasso!, di donna vana innamorato B a3

  1. Arion ARN68648
    Gentil mia donna
    Petrarca e la musica
    Ensemble Fuoco e Cenere - Jay Bernfeld, dir.

  2. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  3. Dorian DOR 93 175
    The Sport of Love
    Songs of Love and the Hunt from the Renaisace and Middle Ages
    Música Antigua de Albuquerque

  4. Elektra 74012 (CD)
    Judy Collins, et al.

  5. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  6. Opus 111 60-9206
    Francesco Landini and Italian Ars Nova
    Alla Francesca

Lasso!, per mie fortuna ho posto amore B a3

  1. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

L'onesta tuo biltà, donna, e amore B a2

  1. CPO 777 623
    La Bella Mandorla
    Ballate, Cacce & Madrigale from the Codex Squarcialupi
    Palatino 87

Lucea nel prato d'amorosi fiori M a2

  1. Rampur Records 112
    Tro og Håb Spiller
    Darkwood Consort

Ma' non s'andrà per questa donn'altera B a2

  1. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  2. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

Mostrommi Amor già fra le verdi fronde M a2

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

Muorti oramai, deh, misero dolente B a3

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  2. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  3. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  4. Melodiya C 1015085 - C 10 15086 (matrix number) [LP]
    Italy: Secular music of the 12th - 14th Century
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  5. Raum Klang 9905
    Triplicité: 1350-1450
    Zorgina Vocalensemble

  6. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

  7. Talanton TAL90004 [CD]
    Amours me fait desirer
    Ave Maria
    Alta musica – Rainer Böhm, dir.

Musica son che mi dolgo / Già furon le dolcezze / Ciascun vuol inarrar M a3

  1. Arcana 29
    O Tu Chiara Sciença
    Musique de la Pensée Médiévale
    La Reverdie

  2. Arcana 399 [CDx5]
    Knights, Maids, and Miracles
    The Spring of Middle Ages
    La Reverdie

  3. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  4. Blue Heron 1010 [download]
    A 14th-Century Salmagundi
    Blue Heron - Scott Metcalfe

  5. Linn 529
    Parle qui veut
    Sollazzo Ensemble

  6. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  7. ORF "Edition Alte Musik" CD 314 [CDx3 + CD (dts)]
    ResOnanzen 2002
    Das ewig Weibliche

  8. Philips 802 904 LY [LP]
    Music from the Decameron - Musique du Decameron - Musik aus der zeit von Boccaccios Decamerone
    Musica Reservata - John Beckett, cond. & Michael Morrow, mus. dir.

  9. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Ne la mi' vita sento men venire B a3

  1. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  2. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  3. Verso 2005
    Medée Fu
    Ballades & ballate
    Música francesa e italiana de finales del siglo XIV
    Tritonus XIV

  4. Voxfire 2 [CD]
    Live in Concert 2000-2005

Ne la partita pianson gli occhi miei B a2

  1. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  2. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

Ne la più cara parte del mie core B a2

  1. Acantha 0043
    Fikon, fiddlor och finlir - Figs, fiddles and fine play
    En musikalisk smak av 1300-talet - A musical taste of the 14th century

  2. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  3. Ramée 2206 [CDx2]
    Music in Golden-Age Florence, 1250-1750
    La Morra / Theatro dei Cervelli - Francesco Corti

Ne la tuo luce tien' la vita mia B a2

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

Né 'n ciascun mie pensiero B a3

No known recording.

Nessun ponga speranza B a3

  1. Archiv Produktion APM 14019 [LP, mono, European market]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi» & Series D: The Netherlanders to Okeghem «Guillaume Dufay: 8 Sacred Songs»
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  2. Archiv Produktion ARC 37003 [45 r.p.m.]
    III. Research Period - The Early Renaissance, Series A: The Florentine Group «8 Madrigals and Caccias from Codex of Antonio Squarcialupi»
    Francesco Landini
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape, dir.

  3. Arion ARN 68 462
    Ars Nova - Il Trecento
    Ensemble Réal - Pascal Coté, dir.

  4. Christophorus CHR 77 194
    Musik der Engel - Music of the Angels
    Italienische Musik des Trecento für Alte Capella und Perkussion - Italian Music of the Trecento for Alta Capella and Percussion
    Les Haulz et les Bas

  5. Collegium Stereo JE 105 [LP]
    The Italian Trecento
    The Columbia University Collegium Musicum - R. Taruskin, dir.

  6. Hyperion 66144
    The Garden of Zephirus
    Courtly songs of the early fifteenth century
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page

  7. Raum Klang 3501
    Con voce quasi humana
    Vocal Music of the Trecento
    Ensemble Perlaro - Lorenza Donadini

Nessun provò già ma' sì rie fortuna B a2

No known recording.

Non a Narcisso fu più amar lo specchio M a2

No known recording.

Non arà mai pietà questa mia donna B a3

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  2. Carish MCA 28017 [LP, 17cm (?)]
    Antologia sonora della musica italiana / Anthologie de la musique italienne, vol. 3
    Canti religiosi nel basso Medi Evo e nel Rinascimento / Chants profane du moyen-âge
    Lucca, Nobile & others

  3. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  4. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  5. Guilde du Disque SMS 2.423 [LP]
    Splendeur du passé - Du Moyen Age à la Renaissance
    Rita Soguel (voice), Capella Instrumentalis & Psalette Genève - Blaise Pidoux & Pierre Pernoux, dirs.

  6. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  7. Naxos 8.553618
    Codex Faenza
    Instrumental Music of the Early XVth Century
    Ensemble Unicorn - Michael Posch

  8. Naxos 8.505075 [CDx5]
    Faszination Alte Musik
    Lieder & Tänze des Mittelalters
    Ensemble Unicorn Wien - Michael Posch, dir.

    Naxos « Educational – Discover » 8.558170 / 71 [CDx2]
    Discover Early Music
    Various performers and ensembles

  9. Philips 802 904 LY [LP]
    Music from the Decameron - Musique du Decameron - Musik aus der zeit von Boccaccios Decamerone
    Musica Reservata - John Beckett, cond. & Michael Morrow, mus. dir.

  10. Regulus Classics 1012 [CD]
    Lamento di Tristano
    Marie Nishiyama

  11. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni
    [Note: "based upon"]

  12. Talanton TAL90004 [CD]
    Amours me fait desirer
    Ave Maria
    Alta musica – Rainer Böhm, dir.

  13. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Non creder, donna, che nessuna sia B a2

  1. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  2. Brilliant Classics 96222 [CD]
    Paradigma Medioevo
    Music from 14th-century Italy
    Aquila Altera

  3. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  4. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Non do la colp'a te del duol ch'i' porto B a3

  1. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  2. Harmonia Mundi "Century" HMX 290 8168 [CD]
    Une révolution de l'esprit et de la musique (XIVe siècle) / An intellectual revolution in music
    Le siècle de l'Ars nova / Ars Nova, A Revolution in the Late Middle Ages
    Various performers

  3. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

Non per fallir di me tuo vista pia B a2

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

O fanciulla giulia B a3

  1. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  2. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  3. Griffin GCCD 4001 [CD]
    Middle Ages Music
    Trinity Baroque - Julian Podger, dir.
    The Forbury Consort - Alan Crumpler, dir.
    The Holbein Consort - Martin Pope, dir.

  4. Jubal A 002
    Fumeux fume par fumee
    Speculum - Ernesto Schmied

  5. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  6. ORF "Edition Alte Musik" CD 314 [CDx3 + CD (dts)]
    ResOnanzen 2002
    Das ewig Weibliche

  7. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Ochi dolenti mie, che pur piangete B a2

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  2. Ars Produktion ARS 38489 [CD]
    Très gentil cuer
    Höfische Musik des späten Mittelalters
    Fortuna Canta

  3. Bongiovanni 5532
    Il Giardino dell'Amore
    Musiche strumentali nell'Europa fra Medioevo e Rinascimento
    Consort Fontegara

  4. Brilliant Classics 96222 [CD]
    Paradigma Medioevo
    Music from 14th-century Italy
    Aquila Altera

  5. Christophorus Entrée 0042
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  6. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  7. Home Recordings 006 [CDx3]
    Christophe Deslignes

  8. Hyperion 66286
    A Song for Francesca
    Music in Italy, 1330-1430
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page

  9. Hyperion CDS 44251/3 [CDx3]
    Gothic Voices Gramophone Award Winners Collection
    Gothic Voice - Christopher Page

  10. I.H.W. Versand Helga Weber 66.22 371
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  11. Move MCD 129 [CD]

  12. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  13. Opus 111 30-112
    Landini E I Suoi Contemporanei
    Firenze Secolo XIV

  14. Rampur Records 112
    Tro og Håb Spiller
    Darkwood Consort

  15. University of East Anglia UEA 78001 [LP]
    Landini Consort
    Songs and dances of fourteenth - century Italy
    Landini Consort - Peter Syrus, dir.

Ognor mi trovo più d'amor costretto B a2

  1. Christophorus CHR 77 194
    Musik der Engel - Music of the Angels
    Italienische Musik des Trecento für Alte Capella und Perkussion - Italian Music of the Trecento for Alta Capella and Percussion
    Les Haulz et les Bas

  2. Christophorus Entrée 0042
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  3. Éditions Musicales Lugdivine « Them'Axe » 7 [Book + CDx2]
    Instruments et musiques du Moyen Âge
    Various performers

  4. I.H.W. Versand Helga Weber 66.22 371
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

Oimèe 'l core! Non più, non più ardore B a2

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

O pianta vaga, che ne l'alto monte M a2

  1. BNL Production BNL 112 803 [CD]
    Musique Italienne du XIVe Siècle
    Berry Hayward Consort & Groupe Vocal Claire Caillard-Hayward

Or è tal l'alma mia B a2

  1. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

Or su, gentili spirti ad amar pronti B a3

  1. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  2. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

  3. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Partesi con dolore B a3

  1. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

Per allegreza del parlar d'amore B a2

  1. Aliud ACD 93BH05
    Renaissance in Florence
    Francesco Landini and his contemporaries
    Ensemble Super Librum - Jankees Braaksma

  2. Christophorus Entrée 0042
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  3. Fono Gesellschaft Luzern S 30-4703 [LP]
    Musik aus dem Trecento
    S. Frei, W. Frei

  4. Harmonia mundi HMO 30.592 [LP, mono, Europe]
    Ballades, Rondeaux et Virelais des 14e et 15e siècles (Oeuvres de Machaut, Landini, Dufay et autres)
    Ensemble Ricercare, Zurich - Bill A. Miskell, dir.

  5. Harmonia mundi HMU 3 445 [3 Lps + book]
    Dictionnaire des Instruments anciens
    Clemencic Consort, Ars Musicae de Barcelone, Ensemble Ricercare, Atrium Musicae, Schola Cantorum de Londres & various artists

    Harmonia mundi HMU 2 472 [2 LPs]
    Danses du Moyen-Age: Estampie - Saltarello - Trotto - Virelai - Ballade - Basse danse
    Clemencic Consort & Ensemble Ricercare

  6. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  7. I.H.W. Versand Helga Weber 66.22 371
    Pour l'amour
    Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber

  8. Sonclair CD JB 128 836
    Intabulation and Improvisation in the 14th Century
    Ensemble Super librum

  9. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Perché di novo sdegno / Vendetta far dovrei / Perché tuo servo B a3

  1. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

Perché virtù fa l'uom costante e forte B a2

No known recording.

Per la belleza, che mie donn'adorna B a2

No known recording.

Per la mie dolze piaga, che per gli ochi B a3

No known recording.

Per la'nfluenza di Saturn'e Marte M a2

  1. BNL Production BNL 112 803 [CD]
    Musique Italienne du XIVe Siècle
    Berry Hayward Consort & Groupe Vocal Claire Caillard-Hayward

Per seguir la speranza, che m'ancide B a3

    Erdenklang 40 692 [CD]
    Himmel, Earth, Heaven, Erde: 1200-1600
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  1. Hyperion 66286
    A Song for Francesca
    Music in Italy, 1330-1430
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page

  2. Hyperion CDS 44251/3 [CDx3]
    Gothic Voices Gramophone Award Winners Collection
    Gothic Voice - Christopher Page

  3. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  4. Musica Humana MH-1063 [CD - Japan]
    Landini - Cara mie donna

  5. Raum Klang 3501
    Con voce quasi humana
    Vocal Music of the Trecento
    Ensemble Perlaro - Lorenza Donadini

  6. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

Per servar umiltà la mente spera B a2

No known recording.

Per un amante rio tal pena sento B a2

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

Più bella donn'al mondo ma' non fia B a2

  1. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

Po' ch'amor ne' begli ochi più non veggio B a2

No known recording.

Po' che di simil foco B a2

No known recording.

Po' che partir convienmi, donna cara B a3

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

  2. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  3. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

  4. Studio Matous MK 0026 - 2 231
    Gothic Music in Bohemia 13th-15th century
    Ars Cameralis - Lukás Matousek

  5. Supraphon 11 2213-2 211
    Musica in tempore Caroli IV
    Symposium Musicum & Prague Madrigal Singers.

  6. Supraphon 1112 2451-G [LPx2]
    Musica in Bohemia in tempore Caroli IV
    Symposium Musicum & Prague Madrigal Singers.

  7. Verlag der Spielleute CD 0204 [CDx2]
    Laude novella
    Ein musikalisches Reisetagebuch ... von Baiern nach Italien um 1392
    EST! - Ensemble für Musik des späten Mittelalters

Poi che da te mi convien partir via B a2

  1. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  2. EMI/HMV Angel SLS 988 [LPx2]
    Instruments of Middle Ages and Renaissance
    The Early Music Consort - David Munrow, dir.

  3. Testament SBT2 1368 [CDx2]
    The Art of the Recorder - Instruments of the Middle Ages (excerpts)
    The David Munrow recorder Consort & The Early Music Consort of London

    Yamano Music YMCD 1031.32 (2 CDs)
    Instruments of Middle Ages and Renaissance
    The Early Music Consort - David Munrow, dir.

Posto che da l'aspetto sie allungato B a3

No known recording.

Quanto più caro fai B a3

  1. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

  2. Lawo Classics 1132
    Altera Luce

  3. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

Quel sol che raggia sempre nel cor mio B a3

  1. Marc Aurel edition 20005
    Alte Musik für Blockflöte und Harfe
    Bois de Cologne

Questa fanciulla, Amor, fallami pia B a3

  1. Acantha 0043
    Fikon, fiddlor och finlir - Figs, fiddles and fine play
    En musikalisk smak av 1300-talet - A musical taste of the 14th century

  2. Aeolus AE 10023 [CD]
    The St. Emmeram Mensural Codex
    Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 14274
    [Note: contrafactum]

  3. Ambronay 055 [CD]
    Firenze 1350
    A Medieval Florentine Garden
    Sollazzo Ensemble - Anna Danilevskaia [Note: contrafactum]

  4. Arcana 20
    Speculum amoris
    Lyrique d'Amour médieval, du Mysticisme à l'érotisme
    La Reverdie

  5. Arcana 399 [CDx5]
    Knights, Maids, and Miracles
    The Spring of Middle Ages
    La Reverdie

  6. Argo ZRG 642 [LP]
    Ecco la Primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  7. Ars Produktion ARS 38489 [CD]
    Très gentil cuer
    Höfische Musik des späten Mittelalters
    Fortuna Canta

  8. ASV "Quicksilva" CD QS 6131
    A Medieval Banquet
    St. George's Canzona - John Sothcott, dir.

  9. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  10. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  11. Brilliant Classics 96222 [CD]
    Paradigma Medioevo
    Music from 14th-century Italy
    Aquila Altera

  12. Caprice "Expo Norr" RIKS LPED 1-2 [LPx2]
    Musik Och Instrument Från Medeltid Och Renässans
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley

  13. Carpe Diem 16265
    Ensemble Alta Musica

  14. CPO 777 623
    La Bella Mandorla
    Ballate, Cacce & Madrigale from the Codex Squarcialupi
    Palatino 87

  15. Decca Serenata 436 219-2DM
    Ecco la primavera - Florentine music of the 14th century
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.

  16. Disques Lyres LLL 03008
    Les chemins du Moyen Âge - A journey through the Middle Ages
    Musique instrumentale - Instrumental Music

  17. Ducretet-Thomson Duc 320-C-131 / 33 [LPx3]
    Anthologie de la Musique d'orgue des Primitifs à la Renaissance
    Pierre Froidebise
    [Note: "based upon"]

  18. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  19. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

  20. Enigma K 53 571 [LP]
    A Tapestry of Music for the Black Prince and His Knights
    St. George's Canzona - John Sothcott, dir.

  21. Film for the Humanities BVL 716 [DVD]
    Music in Time - Part 2: The First Secular Music
    The authoritative, comprehensive History of Western Music
    Narrated by James Galway
    Various performers

  22. Herald 236
    The Canterbury Pilgrims
    Opus Anglicanum

  23. Marc Aurel edition 20005
    Alte Musik für Blockflöte und Harfe
    Bois de Cologne

  24. Melodiya S10 26433 004 [LP]
    J. Ciconia i evo vremia (J. Ciconia and his Time)
    Ancambl starinoi muziki (Ensemble of Ancient Music) Pro Anima

  25. Pan Classics 10221
    Sotto l'imperio del possente prince
    Hommage Music of the 14th and 15th Century
    Ensemble Perlaro - Lorenza Donadini dir.

  26. Pathé PAT 63 [78 r.p.m.]
    Three Centuries of Organ Music, rec. 2
    Landino - Palestrina - A. Gabrieli
    A. Marchal, C. Hens

  27. Philips 802 904 LY [LP]
    Music from the Decameron - Musique du Decameron - Musik aus der zeit von Boccaccios Decamerone
    Musica Reservata - John Beckett, cond. & Michael Morrow, mus. dir.

  28. Tactus 300005 [CD]
    Ch'amor mi prese
    Amore sacro e profano nel Medioevo Italiano
    In Tactvs

  29. Tactus TC 321 201
    Landini: Ballate
    Ensemble Camerata Nova / Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Luigi Taglioni

  30. Tactus 400005
    Il Codice di Guardiagrele
    I Corali di S. Maria Maggiore, sec. XIV
    De bon parole - Marco Giacintucci

  31. Virgin "Veritas" 7243 5 45 357 2 7
    D'amours loial servant
    Chansons d'amour françaises et italiennes des XIVe et XVe siècles - French and Italian love songs of the 14th and 15th centuries - Französiche und italienische Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Gérard Lesne & Alla Francesca

  32. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

S'andray sanza merzé di tempo in tempo B a2

No known recording.

Se la nimica mie fortuna more B a2

  1. Arch Records S-1773 (LP)
    Music for a While

  2. Philips 802 904 LY [LP]
    Music from the Decameron - Musique du Decameron - Musik aus der zeit von Boccaccios Decamerone
    Musica Reservata - John Beckett, cond. & Michael Morrow, mus. dir.

Se la vista soave B a2

  1. Ramée 1916 [CD]
    Early European Keyboard Music
    Corina Marti

Selvagia, fera di Diana serva B a3

  1. Ramée 1901 [CD]
    Song of Beasts
    Fantastic Creatures in Medieval Song
    Ensemble Dragma

Se merzé, donna, merita 'l servire B a2

No known recording.

Sempre girò caendo 'l tuo bel viso B a2

No known recording.

Se pronto non sarà l'uom al ben fare B a2

  1. Bayer Records BR 100 164
    J'ay pris amours
    Isaak Ensemble, Heidelberg & Eva Lebherz-Valentin

  2. Harmonia Mundi USA 907269
    The Second Circle
    Love Songs of Francesco Landini
    Anonymous 4

Sia maladetta l'or' e 'l dì ch'io venni B a2

No known recording.

Sì dolce non sonò con lira Orfeo M a3

  1. Alpha 286
    Metamorfosi Trecento
    La Fonte Musica - Michele Pasotti

  2. Arcana 29
    O Tu Chiara Sciença
    Musique de la Pensée Médiévale
    La Reverdie

  3. Arcana 399 [CDx5]
    Knights, Maids, and Miracles
    The Spring of Middle Ages
    La Reverdie

  4. Ars Produktion ARS 38489 [CD]
    Très gentil cuer
    Höfische Musik des späten Mittelalters
    Fortuna Canta

  5. Collegium Stereo JE 105 [LP]
    The Italian Trecento
    The Columbia University Collegium Musicum - R. Taruskin, dir.

  6. EMI/Electrola 1 C 063-24182 [LP - stereo]
    Musik aus Italien 1300-1650
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

  7. Lyrichord Expériences Anonymes EA-83 [LP, mono]
    The Ars Nova
    Capella Cordina - Alejandro Planchart, dir.

  8. Melodiya 249 002 [LP]
    Landini - Ballate, madrigali, caccia
    Hortus Musicus - Andres Mustonen, dir.

  9. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  10. Opus 111 60-9206
    Francesco Landini and Italian Ars Nova
    Alla Francesca

  11. Orpheus (Musical Heritage Society) OR 437 [LP]
    History of European Music - Part II: Music of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance, vol. 1
    Schola Cantorum Londiniensis & Ambrosian Singers - Denis Stevens, musical dir.

    Orpheus (Musical Heritage Society) OR 437 / 439 [LPx3]
    History of European Music - Part II: Music of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance
    Schola Cantorum Londiniensis & Ambrosian Singers - Denis Stevens, musical dir.

  12. Pleiades P 250 [LP, stereo]
    Historical Anthology of Music in Performance
    Late Medieval Music
    The University of Chicago Collegium Musicum - Howard M. Brown, dir.; Southern Illinois University Collegium Musicum - Wesley K. Morgan, dir.

S'i' fossi certo del dover morire B a3

No known recording.

S'i' ti son stato e voglio esser fedele B a2

  1. Channel Classics 5793
    Francesco Landini & his time
    14th Century Italian Ars Nova
    Ensemble Alba Musica Kyo

  2. Telefunken AW 6.42 357 [LP - stereo]
    Denkmäler alter Musik aus dem Codex Reina (14-15 Jh.) - Monuments of Ancient Music - Monuments de la musique ancienne (Codex Reina, c. 1400)
    Syntagma Musicum of Amsterdam - Kees Otten, dir.

Somma felicità, sommo tesoro M a2

  1. Carpe Diem 16287
    Rosa e Orticha
    Music of the Trecento
    Ensemble Syntagma - Alexandre Danilevski

Tante belleze in questa donna stanno B a2

  1. Arcana 462 [CD]
    L'Occhio del Cor
    Francesco Landini
    La Reverdie / Christophe Deslignes

Tu che l'opera altrui vuo' giudicare M a2

  1. Columbia (EMI) SAHX-9 [LP]
    Anthology of Early Music
    Ensemble Syntagma Musicum - Kees Otten, dir.

Una colomba candida e gentile M a2

  1. EMI "Reflexe" 1C 063-30 113 [LP]
    Francesco Landini
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.

  2. EMI Classics 826 480-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 3 Stationen Europäischer Musik
    Francesco Landini - La Pellegrina - Die Instrumentalvariation in der Spanischen Renaissancemusik - Praetorius - Auswalh aus Terpsichore - Martim Codax, Bernart de Ventadorn
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Stockholmer Kammerchor - Eric Ericson, dir. & Linde-Consort, Hans-Martin Linde, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piquet and Jordi Savall, dirs
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.

Vaga fanciulla, leggiadr'e vezzosa B a2

  1. Avie 2151 [CD]
    A laurel for Landini
    14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer
    Gothic Voices & Andrew Lawrence-King

  2. Pan Classics 10221
    Sotto l'imperio del possente prince
    Hommage Music of the 14th and 15th Century
    Ensemble Perlaro - Lorenza Donadini dir.

  3. Zig-Zag Territories ZZT 050603 [CD]
    Landini - Fior di Dolceça
    L'Ars nova di Magister Franciscus Cecus Orghanista de Florentia

Va' pure, Amor, e con le reti tue B a2

  1. Harmonia mundi HMO 30.592 [LP, mono, Europe]
    Ballades, Rondeaux et Virelais des 14e et 15e siècles (Oeuvres de Machaut, Landini, Dufay et autres)
    Ensemble Ricercare, Zurich - Bill A. Miskell, dir.

  2. Harmonia mundi HMU 3 445 [3 Lps + book]
    Dictionnaire des Instruments anciens
    Clemencic Consort, Ars Musicae de Barcelone, Ensemble Ricercare, Atrium Musicae, Schola Cantorum de Londres & various artists

    Harmonia mundi HMU 2 472 [2 LPs]
    Danses du Moyen-Age: Estampie - Saltarello - Trotto - Virelai - Ballade - Basse danse
    Clemencic Consort & Ensemble Ricercare

Viditi, donna, già vaga d'amore B a2

  1. Sonclair CD JB 128 836
    Intabulation and Improvisation in the 14th Century
    Ensemble Super librum

Vita non è più miser né più ria B a2

  1. Bongiovanni GB 5188-2 [CD]
    Landini: Cantasi Come
    Laude e contrafacta nella Firenze del '300
    Ensemble San Felice - Federico Bardazzi, dir.

  2. Move MD 3093
    I am Music - Works by Francesco Landini
    The Ensemble of the Fourteenth Century - John Griffiths & John Stinson, dir.

  3. Tactus 400002
    Ballate e Madrigali
    At the Court of Paolo Guinigi (sec. XV)
    Ensemble Cantilena Antiqua / Concentus Lucensis - Stefano Albarello


Né te né altra voglio amar giammai, Cz


These works are sometimes attributed to Landini, but are doubtful for one reason or another.

Accurr'uomo, accurr'uomo! B a2

No known recording.

Cosa non è ch'a sé tanto mi tiri B a3

No known recording.

Florencia, mundi speculum / Parce, pater pietatis Mo a3?

No known recording.

Io son un pellegrin che vo cercando B a2

  1. Allegro ALG 3029 [LP, mono]
    Italian Madrigal - Ars Nova & XVIth Century
    Vassar Madrigal Singers - Geer, dir.

  2. Astrée 7706
    Ballate monodiques de l'ars Nova Florentine
    Esther Lamandier

  3. Christophorus CHR 77 194
    Musik der Engel - Music of the Angels
    Italienische Musik des Trecento für Alte Capella und Perkussion - Italian Music of the Trecento for Alta Capella and Percussion
    Les Haulz et les Bas

Leonarde, pater inclite / Marce Marcum imitaris Mo a3?

No known recording.

Mort'è la fé lo sperar va giù B a2

No known recording.

Principium nobilissime Mo a3?

No known recording.


These are works mentioned on recordings, but not in works lists. They may be typographical errors or corrupted titles, or simply other texts where Landini's music has been used.

Dolze meo drudo

  1. Bongiovanni 5532
    Il Giardino dell'Amore
    Musiche strumentali nell'Europa fra Medioevo e Rinascimento
    Consort Fontegara

Io ti lascio

  1. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi (BMG) 7 865-2 RC
    O cieco mondo
    Huelgas Ensemble - Paul Van Nevel, dir.

L'antefana de ser Lorenço

  1. Collegium Stereo JE 105 [LP]
    The Italian Trecento
    The Columbia University Collegium Musicum - R. Taruskin, dir.

Li joli temps d'este

  1. Rosewood Music RM 1400 [CD]
    The Grafted Tree - Medieval Tales with Harp

Per allegrezza del nostro Signore

  1. Marc Aurel Editions 20012
    Joculatores Dei, Minstrels of God
    The Lauda in medieval Italy
    Vox Resonat - Eric Mentzel, dir.
    [ Landini's music added to another text by ensemble? ]

Preghiam Giesu non lieta cieta

  1. Marc Aurel Editions 20012
    Joculatores Dei, Minstrels of God
    The Lauda in medieval Italy
    Vox Resonat - Eric Mentzel, dir.
    [ Landini's music added to another text by ensemble? ]

[Not named]

This section lists recordings where an unspecified work by Landini is included. In many cases, these recordings will be moved to their appropriate places in the above list at a later date.

  1. Electrecord (Romania) EXE 0234 [LP]
    History of Music, Record No. 1
    Valentin Teodorian, et al.

  2. Emmuty Records EM 004
    A la via!
    A la via!

  3. Tròba Vox TR 047 ISRC FR38X17 [CD]
    Le Chant de brûles - Lo cant dels cremats - Chanson de Geste pour Montségur et Puivert
    Les Baladins d'Icarie

  4. Xeremia 0496
    Historique de la Musique Médiévale
    Ensemble Xeremia

To Early Music FAQ

Todd M. McComb